Decoding Financial Dynamics: A Dupont Analysis of Amazon's Performance - Free Report

Published: 2023-12-10
Decoding Financial Dynamics: A Dupont Analysis of Amazon's Performance - Free Report
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Finance Analysis Amazon
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 625 words
6 min read


Financial of the company need to be critically analyzed in consideration of effective management of the money necessary to have the company be stable financially. The main aim of setting up a company is to ensure that the company's resources and growing finances and no waste of the assets and records of the company go a loss (Doorasamy, 2016). The equity of the company needs to have varied considerations of statistical, and financial analysis. The specification of having the company be credited requires the specification of Dupont Analysis.

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Dupont Analysis

It is a specific financial analysis that gives useful techniques like return on equity (ROE) used on the decomposition of the ROE to allow investors to focus critically on key metrics of financial performance on the identification of individual weaknesses and strengths (Jureviciene & Raulickis, 2020). The operation efficiency on consideration of financial leverage and efficiency of finance representing net profit margin. The assets of a company are measured by the asset turnover ratio. Leverage measured is equity multiplier, equal average assets equity average divide.

Financial Analysis of Amazon Company

Amazon is an online business that is a dynamic financial analysis that is taken into consideration. Historical return on equity and current values for Amazon over the last three years on the return on equity need a defined amount on the net income returned as a percentage of shareholders' equity (Wymeersch, 2019).

Amazon has various inventories in the industry; they lie hence making the consideration of improving the competitiveness of the sector. Some of the competitors are Alibaba's e-commerce ventures in China as the base. Walmart is the likes of stores providing quality in the supreme quality emphasize (Yang et al., 2018). Furthermore, Otto is a European company in e-commerce in all fashion, home & living, and electronics with sport and entertainment. The following is a comparison of the information on the competition schedule.

Changes Of Amazon Roe

The company's ROE has been changing over the three years. The change in ratio is due to various considerations to have an adequate comparison. The competition and the entrance of new investors in the poor alter the rate. The political instability in some nations affects the seals of the company markets. The changes and exit of top-rank management officers change the operation of the company (Yang et al., 2018). The technological dynamic revolution and improvements are challenges to the company to adapt to dynamic changes due to the strategies needed.

Ration Comparison

The management is the general influencer of the company's consideration of financial fluctuation. The more perfuming and competent managers give the needs and ways of the prosperity of the company directly proportional to their needs (Jureviciene & Raulickis, 2020). The system of management of centralization and decentralization is necessary for the management consideration of the company. The constants' marketing and advertisement techniques help the company's uniqueness and have more customers when strategically emphasized.


Doorasamy, M. (2016). Using Dupont analysis to assess the financial performance of the top 3 JSE listed companies in the food industry. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 13(2), 29-44.

Jureviciene, D., & Raulickis, D. (2020). Forecasting bank's return on equity using leading economic indicators. Business: Theory and Practice, 21(2), 460-468.

Wymeersch, E. (2019). Systemic risk after Brexit: Transitional measures for the financial markets. European Company and Financial Law Review, 16(4), 415-433.

Yang, Q., Yao, Y., & Liu, Y. (2018). Empirical analysis on the performance model of financial listed companies—From the financial data verification of financial listed companies in the financial industry in 2017. DEStech Transactions on Economics, Business, and Management, (icems).

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Decoding Financial Dynamics: A Dupont Analysis of Amazon's Performance - Free Report. (2023, Dec 10). Retrieved from

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