DementiaTarget Audience:

Published: 2023-03-07
DementiaTarget Audience:
Type of paper:  Presentation
Categories:  Students Sociology Books
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 628 words
6 min read

Health educators, counselors, or other health professionals who are required to provide a patient with the guidance to follow on a particular health issue. The consumer is suffering from a health issue and is looking for advice on what to do to solve the problem.

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Goal Statement:

To give the consumer, client, or any other individual with the necessary information, knowledge, and guidance on what to do regarding their issue of dementia. The core reason is to ensure the physical health is up to par and maintain the cognition and well-being of the individual who gets concerned in the matter.

Five Different Types of Resources

The health resources in such a case of dementia involve the knowledge that the individual will receive from the health educator, counselor, or other health professionals. Funds are also considered as a health resource in this case of dementia since, without money, the needed services may not get fully accomplished (Brega et al., 70). The human resources, which confines the availability of the individual in need of the services, is another essential resource that is supposed to be highly valued. The facility which the person gets referred to is among the most critical resources in dementia. The facility is supposed to be able to accommodate and take care of the health problem that is associated with the patient with any complications. Equipment and supplies are the other resources that are to be considered for dementia since it is a referral case.

Appropriateness of Materials for Selected Population

Many ways are used to assess the materials of a patient. Part of the methods used is used to focus on the manner in which the materials are readable. Others are used to examine a bigger array of the characteristics which can ensure the materials are easy to understand. Both methods are to get used in this case scenario of referring a customer or client to assess his or her materials. The two methods are the most appropriate in the assessment of the patient's materials, and their results are very exemplary. The methods help in assessing the audiovisual and written patient education materials. It illustrates a simple way of understanding the materials and the action to be taken.

Usefulness of Resources

The resources are very useful since they help in the provision of a solution to the patient's problem. The resources are among the essential components in such a case of providing a solution to the problem to the patient. Without any of the resources, the patient may fail to receive a solution to the health issue he or she is suffering.

Quality, Credibility, and Proximity of Resources

The resources are supposed to be of high quality to enhance better results of the solution. The proximity of the resources should not be far to prevent severe sufferings in the cases of emergency cases of health issues (Brega et al., 70). Also, the credibility of the resources should be of a high degree to prevent the physician from making wrong decisions and prescriptions.

Evidence of Recent Confirmation

The materials of the patient should be in recent days. The materials should not be dated a long time ago to prevent wrong inference.

Blurb Is Descriptive and Informative

The resources are to help the patient to get the solution to his or her health problem easily and appropriately without wrong inferences.

The Organization, Ease of Finding Materials

The material is supposed to be organized appropriately to ease the time and energy of going through them. When organized well, it will be very easy to find them.


Brega, Angela G., et al. "Using the health literacy universal precautions toolkit to improve the quality of patient materials." Journal of health communication 20.sup2 (2015): 69-76.

Health Resources (n.d.) In Pallipedia. Houston: IAHPC. Retrieved from Accessed on November 26, 2019.

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