Free Essay on Profession: Data Controller for Youth Action

Published: 2019-05-27
Free Essay on Profession: Data Controller for Youth Action
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Data analysis Security Profession
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1304 words
11 min read

Data controllers are the legal persons or individuals who are in charge of keeping and using the personal information inputted in a computer or in a network system. This role carries along with heavy legal responsibilities which require sure knowledge on the specific tasks of ones organization for excellent execution.

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The role of the data controllers is about processing or keeping information about living people, decide the type of personal information that should be inputted in the system and also decides the various ways that the collected information is put to use by the organization. These individuals vary in definition from legal personas including the government agencies to departments, voluntary organizations and companies that specialize in this profession.

Data controllers are expected to comply to set rules on how they collect and utilize the information they collect from their clients and they must also register annually with the data protection commissioner to ensure transparency of their practices of data handling.

The data controller of Youth Action is expected to carry out many duties and responsibilities of the developed system as is the data processor. In their role as the managers of the personal information collected and integrated into the developed system and standard reporting mechanism for gathering the data.

They are expected to clearly state the ways in which data from the Dig-It project and the Youth Action group as whole shall be collected, processed and loaded into the system. They shall be the ones to determine whether the personal information filed manually shall be employed into assembling personal data or a whole new set of data shall be collected. The data controllers will decide which type of dta shall be collected from which members and hoe they shall be processed according to the member classification set which will include staff and volunteers, the youth whom the project targets and the elderly who are to be helped as a social responsibility.

They are to hold up the Data Protection Act in all their activities. These eight principles are supposed to be seen in action in their daily operation in handling personal data collected. The data processors should make fair collection of data with evenly distributed inquiry across all level of participants and not discriminated (Andrew, 2009. Pg. 271) . This data should be very specific and straight to the point, unnecessary information about the members should not be collected and filed unless specified by the management. Data collected from each member should be adequate enough to satisfy the sponsors who need to see progressive impact of the project, the government who intend to fund many more projects in the future, the elders who need to choose the youth to service their gardens and the involved youths and volunteers. The data should be accurate to avoid any cases of false information as earlier alleged.

Data retention details should be specified to all the users of the system and their rights over their personal information clearly outlined in the system. They need to be notified on how long their personal information is going to be retained even after they exit the group membership, for what purposes the information is going to be used and the legal rights they can claim over misuse of their personal information. Data security should be their highest priority as Youth action has already been accused from inappropriate handling of personal information with cases of false information and inappropriate privacy and security. Transfer of the data from one party to another should be done with highest possible caution with every possible protocol put in place for any such transaction. The members should be notified to whom their personal information may be shared with, the government, the sponsors he elderly clients who are targeted to be assisted and the youth center officials; and what processes are going to be used in transferring this information to ensure surety of the same. In summary this controller shall keep personal data secure from unauthorized access, disclosure accidental loss or any form of distraction of personal public image of the members. These responsibilities need very accurate efficiency in executing and set rules, regulations and protocols should be followed to the latter. The data controller is in charge of ensuring that this happens in the most effective way possible. They also need help in administering the responsibilities and supervising this role in their department. External help can be given in from of audit and recommendation by external parties. This can be achieved through registration and updated progress to a data protection commissioner.

BCS code of conduct.

This code of conduct sets out professional standards that are required as conditions for membership into the Youth action groups Dig-It project and governs the individual conduct of each member of the organization, not its ethics or nature of the business carried out by the organization. This code is based on four principles;

Public interest

Youth Action have to regard public health, privacy with personal information, individual security and the wellbeing of its members in coming up with the data management system according to RAD and DSDM standards. In this field, the collection of data should be done without any discrimination of any sort whatsoever and equal access on a similar level of authorization to the benefits of IT development should be encouraged seeking to promote inclusion of all the society members.

Professional Competency and integrity.

The professionals are not to engage in any activities that could injure others, their reputation, any Youth Action property and employment by malicious action or purposeful negligent course. They should also reject any offers of bribe and also not undertake any such attempt to fellow members (Effy, 1992. Pg. 234).

Youth Action volunteers and staff are required to participate in fields where their professionalism is competent according to the BCS code of conduct and never make claim of competence that one does not possess. The staff are expected to develop their knowledge and competence especially on data system development and system and developments relevant to their profession on a continuous basis. They are also expected to offer and accept honest positive criticism, respect and value alternative viewpoints.

Duty to relevant authority

Each level of authority such as the Trust board, Executive committee, management, regional directors center directors supervisors and volunteers are expected to carry out their respective responsibilities in accordance to the relevant requirements of their authority while exercising professional judgement in their operations. They are also restricted from disclosing confidential information for personal use according to the authority of the legislation. The authority personnel are not expected to withhold or to misinterpret personal information collected and recorded in the data management system or on the performance of the Dig-It project unless authorized or bound by the Youth Action legislation to withhold such information. They also should not take advantage of inexpertise or lack of relevant knowledge of others especially the youth who are taken in by the project. They should accept responsibility from their work output and that of collegues operating under their authority.

Duty to profession

Youth Action staff and members at all level are encouraged to support fellow member in their professional development, act with utter respect and integrity in their professional relations and at all times uphold the good reputation of Youth Action. They are also expected to accept their personal duty, especially the youth assigned to properties and tasks, uphold reputation of professionalism and avoid any authorized action which could lead to disrespect. They are expected to improve their standards and membership ratings through participation in the activities and projects that Youth Action involves in.


Joint, Andrew, Edwin Baker, and Edward Eccles. "Hey, you, get off of that cloud?." Computer Law & Security Review 25, no. 3 (2009): 270-274.

Oz, Effy. "Ethical standards for information systems professionals: A case for a unified code." MIS quarterly (1992): 423-433.

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