Crisis Management and Disaster Preparedness Essay Sample

Published: 2022-02-16
Crisis Management and Disaster Preparedness Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Disaster Crisis management
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1771 words
15 min read

Crisis management and disaster preparedness are among the critical actions that tend to solve various issues related to an emergency in the current world. In addition, crisis management has been implemented by many individuals across the universe. According to research, many people have benefitted from this kind of program, and interestingly a lot of lives have been saved about various calamities that occur at some point in life. Many nations across the universe are currently coming up with a lot of programs that are geared towards crisis management and disaster preparedness across large populations (Jennex, 2013). Various crisis related incidences have been managed in an appropriate manner ever since these kinds of programs were introduced. Moreover, disaster preparedness teaches people on numerous issues on how they can handle themselves and react to certain situations in case of any disaster. It brings about some form of awareness thereby enabling various individuals to be acquainted with advanced skills that can allow them to overcome multiple situations associated with tragedy. Crisis management can be therefore defined as one of the most adequate processes by why any given organization is capable of dealing with a disruptive and unpredictable event that threatens to cause a lot of harm to a specific population (Philpott, 2010). According to research, in the early 1980's the study of crisis management originated with different forms of large-scale industrial and environmental disasters. When it comes to the field of public relations, it is considered to be one of the most essential process (In Hamner, 2015). About risk management which usually involves the assessment of different threats in combination with coming up with different strategies on how the dangers can be avoided, crisis management entails dealing with the threats before, during and after it has taken place under certain conditions. In addition, crisis management is a situation based management system that includes clear roles together with different forms of related responsibilities. Specific techniques that are related to crisis management involves some following steps that are implemented appropriately right from the understanding that is associated with the influence of crisis (Haddow, 2014). Also, crisis management consists of different aspects which include the following;

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Methods that are implemented in the response of both the reality and perception of the entire crisis.

Coming up with different metrics that can correctly define what scenarios mainly constitutes a crisis.

Mode of communication that takes place within the response phase of different types of emergency management scenarios.

All the crisis management methods that are related to an organization are referred to as crisis management plan. During crisis management process, it is essential to identify specific types of crises in that different crises call for the use of different strategies to respond to the situation at hand correctly. The following are some of the existing types of emergencies that are experienced in this modern world;

Natural disaster- This typically involves the occurrence of various kinds of an environmental phenomenon which includes activities like the earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and the rest.

Technological crisis- They are caused by the implementation of the human application of science and technology under various conditions. Besides, technical accidents inevitably take place when there is a lot of complexity in the field of technology.

Confrontation crisis- Takes place when discontented individuals fight a particular business or even government with the intention of winning their acceptance that is attached to their demands.

The crisis of malevolence- An organization can experience a crisis of malevolence when their opponents decide to implement a criminal procedure with the aim of expressing their hostility or even anger due to various issues.

The plight of organizational misdeeds- It occurs when the entire management places all the stakeholders in a risky situation without should any form of adequate precautions.

Workplace violence- Happens when an individual employee decides to commit violence against the other employees within the organization.

Aforementioned, there is also disaster preparedness, which includes the implementation of different strategies in order to come up with some of the best solutions that are focused towards bringing a lot of change within the society. It refers to the implementation of various measures with an intention of preparing and reducing the effects that are brought about by various disasters. They can predict where possible and provide solutions that aim at preventing some of the disasters most so the ones whose occurrence cannot be easily predicted. Moreover, it also ensures that an individual or organization is capable of complying with all the appropriate preventive measures and is in an appropriate state of readiness to contain all the effects that are likely to emerge due to a certain focused disastrous event so as to eradicate the loss of lives, injuries together with the damages of different properties. It provides an opportunity to design an effective and realistic kind of coordinated planning which reduces various cases associated with duplication of efforts thereby scaling up the overall effectiveness of all the disaster preparedness activities. It is beyond any reasonable doubt that the disaster preparedness efforts can positively contribute towards the minimization of various impacts of disasters that could be directed to certain groups. Most people across the world view it to be a continuous and integral process that results from a certain combination of risk eradication activities and resources. When views from different angles, it is clear that disaster preparedness encompasses very many parameters that include the following;

Recognition of the role of the red cross in relation to disaster preparedness to be complementary to the existing government. Due to this, it will not bring any replacement to the state responsibilities. In addition, there is the need of the national society to engage in debate with the government particularly on the nature of the available national response plan.

Scaling up the efficiency and effectiveness that is attached to most of the disaster response techniques most so at the community, national and even at the federation level. This approach majorly entails;

(a) Appropriate development and frequent testing of all the warning systems together with different kinds of evacuation plans.

(b) Perfectly educating most of the volunteers and the entire population that is at risk

(c) Training of first aid and modern disaster rescue teams

(d) Setting up some of the most appropriate policies that focuses much on the disaster response and standards

Reinforcing the foundation of community based disaster preparedness, this action can be done through implementation of national society programs that are specifically meant for the community

Carrying out awareness programs among various populations thus letting them to be aware of the existing disaster hazards. These kinds of awareness programs can be done through public education, encouraging all the vulnerable individuals to take preventive measures.

Coming up with appropriate elements when dealing with disaster management strategies is an essential procedure that is determined towards bringing a positive outcome. The following features should, therefore, be included in any disaster preparedness strategy;

1. Hazards, risks together with various vulnerability assessments

2. Preparedness plans

3. Coordination

4. Information management

5. Early warning systems

6. Resource mobilization

7. Creating public education

Advantages of crisis management team

Most of the crisis management teams are known to have the capability of performing various activities appropriately to eradicate specific problems that emerge as a result of any crisis. These teams implement and develop some proper strategies to handle various emergencies. Besides, they focus on all the preparation methods to reduce all the negative impacts that can be caused by any crisis (Guthridge, 2010). The following are some of key advantages of any crisis management team;Reduces Deaths

Nearly all crisis management teams are capable of minimizing fatalities through and adequate provision of basic needs which include things like shelter, water, and even foodstuffs. These teams have the capability of rescuing certain individuals whom are exposed to dangerous conditions thereby reducing the number of death related cases.

Prevention of Crime

It is clear that some individuals may decide to feel desperate in a crisis condition making them steal with the intention of gaining specific resources. On the other hand, some may also choose the take advantage of the situation thus using the crisis as a cover-up in doing different harmful and unethical activities (Robertson, 2015). Crisis management teams provides some of the appropriate methods that can be used by the citizens in obtaining the resources thus it will eliminate incidences associated with crime.

Educating the Public

These teams have the interest and knowledge when it comes to teaching the people. They usually come up with several recommendations to establishments pertaining how an individual should respond to the crisis. Also, public education contributes towards recruiting and training citizens that are interested in helping during the occurrence of an emergency.

Localization of the Efforts

Most of the designating crisis management teams allows the entire community within a given area to allocate some time and resources through advanced and efficient methods. They also hold each other accountable for specific conditions and is more easily held accountable by the society, which eliminates various incompetence conditions (Asimakopoulou, 2010). Basically they end up creating one point of communication in order for the government and the community to come up with reasonable plans.

Garner External Resources

Crisis management teams can work on the behalf of the whole community in gaining different resources just before during and after the occurrence of the crisis. However, they can go as far as appealing to request for various basic needs. It is also true that most of them have got an easier access to the corporate leaders and different nonprofit organizations that are located in different places.

Disaster management systems and plans

Stakeholder Participation

Specific management plans and arrangements can actually be done at the administrative level. To be effective, they require high involvement at all times. The compositions of all the stakeholders that are usually involved in the emergency plans may vary from the existing administrative levels (Venturini, 2012). Some of the main actors who are involved are represented by; civil protections, military, local and national institutions together with the firefighters. All the strategies that are efficiently defined in the plans are always studied in a central manner and based on the need to reduce all the effectiveness that is attached to the emergency management apparatus, minimization of wastage of resources and possible human errors that might occur at any time. The participation of the stakeholders is therefore recommended most so for the local administrative level.

Costs and Benefits

Under certain conditions, expanding more on the cost and benefit analysis for different crises and disaster management systems should actually sound somehow inappropriate. The main aim about these plans should be saving and protecting human lives at every situation through the use of advan...

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