Paper Example. Criminal Justice and Decent Performance

Published: 2023-01-27
Paper Example. Criminal Justice and Decent Performance
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Criminal justice Professional development Ethical dilemma
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1473 words
13 min read

Ethics can be defined as the knowledge to determine what is right or wrong as per the moral principles (Wyatt-Nichol & Franks, 2009). Therefore, an individual must be considered choosing the right thing to do from an ethical perspective as opposed to other aspects in life that may range from cultures, ideology, and other related aspects. Criminal justices administrations and practitioners are faced with ethical issues that need to be tackled in a professional manner (Banks, 2018). A professional manner follows a critically observed scenario is regarded with the laid down guidelines in law. Thus, a criminal justice practitioner is expected to perform their task knowledgeably and brilliantly, that drives their obligations to professionalism. Unethical decisions can be made by any criminal justice, considering that they may have dilemma solving an issue, and they get themselves into conflict situations. This study will analyze the relationship between criminal justice and decent performance in professional areas alongside critical thinking.

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Role of Critical Thinking in Criminal Justice Professional Behavior and Ethics

Critical thinking is a crucial aspect of ethics because it makes an individual determine what is wrong and what is right to do (Banks, 2018). Through evaluation of standards mental process, an criminal justice administrator can distinguish facts from fictions, and they make sensible decisions out of it. A critical thinker makes many variables from a situation and then eliminates unnecessary variables to have verified truth (Banks, 2018). In criminal justice, practitioners use a critical thinking approach to determine where a law is broken or not. For instance, police officers ns courts use an analytical thinking approach to master the proceeding of an interrogation or a case and finally come up with a final decision. Law enforcement, however, have a set of guiding norms and laws that must be followed, but a right decision is realized after interaction with critical thinking processes. There are so many confrontations that encounter criminal justice, and therefore, it is essential to train people in those areas to have an ability to think critically.

Many aspects of critical thinking can assist an individual in analyzing a scenario properly and coming up with the best reliable solution and determine when a law is broken. Ethical practitioners in criminal administration are motivated to do what is right from the skills they have (Banks, 2018). Some of the skills and values expected in these persons are moral valuation and self-critique to handle judgmental issues like self-deception, non-critical uniformity, and intolerance (Banks, 2018). Critical thinking enables people to ask a question that regards to a particular case in question; therefore, they can have the ability to link decisions on the possibility and foresight of the variable an issue to have a tentative conclusion (Banks, 2018). Other roles of critical thinking in criminal justice are seen in an adjudication in courtroom proceedings and trials. A judge can oversee a process and make a morally acceptable decision. On the other hand, the prosecutor and attorney are expected to think critically in preparation and argument with the accused parties.

Proposal for a Seminar on Ethics for Law Enforcement Officers


Ethics in professions career is essential in solving severe cases and making decisions; ethical education has been enhanced overtime in an effort of realizing quality services. This proposal includes all that is needed to be done (in ethics) in criminal justice administrators training seminars.

Main Agenda in Proposal Ethical Training

Stimulation of Moral Imagination

This area will cover the stimulation of individual and universal moral imagination. Criminal Justice policing and judgments requires adherence to complicated protocols and laws which should be well manifested in the activities of traffic operations, use of firearms, writing technical reports, cultural differences, in use of force, legal adherence, managing stress, and human behavior (Banks, 2018). This section will enable law enforcement practitioners to know that they are not supposed to disclose information given by the clients or the suspect. However, moral imagination would need much knowledge that is linked to critical thinking and philosophy.

Ethical Issues recognition

This section is essential when a practitioner gets into the shoes of the offender and also deploys national or state laws. An officer who recognizes ethical issues is not vulnerable to many problems that may also affect their careers. Officer may face challenges and dilemma while solving an issue because they have stress, addiction, debt problems, and other matters like the stereotypical mindset (Husak, 2010). However, the topics mentioned in the table below would help a criminal justice practitioner to recognize the ethical issues.

Ethical issues Recognition Ideological Approaches Significance

  1. Situationists This ideological approach enables an officer to understand that actions are fueled by offenders assessment of given situations (Husak, 2010).
  2. Absolutists This absoluteness enables officers to understand that ideal outcome must come from universal ethical principles
  3. Subjectivist This will make the criminal justice system be based on the law and guidelines in a specific area
  4. Exceptionalism Like absolutist, but requires deviation from some actions (Husak, 2010).

Developing Analytical Skills

Ethical analysis should be taught to administrators in criminal justice since they do not come naturally. Analytical skills come from detailed instructions, concepts orientations, analytical skills are taught in criminal justice fields toady, and they encompass pedagogical tolls like sage-on-the-stage models. They include a real-life situation, and students take notes on the issues they can see from the presented case.

Responding to ethical Controversies

Controversies and ambiguities in ethical may be exhibited by the offenders who may cause a dilemma to the officers. It also makes officers known what to tell the offenders while in courtrooms or if they are arrested to navigate ambiguities in the future.

Coming into a Conclusion

This can also be called the decision model approach; a good model can be the Monkey Business Illusion (The Monkey Business Illusion, 2010). The model is usually a counting scheme, as shown in a video; people jump into the wrong conclusion while deviating concentration from many aspects (The Monkey Business Illusion, 2010). In the video, the man in a gorilla suit pass fire, but people forget to counts the passes and comes up with the wrong decision.

Benefits of the Proposal Topics in Both the Community and Officers

The first areas would be beneficial to the community and the officers in numerous ways. First of all, honest officers will navigate from ambiguities, controversies, and defend their careers. On the other hands, the society has been having issues with corrupt officers and the ones who lie to protect their part. It has been an issue, especially in the United States, where police officers have been blamed because of being corrupt and also racial problems have emerged from some favors (Husak, 2010). Research shows that moral imagination would emphasis honesty in society (Husak, 2010). For instance, assuming there was nothing like lies, there would be no stealing, corruption, and cheating this is because lawbreakers would be obliged to talk the truth. Irrefutably, an honest police officer, will spark positive changes in the community, and create a better coexistence.

Ethical Recognition would also be a significant issue in the society as it will teach the officers who to handle situational actions respectively and ethically (Wyatt-Nichol & Franks, 2009). Further, it will enhance the relationship between the officers and the culturally diverse public. Besides, the analytical skills section will introduce writing skills that an officer can use to make accurate and ethical formulated reports/statements. The article will tend to bring change to the issues that have been widening the gap between criminal justice and the public; this is because the quality assessment of a case will be undertaken to facilitate a better model to make the decision and then judgment (Wyatt-Nichol & Franks, 2009).

The final parts, responding to ambiguities and controversies and making conclusions are also essential in the study area. Officers may learn all other ethical aspects, but disputes are inevitable in criminal justice. Hence, it is advisable for them to know how to handle moral ambiguities; this is gained by the goal of always doing good for their betterment and society (Wyatt-Nichol & Franks, 2009). It also emphasizes integrity which the community is agreeing waiting. Tackling controversies will always make sure the officers are confident and honest, which will help them in their career. On the other hand, concluding is always associated with the manner decision is reached rather than jumping into an end. This will be beneficial to society, for instance, in an event where an offender is convicted, but they are given a longer jail term than they could have regardless of the real crime they committed.


Banks, C. (2018). Criminal justice ethics: Theory and practice. Sage Publications.

Husak, D. N. (2010). The philosophy of criminal law: Selected essays. Oxford University Press, USA.

The Monkey Business Illusion. (2010, April 28). Retrieved from

Wyatt-Nichol, H., & Franks, G. (2009). Ethics training in law enforcement agencies. Public Integrity, 12(1), 39-50.

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Paper Example. Criminal Justice and Decent Performance. (2023, Jan 27). Retrieved from

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