Essay Sample on Effective Ways to Motivate Employees Inside a Business Workspace

Published: 2023-08-07
Essay Sample on Effective Ways to Motivate Employees Inside a Business Workspace
Essay type:  Problem solution essays
Categories:  Human resources Motivation Organizational behavior
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1481 words
13 min read

In any workplace today, in a business setting, every business, whatever its scale and market, strives to gain a competitive edge. No doubt, employees are the cornerstone of the framework that holds together every workplace, business, or corporation. Workers perform essential tasks to ensure successful and adequate fulfillment of the long-term vision and goals of the company. Although no company would function properly without proper management, this is essential that employees feel comfortable coming to work. Thus, maintaining positivism while in the place of employment is pertinent in performing tasks efficiently and profitably. In this case, it is essential to ensure that staff members are more pleased with and aspire for more in their roles. This essay describes the effective ways of motivating employees inside the work environment.

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Motivation is what gives a person a purpose to act or to start behaving with the urge or ability to achieve something in some way. Making employees motivated in the workplace is an absolute necessity, and encouraging them to execute above expectations. Organizations around the globe that consider their human resources as the core of the company and boost overall employee productivity and performance appear to be more efficient (Chishimba, 2018).

Hanaysha (2016) highlighted the principal aspects of communication, corporate principles, organizational justice, and employee growth. Organizational justice motivates employees to commit to tasks and company strategies (Hanaysha, 2016). Organizational justice entails distributive procedures and fairness within the workplace. The first crucial point is to adhere to standards that meet the needs of employees. Thus ensuring that essential business principles h are written, a rational management team is into practice, and commitments are fulfilled. Besides, it is also necessary to have an understandable and generally communicated mission.

Organizational justice goes hand in hand with employee engagement. According to Hanaysha (2016), creating a just environment motivates employee engagement, which results in outstanding performance. When employees understand the company's objectives, it is simpler to realize how their actions can significantly affect advancement toward those objectives (Hanaysha, 2016). It’s subsequently key to “Build a common objective as well as an agenda that sets out a fundamental mindset while doing stuff; build business credibility by linking goals and principles to a greater cause; and improve team participation in the project.” (Hanaysha, 2016).

It's also imperative to emphasize group interaction. Companies are likely to have much more dedicated and empowered workers when there is team contact through company-regulated or controlled activities (Hanaysha, 2016). That implies that as employees interact in regular group contact with each other more, they develop positive relationships with each other. They are becoming more dedicated. Therefore, the main aspects of business objectives and social interaction are crucial in making workers more dedicated and motivated to the institution as a whole. It can is achievable only if the company is successful in managing and making sure that policies are maintained and implemented in both written and actionable ways.

As per the Public Choice Theory, cooperation means that managers will attain team performance and employee motivation if there is indeed a shared knowledge of rewards for all parties where monetary rewards are involved. It is achievable by forming small groups of workers. Good teamwork between a team of workers leads to higher rates of endeavor when awards are focused on team effort. Seeing as collaboration is controllable by direct communication in smaller groups, it is a different developmental practice in employee motivation.

Additionally, 'teamwork' is critical since it ensures small groups of staff members are dependent on one another (Maruping & Magni, 2015). With a group reward system, it becomes possible, as "Group effort rewards will be essential in increasing endeavor levels than benefits based on the different personal endeavors." In that case, a tiny class number in which workers depend on each other will improve motivation and performance well enough and enjoy rewards rather than independent rewards. A manager should consider the commitment he or she makes, since you serve the company as management, they will directly influence the productivity of the employee. Sometimes, workers don't differentiate between the assurances made by a manager and those made by the corporate entity, which suggests losing trust in a manager can result in losing faith in the whole enterprise. Going back on that promise violates the psychological contract of an employee: that is the unwritten but no less real set of employment relationship perceptions.

Besides, the likelihood to which group interactions with the same people impact the identification of employee motivation is high. People who work together regularly find a more significant basis for working in harmony since they are sure that future interconnection will take place and thus allowing the employee to form firmer and more stable relationships with each other (Maruping & Magni, 2015).

The essential elements of motivating employees are interdependent connections amongst groups and the mutual rewards of an organization. When performance reviews are made available in group settings, there will be more individual responsibility for each participant to contribute to the project. While the participation of an individual can within huge groups, small parties are far more accountable for who is involved and to what degree.

Therefore, workers become far more likely to enjoy all the benefits of group benefits through collective engagement. There should be cooperation among subordinates (Spicer, 1985, p.11). Interdependent contact among small groups is also a massively influential feature, in addition to collaboration. Detecting, isolating, and overcoming uncooperative and controversial behavior patterns within small groups are much more comfortable (Maruping & Magni, 2015). With staff members relying upon one another and working closely, they are more motivated to work expertly and in perfect harmony. Add this with influential leaders showing exemplary leadership, and the effectiveness can be significant.

Respect is a strong motivator in several relationships, including those between employees and management. Managers should handle individuals respectfully, value workers, assign workers obligations, pay attention to and reassure them, pay for one's contributions, and foster the sense that they belong to a vast company (Dessler, 1999). From there, certainly, taking the comparatively small step of respecting your staff members is not just good manners, but good business sense. Whether it is engaging workers one-on-one, writing a note, giving them input, or resolving disputes, managers should do their best to facilitate a friendly interaction. It is essential to treat all workers with dignity and to reduce the position of power and bureaucracy. Employees show greater happiness and enthusiasm when bosses set a positive example, inspire others, and praise high performance.

Additionally, the conditions of respect in workspace go hand in hand with employee empowerment. Employee empowerment strategies include clear communication of the company mission and vision. The managers should charismatically clarify the missions and organization ideologies, whirequires the managers to practice value-based orientation to every new employee and communicate the culture of collaboration right on the onset of the employee contract. The organization should assure the employees of their well-being, justice in the workspace, and work-life balance to keep them motivated. The implementation of these strategies that make use of organizational commitment, the unity of the workforce, and workforce development are fundamental techniques for employee motivation. The performance of reasonable programs that promote the ideologies of equality incorporation is incredibly successful as it sums up the enthusiasm and moral authority of a culture of accountability and equal treatment incorporation. Essentially undoes those undesirable traits, including command and favoritism for individuals compared to other workers. Workers are extremely encouraged to see managers appreciate subordinates and social cooperation. The cohesion within the workplace is essential since it enables workers to work together to accomplish common goals, especially among females (usual victims of gender discrimination).

Even after becoming more highly helpful in small teams, workforce harmony at a collective level has been effective in motivating employees. So the task itself has become an even greater call for individuals to be extremely passionate about being part of it appropriately. Techniques such as distributing responsibilities, managing communications, and retaining solid organizational principles all work effectively to inspire workers to a wider scope. It is vital to develop employees through fair and mutually beneficial relations. Companies could motivate their workers to reach above and beyond their standards by giving staff the ability to succeed, encouraging their success, and supporting them along the way (Chishimba, 2018).

In conclusion, organizational justice, employee engagement, workforce unit, employee development, and teamwork are prerequisite aspects that motivate employees to follow through with the organization's mission and vision. They are effective strategies that every organization to motivate their employees and improve performance.


Chishimba, C., W. (2017). Strategies for Motivating Sales Employees ' Performance within Small Businesses in the United States.

Dressler, G. (2019). How to Earn Your Employees' Commitment.

Hanaysha, J. (2016). Examining the Effects of Employee Empowerment, Teamwork, and Employee Training on Organizational Commitment.

Maruping, M., L. & Magni, M. (2015). Motivating Employees to Explore Collaboration Technology in Team Contexts.

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Essay Sample on Effective Ways to Motivate Employees Inside a Business Workspace. (2023, Aug 07). Retrieved from

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