Essay Example: My Career Goals

Published: 2020-06-10
Essay Example: My Career Goals
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Career Personality
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 547 words
5 min read

I am a highly motivated person, results-driven, and with a continuous improvement mindset. I have excellent problem-solving skills, priority-setting, superb communication and team leading skills. As an accomplished tax advisor and specialist, having graduated with a Bachelor of Business in Finance degree from Walsh College, I have gathered immense experience in the field of Business. Presently, I work as a Tax Advisor at Conklin Hruzek &Co., CPA P.C. having previously worked as a Tax Specialist at H & R Block, Inc. Houston. Notably, my roles and responsibilities include preparation of tax returns for the State, corporations, businesses, organizations, and for individuals. I also generated financial statements, tax code reports, researched and summarized tax issues for a variety of entities. Besides, I advised clients on ways to minimize tax liability, tax changes with respect to their businesses.

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Moreover, I am a successful Accountant cum Tax Analyst; an experience I honed while working at Financial Matters Tax and Book-Keeping Solutions, Damatics Global Services Inc. Livonia and as an Intern at Hysa & Associates CPA P.C. I was in charge of offering advice to clients on building credible credit histories, keeping records of bills as well as preparation and review of Form 1065 of Partnership Income, and Form 1120 Corporation Income. Moreover, I underwent training and subsequent certification in Tax Club Software System-La Certe and CCH Software System-Pro Systems which are instrumental in the taxation process. Furthermore, I participated in quality-related activities within the Tax team and fulfilled my roles to help the organizations realize their objectives and missions.

Additionally, I was responsible for performing general accounting tasks including generation of income statements and preparation of balance sheets. I also reconciled statements and reviewed notes for accounts payable. I was mandated to train and advice clients on book-keeping and financial recording. I am also highly trained in sorting of documents for the preparation of Ultra Tax software.

At Xerox Corp, Houston, TX, I was employed in the capacity of Fleet Client Services Coordinator from January 2012 to February 2013 where I extended my advisory skills to the companys clients in matters pertaining account reconciliation, billing, invoicing and the taxation system. I maintained the accounts system by generating quarterly reports and communicating with the managers. The reports gave a forecast of the companys sales, profits, losses, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities to be tapped for improvement. On the side of customer service, I was obligated to maintaining regular and close contact with customers in all states by getting their problems and recommendations and communicating them with relevant managers.

From October 2009 to March 2010, I worked as a tutor of Accounting, Math, and Economics at Oakland Community College. I learnt a great deal of self-confidence and presentation skills. I also Pride myself for working as an Art Mosaics Byzantine and Classic Stylist at Southeast Europe Greece where I made decorations and elegant icons to Churches.

In conclusion, I have a track-record of meeting tight deadlines, always having a positive attitude at work, excellent planning skills, and with amazing potential. In my entire employment period, I always build a reputation for standing out when executing my duties and this has made me obtain enormous recognition.


Biggs, J. (2008). Approaches to learning and to essay writing. In Learning strategies and learning styles (pp. 185-228). Springer US.

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