Essay Example. Digitalization, New Media and Global Culture: Annotated Bibliography

Published: 2023-11-14
Essay Example. Digitalization, New Media and Global Culture: Annotated Bibliography
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Globalization Culture Media Literature review
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1255 words
11 min read

Chen, G. (2012). “The impact of new media on intercultural communication in the global context.” China Media Research, vol. 8, no. 2, 2012, pp. 1-10.

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In this scholarly article, Chen explores how new media has impacted intercultural communication globally. Based on the text, new media has made human interactions and society in an extremely interconnected and multifaceted position. However, the new media has challenged the very existence of its traditional intercultural communication sense. As a result, Chen argues that many scholars are taking part in the examination of the connection between new media and global communication. The main argument raised is that the new media has provided a space where different cultures express their opinions.

The article is crucial in communication studies since it incontestably reveals the challenges brought by new media on cultural identity. The interpretation of digitalization challenges based on cultural identity is a plausible and effective way. Chen’s scholarship is unquestionable due to his academic position as a professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the reputable University of Rhode Island. Although the article mainly focused only on the directional impact of cultural principles on digital media, it is relevant to the topic since the association of new media and the ideas discussed in this article are useful in the discourse of the impact of new media on the global culture.

Manzuch, Z. (2017). Ethical issues in the digitization of cultural heritage. Journal of Contemporary Archival Studies, 4(2), 4. explores the ethical issues arising in cultural heritage digitization, together with their effects on how decisions are taken and organized in digitization. Deploying data from archives, the article elaborates on ethical issues in digitization. Deviations resulting from digitization and related ethical issues, as well as online involvement with custom worldwide digital situations, are deeply discussed. The main argument raised in the text is that digitization projects have engendered new structural systems, collaborative networks, and new types of cultural heritage. This is a crucial idea in communication studies since it shows how digitization has resulted in new ethical challenges. Manzuch, the author, is an associate professor at Digital Media Lab and also Vice-Dean for research at the Faculty of Communication, Vilnius University. Therefore, the credibility of the author is unquestionable. Although the article uses evidence from the archives’ museum, it is relevant to my study since it offers digitization ethics useful in making a whole spectrum of ethical issues in digitalization, new media, and global culture. It will help in the discourse of my topic by deploying its ideas of ethical practices.

Milenkova, V., Keranova, D., & Peicheva, D. (2019). Digital skills and new media and information literacy in the conditions of digitization. International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (pp. 65-72). Springer, Cham.

In this scholarly article, the authors Milenkova, Keranova, and Peicheva explore various facets of a digital individual who is accountable for the way technology is utilized. The authors dispense essential changes in media and communication structures as well as its replications on society. This article focuses on three surveys where respondents specified how they use the Internet at any place and that they are assured of generating diverse digital content as well as online products. The respondents also are conversant with new dangers due to developing hybrid media conflicts. The central idea of this text is that adaptation to the societal digital challenges needs the integration of more effective ways. These ways help to engage, encourage, and motivate individuals to integrate virtuous theoretic and real-world knowledge and skills to work with information and communication technologies.

The ideas are significant since they reveal how people should be guided in interactive communication. Through such an approach, the capacity for effective communication is improved. Milenkova is a professor and Head of the Department of South-West University in the faculty of sociology with Keranova and Peicheva as the assistant professors in the same institution, which makes this text much credible. Although the article used surveys that only focused on young individuals who were students, it has provided the impetus for digital consideration. The authors’ idea of digital competence will help in drawing out interconnection and discourse between new media and global culture since it will involve critically evaluating digital technologies.

Praprotnik, T. (2016). Digitalization and new media landscape. Peer-reviewed academic journal Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences, 9(2), 85-97.

In his article, Praprotnik explores the landscape of digitalization and new media by focusing on the spectacles of new media technologies. He incontestably unmasks the capabilities of Web 2.0 social media and then marks several global tendencies in the new media setting. Praprotnik silhouettes the digitalization processes and their impact on the vital social structure. The author points out that digitalization, together with the evolution of social media, has queried the news industry. The central argument in the article is that digitalization has both positive and negative outcomes toward the media landscape. There are issues of transparency, accountability, and professionalism in media production, although the digitalization in new media has hastened the media production processes.

The text is of much significance to communication studies since the ideas presented have exposed social activities that are manifested on social media as a result of digitalization. Describing the impact of digitalization using social networks, for example, Facebook and Twitter, is an exemplary way of discussing the misperception of communication acts that are done by journalists through the new media. The author’s scholarship is unquestionable since he is an assistant professor at the University of Primorska in the faculty of humanity, which makes this article a credible source. Although the source lacks empirical approach evidence, it has utilized recent primary sources to support the ideas which are recommendable. The author’s ideas of democratization, promptness, and speed will help in the discourse of digitalization, new media, and global culture since they assist in pointing out the professional ethics and working conditions in news dissemination.

Wasserman, H. (2018). Digitalization of the media in Africa: Prospects for change. Research Institute.

In this article, Wasserman explores how digitalization has presented novel opportunities together with the association between technology and global society. The author asserts that although traditional media still have roots in many regions, the new media have resulted in more indulgence in politics and social change. The author points out that information is now disseminated over digital platforms through the enhancement of mobile phones. Digitalization has provided access to digitalized media as well as the global information society, which depicts the role of new media. The central argument in the text is that digitalization is speedily reshaping political and social life. This article is important in communication studies since it reveals the different ways in which digital media has reshaped existing social, cultural, economic, and political patterns. Wasserman has reputable education positions since he is a professor of Media Studies at the University of Cape Town. He is also a Director of the Centre for Film and Media Studies, thus a credible author. Although it is not a scholarly article, its rich discussion is current and relevant to my topic. The concepts about structural limitations and user agency addressed in the text will help discuss how new media technologies have resulted in the digital divide in a global context.

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Essay Example. Digitalization, New Media and Global Culture: Annotated Bibliography. (2023, Nov 14). Retrieved from

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