Dorothea's Ideas of Marriage in Middlemarch. Paper Example

Published: 2023-01-30
Dorothea's Ideas of Marriage in Middlemarch. Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Relationship Character analysis Books Family drama
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 562 words
5 min read

The British novel has for years been appreciated in across the globe due to the influence it Impacts. On account of the British story, the Middlemarch novel ranks among the best of British ever written books. Marriage comprises as one of the central themes in Middlemarch. Dorothea expresses union in a variety of ways in the Middlemarch novel. Arguably, most individuals compromise that the book expounds on divorce. The story sets out the motion of different individuals involved in relationships at particular stages. The author clearly illustrates revitalized procedures undergone by specific characters right from courtship to the time of marriage.

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In the Middlemarch novel, Dorothea remains audible to the dangers of divorce. Dorothea believes in specific ideas concerning marriage; thus, the reason as to why she does not divorce Casaubon. Dorothea fully urges on honesty and the revitalized sense of her idealism to the nature of marriage (Hardy, 2014). On account of the unsuitable marriage with Casaubon, Dorothea maintains the trust that the husband will suit her shortly. The principle enables her to proceed on with the wedding despite critics. In consideration of Dorothea's actions, it can be established that Dorothea camouflages in the obverse behaviors of Casaubon. Casaubon generally indicates failure imposed to eternal darkness. On the other hand, Dorothea thrives with hope each day, she accounts for life and shows that a will exists in the light.

Dorothea believes that a woman ought to be submissive to her husband the moment they are married. Dorothea is, therefore, docile and greatly appreciates the fact of being inferior to her husband, Casaubon (Hardy, 2014). Casaubon is established as a clergyman, thus the reason as to why Dorothea was much attracted to him. Initially, Dorothea targeted to lead an exemplary life in comparison to St Teresa. The clergyman had set up a project that Dorothea viewed as a potential liability to devoting her life. As nature would not tell it all, the clergyman's plan ends up failing. Despite the fail, Dorothea and Casaubon finally tie the knot and officially become husband and wife.

As time elapsed by, Dorothea's fantasies concerning Casaubon gradually diminishes from memory. Readers tend to think Casaubon's marriage, and Dorothea draws a consummate relationship (Hardy, 2014). The age agape between Dorothea and the husband imposes that according to Dorothea's concerns of leading an exemplary life, the couple may have opted to lead a celibate marriage. Dorothea's ideas concerning marriage leave her in a position that readers feel the act of violation to feminism.

In conclusion, the Middlemarch novel expresses a variety of themes expounding marriage. Marriage itself is a significant theme show in the book on its own. Dorothea's wedding has been used to represent the consciousness of a divorce. We further, establish that the Middlemarch novel has gained the favor of the audience across the globe; thus, it leaves the audience with an answered question. The story leaves most of the readers wondering whether the marriage between Casaubon and Dorothea was consummated. Consummate implies the act of sealing the marriage through sexual intimacy. The novel largely expounds on relationships at particular stages and the repercussions. The author clearly illustrates revitalized procedures undergone by specific characters right from courtship to the time of marriage. The book generally promotes the British brand in issuing the best novels across the world.


Hardy, B. (2014). Middlemarch: critical approaches to the novel. A&C Black.

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