Computer Hardware - Essay Sample in Computer Science

Published: 2020-10-12
Computer Hardware - Essay Sample in Computer Science
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Computer science
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 500 words
5 min read

Subject: Computer Hardware: Identifying whether new computer hardware is compatible with an existing computer system.

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I purpose to inform those who read my research paper about the process of determining whether new computer hardware is compatible with an existing computer system. I will break down the process into steps that are easy to understand and implement. I will also research the overall benefits of upgrading a computer systems hardware to the computer user.


Computer hardware is an interesting research topic as various computer hardware constitute computer systems and, therefore, researching computer hardware enable us to understand how computers work. Carrying out research on computer hardware is important as it enables us to understand how to repair, replace and upgrade computer hardware. Computer hardware is an important topic in the field of technology as computers greatly contribute to technology advancement. Research on computer hardware is, therefore, necessary.


This research proposal seeks to identify the steps to take when determining whether new computer hardware is compatible with an existing computer system and is an informational report. An informational report is best suited to identify the required steps as it only contains information and not analysis or recommendations.

Annotated Bibliography

Becker, M. (2010, May 5). The Benefit of Upgrading Computer Components Instead of Fully Discarding. BrightHub.

This article highlights some of the benefits of upgrading computer hardware in an existing computer system.

Smith, M. (2012, May 29). 4 Things You Absolutely Must Check Before Upgrading Your Desktop PC. makeuseof.

This article lists some of the things one must consider when upgrading computer hardware in an existing computer system

Work plan

I will carry out the project in three stages over the span of three days. The first stage, which will be carried out on the first day, will be the acquisition of various new computer hardware such as keyboards, monitors, hard disks, compact disk drives and processors. All the computer hardware components will be of varying price ranges. The second stage will include testing and will be carried out on the second day and will include the testing of the newly purchased hardware for compatibility with the institutions computer systems based on the computers power supply, motherboard, enclosure and operating system. After the testing stage, I will record the results. I will carry out the final stage on the third day, which will be the creation of a detailed report based on the findings. I will also record the benefits offered by the new computer hardware on the existing computer systems.


Some of the new computer hardware that I will require might be too costly to acquire. The institutions computers might also be in use by members of the institution during different times of the day. This might slow down the research process.

Request for approval

In summation, I respectfully request that you grant me the approval needed to continue my research on determining the steps to take in determining whether new computer hardware is compatible with an existing computer system.

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Computer Hardware - Essay Sample in Computer Science. (2020, Oct 12). Retrieved from

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