Digital Strategy Storyteller and Trainer. Essay Example

Published: 2023-01-10
Digital Strategy Storyteller and Trainer. Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Resume Personal experience Social media marketing
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 841 words
8 min read

I am a global market leader and digital analyst equipped with broad global experience gained through different industries such as telecommunication, banking, baby goods, and travel. I went through school in Spain, Norway, Switzerland, and the UK. And my prowess in my field enabled me to work in Mexico, Switzerland, Hungary, Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar and Germany, Spain as well as the Scandinavian countries. Currently, I reside in Norway, but I consciously traveler as I take part in the strategic meetings and conferences.

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For the past 10 years, I have developed experience in establishing and working with analytics and insights-driven strategies such as digital approaches, expand digital sales, setting social media strategies together with digital marketing.

The advantages of the knowledge and experience that I have in my career through services

As a company/brand:

  • Discover how you can take advantage of the digital channel in delivering and promoting your services.
  • Counter and apply crisis management strategies on social media issues.
  • Evaluate how the web, social media together with the mobile app are helpful in attaining the business milestone and drive return.
  • Influence a policy across several teams and departments to accomplish a consistent digital strategy
  • As an individual, in a level of a marketing expert, health service expert and influencer.
  • Personal motivator and branding on social media
  • Content creator

I am a mindful professional with a passion for whatever I do and open to learning more. In addition, I am an effective listener, because I acknowledge it as the better means to understand the people's and working collaboratively with others. I began my career as an expert in sales analytics and strategy, though the passion developed a long time ago when I was still young. While in the young age, I was much curious with everything that I used to see around me, and I used to ask my mother several questions so as to understand every element in my surrounding, and through that, I was able to develop my opinions. I did this so persistently, and she used to give me a coin buy ice-creams so that I could stop asking questions, little did she know that the coins were an encouragement for me. Now, she is proud of me for enabling me to develop "I can" mentality.

Throughout my career journey, I have learned that sometimes it is a challenge for one who is a leader, recruiter, and team-member to comprehend with the digital aspect of marketing and the complexity that is involved. I believe that always there is no adequate to have the right product, customers, or campaign to be willing to buy, nor even the right time. In either way, it will be useless if collaboration is missing. I feel motivated and encouraged making my presentation on the digital and adapting my presentation to the audience, it is rewarding to assist others to develop their skills and knowledge in the digital to accomplish the goal to rump up and transform sales and reputation. And at the same time to ensure that the customers enjoy the best experience.

Many people understand the term digital as the incorporation of online entertainment and social media. While according to my own perspective, digital is something more extensive and deep, and it is something that I have been pursuing for more than ten years now. I have been able to archive various milestones in my career path, I have been able to be an ex-web programmer, ex-designer, ex-account manager, ex-Global web manager, ex- web analyst, and now I am a right mix of competencies, with ability to assist you to create an operational digital strategy. In summary, my objective is to sell and attract your customers.

In my current company and my position, I have been successfully running different projects across 12 different companies by developing the eBusiness Program at first, while the same time implementing actionable plans in Search engine optimization (SEO), digital analytics, digital transformation, digital channels' strategy, and social media strategy. Presently, I am leading the work stream tasked with the responsibility for adoption strategy, digital channels, and mobile app growth. For what I can say so far, the journey has been great not just for the project, but also for the people I have encountered who have been significant to create a relevant and unique contribution to my overall development. They have transformed to be friends who have enriched me with different knowledge and ideas.

Besides my professional activity, I am a great cook, my friends, and my integral friends can testify to that. I was trained as a cook in Barcelona at a time when I could not prepare a simple meal. Besides, I have just completed my final studies in Health coaching, and I am generous to assist families to raise their kids healthier. Most of the evenings, I am either cooking a delicious meal or training people on a healthy lifestyle. I desire to develop a legacy in my life to inspire others to live a healthier life they desire and raise their kids the same way.

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Digital Strategy Storyteller and Trainer. Essay Example. (2023, Jan 10). Retrieved from

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