Essay Sample on "Dear Thrasher" by Sonya Huber

Published: 2023-08-24
Essay Sample on "Dear Thrasher" by Sonya Huber
Essay type:  Book review
Categories:  Gender Poem Analysis Stereotypes
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 570 words
5 min read

Indeed the poem "Dear Thrasher" by Sonya Huber addresses gender inequality from a broader perspective. Huber addresses the pain that a woman experiences that people dimly understand and can barely manage. The poet tends to highlight the doorway to women's pain with unbounded reality. Even though the poem is personal, the poem transcends gender biases that constrains the world and reveals its wild experiences.

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The poet addresses the experience and human nature of invisible disability by addressing the challenges that pertain to gender inequality in today's' sporting activities in search of better recreation activity and physical exercise. Huber makes women's pain a lyricism and an inquiry lens, where she reveals the complexity and humor by exploring its taste. She exclaims that "Well, you know, even skating the street sucks 'cause cops won't let us skate anywhere" (Nester 86). Huber reveals her own pain concerning the police brutality towards a woman skating.

Huber uses skating as a lens where she reveals women's treatment in society. The poem reveals how men are highly recognized as spectacular rock stars whose voices are highly heard as compared to women. Although she barely 12, Huber is fearless to make her voice known concerning gender inequality. For that reason, she can explain the pain they endure, such as rape. The idea is supported by the phrase "guys even rape girls in the park crapper" (Nester 86). Besides, it justifies that apart from skating, there are other discriminations that women endure.

Therefore, as someone who has not experienced gender inequality and stereotyping of women of any kind, one can easily rely on the poet to draw them to her world. In essence, Huber experiences can show a person what it feels like to be discriminated against a person. Besides, Huber's experience allows a person to understand the experience that most people cannot understand at the first interaction. Huber addresses women's discrimination masterfully by introducing the readers to the pain endured by women as she reveals the problem they have against Rankin. She asserts that "I know guys here think us girls can't skate" (Nester 86). The poet reveals how men perceive women in society.

From this book, Huber expresses how women feel by revealing her own experience. In this context, she makes gender inequality a personality trait where she reveals how women are considered vulnerable to skate. Ideally, Huber tends to the concepts of gender discrimination by trying to skew the skate bullshit. After this, she seems to care about this discrimination by claiming to God to sell his soul for cash. Apart from caring for it, the poet tries to listen to women's discrimination by reminiscing on Rankin, Georgia (Nester 86). From this point, the poet can hardly endure women's discrimination but to let it speak. Huber claims that she is not an idiot, and they need to call an end to the discrimination despite being only a 12-year-old.

In conclusion, an individual who has not experienced gender inequality and stereotyping of women of any kind can easily rely on the Sonya Huber poem to draw them to her world. The poet discusses women's discrimination masterfully by introducing the readers to the pain endured by women. Readers understand that Huber tends to women's discrimination, cares about it, listens to the discrimination, and allow it to speak. Although she barely 12, Huber is fearless to make her voice known concerning gender inequality.


Nester, D. (2014). The incredible sestina anthology. SCB Distributors.

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Essay Sample on "Dear Thrasher" by Sonya Huber. (2023, Aug 24). Retrieved from

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