Essay Sample on Policy Initiatives and Concepts to Support the Elderly

Published: 2023-07-11
Essay Sample on Policy Initiatives and Concepts to Support the Elderly
Essay type:  Analytical essays
Categories:  Community Public policy Human services Lifespan development
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 597 words
5 min read

With populations in societies aging rapidly, policymakers and service providers are known for maintaining and building age-friendly communities. As people grow old, they turn out to be frailer, and this increases their need for building up their characters to fit in the place (Shanas et al., 2017). As a public officer, it is essential to understand that every community has a collection of multifunctional relationships that have beneficial conditions and opportunities to ease the goal realization of older adults. The essay will explain more about the benefits of age-friendly environments to the elderly.

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When older people live in an environment that has trust, they tend to help each other instead of relying on the younger generation for other benefits (Shanas et al., 2017). To curb this situation as a public officer, the best policy to enact is the creation of age-friendly societies. In other words, there should be a balance between the congruence among the elderly, the resources, the physical environmental conditions, and the social environment.

Little is known as to why some communities are age-friendly, while others are relayed to the well-being of the old. Since there is no description of the effectiveness of age-friendly societies and age-friendly neighborhoods, it is crucial to facilitate the age-friendly environment for the elderly (Shanas et al., 2017). If communities have the realization of creating a well-being environment, the relationship between the elderly and the public will increase.

In such cases, the ability of societies to dwell for older adults for their well-being through resources will not disvalue them. Instead, physical well-being will be achieved because of the instrumental goals of comfort and stimulation. When stimulation is activated, it creates arousal such as sensory stimulation, physical and mental efforts (Kaplan, 2011). The policy also promotes civic and social participation among the elderly.

The purpose of the well-being environment is to ensure that the communities are taking care of the well-being of the older people through stimulating activities that create sensory, mental, and arousal stimulation (Kaplan, 2011). Even if the neighborhoods have differences, this policy will ensure that the elderly are comfortable and free from harmful situations such as thirst, hunger, pain, and fear.

Feeling protected and secure in society is a vital resource for older people's comfort to make them happy. The policy will also create community support from both health services and local shops, who will be obliged to attend to the old whenever their services are needed (Kaplan, 2011). The best way to facilitate this is through social security programs, social protection schemes, and social assistance programs whose role will be realizing the well-being of older people.


The relationship between the well-being of older people and the community is dynamic because the elderly tend to depend more on their neighborhoods. With populations in societies aging rapidly, it is essential to enact policies that know of the importance of maintaining and building age-friendly communities. One example is the well-being policy because it takes care of elderly needs.

The policy also ensures that older adults are physically fit by promoting civic and social participation. The system will also create community support from both health services and local shops to assist them whenever they need such services. Even if the neighborhoods have differences, this policy ensures that the elderly are comfortable and free from harmful situations.


Kaplan, R. (2011). Well-being, Reasonableness, and the Natural Environment. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 3(3), 304-321. doi: 10.1111/j.1758-0854.2011.01055.x

Shanas, E., Townsend, P., Wedderburn, D., Friis, H. K., Milhoj, P., & Stehouwer, J. (2017). Old People in Three Industrial Societies, 1(2), 144-178. doi: 10.4324/9781315125480

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