Paper Example. Effectiveness of the Videos in Communicating with Preschoolers

Published: 2023-07-10
Paper Example. Effectiveness of the Videos in Communicating with Preschoolers
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Communication Entertainment Child development
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1228 words
11 min read

The target audience for these videos is the general public who wishes to be covered by insurance. That is following the adverts by Farmers Insurance in the film juxtaposing to be covering vast claims ranging from among others personal assurance, vehicle insurance, housing insurance, and accident insurance.

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Effectiveness of the Videos in Communicating with Preschoolers

Those videos will be effective in communicating their messages to preschoolers since they first capture their attention by avoiding other things that may distract them during communication. That is seen at the beginning of the video. Additionally, the videos are effectively communicating with preschoolers to pass a vital message, since they have incorporated animations in their communication, an aspect that every preschool child will enjoy and subsequently get the message (Stern). Moreover, the videos pass the message through actions, signs, and incorporation of some elements of jokes, and aspects that would be of real excitement to the preschool children making them enjoy watching the video. The video messages are also not too long to bore since they have a short concentration span, which makes the children enjoy every moment of it without getting bored. The videos have also ensured the maintenance of eye contact by the actors, they are fun and positive, and something which makes the children glued to them and would want to watch them over and over again until they get the intended message. Finally, the video uses signs and visual cues in gauging the children's feelings and understanding of the message. That is coupled with their element of avoiding displaying anger or impatience together with the use of facial expressions which excites the children.

Effectiveness of the Videos in Communicating with School-Age Children

The videos will be effective in communicating their messages to school-age children owing to their clarity in communication that encompasses repetition of words to ensure that the school-age children understand the message well (Traub). Besides, the videos will be effective in communicating their message following their print-rich environment juxtaposing signs ad written descriptions thereby increasing their comprehension of the ideas from the videos. Additionally, the videos encompass audibility, pictures, readings and actions that come handy with the message thereby underscoring a better understanding of the intended message by the school-age children. Also, the discussion on strategies and solutions in the quest of solving problems as displayed in the videos are vital elements necessary by the school-age children in grasping the message from the videos. For instance, when the farmers' insurance company promises the owner of the damaged vehicle that they have a solution to his problem since the car is insured. Finally, the use of genre and appellant connotations, coupled with predictions on what will happen next in the films makes it easier for the school-age children to get a clear message.

Effectiveness of the Videos in Communicating with Young Adolescents

The videos will be effectively communicating their messages with young adolescents following their storytelling in nature which may be liked by the teens. Also, the videos' flexibility in approach to serious issues like accidents and fires and making them easier to solve when one registers with farmers' insurance will be enjoyed by most adolescents who face complex dilemmas in their growth and development. Adolescents will easily pay attention to the videos and grasp the ideas put across. The use of repetition in the videos that lies emphasis on what is being communicated will enhance a better understanding of the message by the youth adolescents. Also, the friendly and open-ended manner in which the messages in the video are channeled will underscore effectiveness of the message to the young adolescents. Additionally, the use of communication pointers by the use of specifics rather than generalizations the passage of information through those videos would really be effective for young adolescents. Finally, the passage of the message in a friendly tone, coupled with the fun that confers it, and not forgetting the shortness and clarity in it encompasses its effectiveness to the young adolescents.

Effectiveness of the Videos in Communicating with Grownups

These videos will also effectively communicate with adults, following rapport they show from the beginning of the videos to the end. That makes the adults watching it relaxed, more comfortable, and receptive. Such qualities will make the grown-ups' reception of communication more accurate. Additionally, the message from the video is also structured in an appropriate language that makes the idea in the message model to the adults receive ng it. Similarly, the conscious of the body language spoken, the structure of the words, coupled with the tone used in communicating the message makes it easier for the adults easily grasp the message. Moreover, the use of visuals, simple language and confidence displayed in the videos in passing across their message would be appealing to adult audiences, thereby easily understanding the content of the message. Also, the video's use of pictorial presentations and appropriate sounds enhances the message's effectiveness to grown-up audience. More still, the gesticulate demonstrations, coupled with its articulative nature and the humor created in the videos in the quest of sending their messages encourage positive feedback, especially from grown-ups who will want to act on the message put across in the videos. Finally, the videos encompass displayed confidence and seriousness, coupled with flexibility in cases of changes that make it more effective for grown-up audiences.

Challenge 2: Response to "Children's TV Left Behind"

The article underscores a whole new feeling experienced by young people and it becomes very emotional especially when all the children eventually become orphans. The author's juxtaposition of this seriousness confers a neat approach, coupled with the interwovenness of each new story making the seriousness not only appealing but also captivating. The story underlies four teenagers who were left behind, Ryan, who is a family that was never going to church, albeit died in the midst of the vanishes; Vicki, who siblings and parents had accepted Jesus in the previous years, Judd, whose whole family disappeared and Lionel whose whole family disappeared to be left with one uncle.

The religious fiction story underpins how things ought to have happened and not how things will happen as many critics of the article portray it. What makes the article even more captivating is its intersection with adult novels making it not only viewed in kid's perception but also for adult's consumption. At the end of the book, the reader cannot help wondering what kind of person he/she would be supposedly in such a situation. The "Children's TV-Left Behind, therefore, has a special appeal to children, and of particular benefits the disadvantaged children in the society. The article which majorly propagates children's televisions channel which will captivate children's avid interest that will also help them in the preparation for their educational journey (Wong). The program will also help in the promotion of preschoolers' cultural and intellectual growth. The children's intellectual growth that will be enhanced courtesy of this program will enhance their diversification of ideas and capacity to think for themselves. This article, therefore, underscores the program for children, making it an interesting and groundbreaking read for all, not only children but adults as well.

Works Cited

Farmers Insurance. "Not so Handy Monster." Farmers and Sesame Street, Aug.2008. [You tubeFile], Denise. "How to Communicate with Children." Healthfully, Jun.2017,

Traub, Sarah. "Communicating Effectively with Children." Missouri University,2020,, Alia. Education: "Children's TV-Left Behind.". The Atlanta, Jul.2015,

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Paper Example. Effectiveness of the Videos in Communicating with Preschoolers. (2023, Jul 10). Retrieved from

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