Literary Essay Sample: Discussion on Character and Author Argument Development

Published: 2020-04-28
Literary Essay Sample: Discussion on Character and Author Argument Development
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Literature Charles Dickens Character analysis
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 947 words
8 min read

The primary argument in this chapter is that the childhood position of Pip in the story is a key part which the author portrays through the presentation of his reaction to the conflict and also the questions given that the conflict asks about his parents. Primarily the description and the creation of the conflict character, a scary person with a soaring terrifying voice and his reaction towards the small boy Pip is the expression that in a secondary level the author would like to draw the feelings that could be expressed by any child. He in his secondary level would like to present the image of a orphaned child and what could be the reactions at such situations that are really frightening and calling for the child to act courageously. At such the expression of fear, confusion, and even the ignorance that is enclosed within the naivetes of the childs mind.

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Pip being a small boy and being terrified by the conflict is a primary expectation and norm that in a traditional setting such a child would run either to the guardians or to the police to report such a matter and take shelter. The case of Pip is generally a different one. He is seen stealing food and file so as to help the conflict. The picture here is that of a strong person who tackles, matters beyond his level. It presents a character unexpected of the boy. The author wants to show the intelligent and caring part of people who are vulnerable, but, are very kind and sympathetic to other people notwithstanding what they do for them. The character of a young compassionate and caring boy is instead created with Pip maneuvering his way to save the conflict who we would assume that he had escaped.

The author has placed the description of the situations in such a manner that the various situations that are surrounding the story indicate a real situation ideal for all the characters to achieve the intents of the author in their action.

The way in which the author presents Mrs. Joe the sister to Pip as a big sister with cane which he calls the Tickler is an exact primary figure of the guardian as is expected of the primary character, and the expectation is that Pip would report this matter to her and in any case he would be hiding it away from her, then he would be afraid of the tickler. This should explain why he puts the bread in his pocket Mrs. Joe is also harsh to Pip. In this set up you will see the other undesirable characters of Pip that he is a disobedient and also a guilty character. He doesnt obey what his sister says at no cost. Also the facts of Mr. Joe being a blacksmith explains the facts of a possibility that Pip knowing what a saw was and basically anything that his brother-in-law was using to work with. This tells us why when he runs to steal the chisel he doesnt pick a hammer or any other non-usable tool in cutting.

The activities shown to be being performed by the young boy; the act of sitting by the parents graves at a lonely place, and tackling a challenging situation which calls for courage to handle the conflict is a clear picture of the unexpressed agony in the hearts of those who are unable to express it out to the world to listen. In this instance the primary line is that Pip is a child and could may be think that someday his parents would open up their graves and come out to be with him and thats why he comes to watch and see if the will be out. However, in a secondary capacity it shows the hidden loneliness due to the death of the parents and the misery of being an orphan.

The arguments of the author that the character Pip is actually a child is clearly supported by the fact that when the conflict asks about his parents, he actually describes how they look inside their graves, this is an act of naiveness which can only be shown by a child. Also the facts of Mr. Joe being a blacksmith are justified by the proof of a workshop and tools; Pip picks a chisel from it. The convict is clearly depicted by the presence of chains in his legs. To show that he has been condemned.

Of the literary skills the author uses in the narration of this story is a narrative or a style known as story within a story. The narration of how the conflict appears in Pips life here is a narrative that the author brings in to show some of the hidden characters of the character Pip. Pips new friend who is a conflict leaves a feeling in him that this was an isolated incidence. Mystery and suspense are clearly applied in the chapter creating a desire to continue in the reading. The descriptive feature which describes the physical appearance of the conflict, Mrs. Joes house and Pip is an upheld style that sustains the awesomeness of the story.


Generally the author has applied the literature styles of narrative, suspense, descriptive feature and sequential flow to keep the story interesting. The character of pip and that of the conflict and Mrs. Joe are clearly put to portray the primary and secondary intended character of the authors mind.


Dickens, C. (n.d.). literature study guides. Retrieved 9 14, 2015, from Spark notes:

Gottschall, J. (2012). The Story Telling Animal: how stories make us human. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

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