Free Essay on the LGBT Social Movement

Published: 2022-06-15
Free Essay on the LGBT Social Movement
Type of paper:  Report
Categories:  Civil rights Human sexuality
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1096 words
10 min read

LGBT movement involved the creation of organizations and groups that promoted a common agenda of equal rights, inclusion in social activities, and demarcate the social group with fixed ethnic-like identities.

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Reasons for choosing the movement

I chose LGBT social movement to advocate for equality of rights for all regardless of their sexual orientation. Also, I seek to campaign and call for an end to discrimination of lesbians and gay men in public accommodations, lending facilities, employment, jury services, and other sectors of life. The movement aims at the sexual liberation of the society and is intended to participate in cultural activities and political activism in the form of street marches, lobbying, social and support groups, and community events. Also, the movement's cultural goal involves challenging edifices of femininity and gendered heterosexual families, while its political objectives include drafting of new policies to gain protection from harm. Another reason why I chose LGBT movement is that I saw LGBT history fascinating. Most of the history is not covered in schools, and it was an exciting feeling to highlight something that is rarely discussed. Also, LGBT history helps in supporting students who may be in isolation, and I believe that creating awareness of LGBT rights is a vital step in developing inclusive learning institutions, and inspiring young people embrace their identities.

History of the LGBT movement

Social movements are surrounding persons who identify today as LGBT rose as responses to the persecution of such people by churches, medical facilities, courts, and the general state. Where either laws or traditions banned deviance from addressing gender roles, condemnation was passed forward through sensational public trials, exiles, and medical warnings. Such paths of persecution exerted homophobia and alerted the entire society of existing differences. A few organizations existed during the political revolutions of the 18th and 19th century. During the 20th century, a movement, which recognized LGBT community, was underway, though supported by the existing environment of feminism, and new ideas of difference.

In the United States, attempts to create such movements supporting LGBT started after the Second World War. Disruption of WWII enabled gay men who were previously isolated to meet as soldiers, workers, and volunteers worldwide. The increasing awareness of an existing vulnerable population and an investigation of homosexual people with government jobs in the 1950s triggered writers and federal employees to create the first movement which demanded fair treatment of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender in employment, health, and public policies. The first LGBT movement gained roots in 1965 when the members staged a demonstration outside the White House to campaign for social-political affairs. Gradually, the American government became responsive to the concerns of the LGBT community amidst opposition. Throughout the years of LGBT evolvement, leaders struggled to air concerns of gay men identity, lesbians, and gender variant individuals. However, Western activists who gained an advantage against homophobia did not represent racial, national, and class identities, resulting in a complication of the movement's agenda. Women were not included in their quest. During European exploration, same-sex love dominated, while European invaders objected to deviations from masculine and feminine roles. Among the activist organizations in the LGBT community by 1965 were Mattachine Society, One Inc, and Daughters of Bilitis.


Interviewer: historically, there has been a lot of tension between religious movements and the LGBT community. Do you feel that the tension will go on, or do you think religion will play a positive role in this?

Interviewee: personally, I do not believe that religion is a negative force in the LGBT community. I am of the thought that enlightenment and moderated leadership should emerge in all traditions. I also think that as traditions are subject to ongoing interpretation, there exists a room for respect of one's sexual orientation.

Interviewer: now that the state does not adequately protect lesbians, gay men, as well as trans-genders from discrimination, rendering this community susceptible to unfair treatment in employment, health, and other policies because of their identity, how does that make you feel?

Interviewee: it is saddening to see how LGBT community is discriminated against because their sexual orientation is different from the expected community norms. I believe everyone has a right to equality and fair treatment in the streets, courtrooms, and even in Congress.

Interviewer: When did you first learn about the existence of LGBT movement and how did you feel? When did you join your first movement, what prompted you to?

Interviewee: I have read a lot of content on the history of LGBT community. In the last century, the gay rights movement has seen immense progress in the United States, leading to policy change. Laws barring homosexual activities have been banned and LGBT individuals have been openly allowed to serve in the military. Also, same-sex marriages have been allowed in the past two decades. It is liberating to see people judged by their talents and skills rather than the orientation they identify to. I joined the first LGBT movement three years ago. I yearned for a society that fought for the repression of Americans. I believed, and I still do, that something concerning the rights of our fellow citizens should be supported regardless of their sexual orientation. Even though we did not share similar sexual interests, we shared respect for equal rights. We are in a society where no one deserves to be discriminated against and we share a desire to fight for what rightfully belongs to someone.

Interviewer: as part of an LGBT movement, what activities were you involved in?

Interviewee: the movement created awareness of LGBT, and prioritized defeating anti-LGBT rules by rendering support to lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender youth in schools, through the development of inclusion curriculums. In addition, the advocacy groups were involved in an array of lawsuits that they believed would have significant impacts, such as the discrimination of transgender women by their former employers. The movement pushed for equality for all, banning of laws prohibiting homosexuality, pushed for jury services, and shunning discrimination of people with different sexual orientations.

Interviewer: what do you think is the future of LGBT community?

Interviewee: now that same-sex marriage is allowed and recognized in the United States, I think that the symbolic meaning is fundamental. However, I believe the impact has gone beyond the symbolic meaning, and it will affect various aspects of daily life. Marriage is a core factor taken into consideration when determining workplace benefits. I believe this will affect worker's entitlement to compensation benefits, retire, and life insurance programs. Also, same-sex couples are likely to increase, raising families where one partner is not the biological parent.

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