Free Essay Describing Elements of Creativity in the Business World

Published: 2019-09-02
Free Essay Describing Elements of Creativity in the Business World
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Business
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1204 words
11 min read

There exists a compelling argument about unlearning in the world of business today. Different scholars have different perceptions about unlearning. Unlearning is described as the process of stepping out of what one learned in school and trying to interpret new ideas in the world. Some scholars though believe that business schools teach the future leaders in business by use of case studies which they then try to replicate in their line of work. This may no, however, work due to the changing dynamics of the business world. Those supporting unlearning argue that there exists a standardized curriculum that is to be followed by each and every student (Dhawan, 2012). The curriculum does not, however, consider the individual need of the students. Before the process of unlearning we need to learn about the various business concepts first. We need to know the theories behind finance or accounting first before assessing what we need to apply today. When we shift the understanding of what it is we hypothesized in school, then we are unlearning. Scholars for the idea of unlearning believe that business schools need to embrace ambiguity and uncertainty as this is very common in the business world.

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With the increased competition in today's business world, creativity is essential for a business to run smoothly. There are various elements that ensure creativity in the world today. These elements are discussed below:

Problem making

This is the creation of a new problem which the students or the party involved has never dealt with before. When one is presented with this kind of a situation, the student or the party involved is expected to unlearn what they learned in school and then relearn. In Kyna Leski book, The Storm of Creativity, this process involved the presentation of new structures to her students (Kyna Leski, 2015). The students would be presented with a new design they have never done using materials which are unfamiliar to them. Challenged with what such a structure should be like, the students have to be creative to come up with a structure that meets the required standards. These concepts are used in today's world. Businesses today encourage their employees to think outside the box. They set up exercises that encourage teamwork and brainstorming.

After problem making, there should be the creation of creative challenges. These creative challenges should be simple, concise and focus on the problem in question. This allows for the student to pay more attention to one problem as many problems may cause a stifle. After on gets ideas about several problems, he/she may find a logical approach that allows for the solving of all the problems in question. However, one may also find that there exists no coordinated way to solve the various problems and that each must be solved separately.


After making a problem, the next step involves gathering information. This stage involves doing research. For the case of Leski's students, they will have to conduct research on the materials presented to them. This involves there physical, chemical and mechanical properties. They need to know which of the materials is weld able which is ductile and which can withstand high pressure without breaking. In the business world, the business leader needs to gather information on various problems. These problems may be such as the acceptance of a new product by the customers. This is a problem that needs the organization to carry out extensive research to solve. This process involves viewing the world from another perspective. The information that one is looking for may not be available as the situation that might be presented to them might be different from the one in the case studies. In such a scenario the student or the party involved will have to unlearn what was taught to them in business school and use the hypothesized theories behind the case studies to come up with information that can better suit the current situation. The students will then have to relearn the process again to help them solve such a problem in future.

After gathering the needed information, the students need to generate an idea. They can do this through the process of brainstorming. This process involves that the students deal with only one problem at a time. It involves generation of various alternatives to the problem. The students write down every idea regardless of how ludicrous or stupid it may sound. From all the idea put down, the student has to compare all of them. The best alternative is then chosen. This is the idea that is most efficient, takes less time and resources and also the best compared to all others.


This process comes after gathering the relevant information and generation of the idea. After an evaluation of all ideas and coming up with the best alternative, the next step is usually implementation. Implementation is the process of putting into action the best idea generated. A follow-up needs to take place to identify if there exists any deviation of the actual results from the expected results. The follow-up is also to ensure that all set processes are being followed to the later. After the students make the structures they have to observe them and see if they meet the various standards. They can identify if there is something that went wrong and the adjustments that are needed to correct it. Here the actual structure made by the students is compared to the expected outlook of the structure. The students are relearning the whole process again. They can see how effective they are at applying what it is they have learned in an ambiguous situation. The ability of the students to use the theories that they learned about architecture to solve the current situation is on the test by putting the assumption aside and coming up with their theories is unlearning. They, therefore, are to develop a new hypothesis from what they learned in school to be able to apply it in the situation that faces them.


Creative ideas are usually as a result of one's effort in trying to solve a particular problem and come up with solutions to achieve set certain goals. This process is called the creative problem solving. It involves some steps that help break down a problem for understanding it, generation of ideas to come up with a solution and evaluation of the ideas to find an effective solution (Baumgartner). The process of CPS has to follow various steps. Unlearning has been argued to be a necessary aspect of business management as it helps in the development of ideas that help solve the current problems which are usually ambiguous and uncertain. In my understanding, unlearning has been said to use the theories learned in school to come up with better theories that fit the current problems. We have to learn the theories behind accounting and finance first before we can be able to come up with our theories that are best suited for our problems.


Baumgartner, J. (n.d.). Innovation Retrieved April 18, 2016, from

Dhawan, E. (2012, June 13). Forbes. Business Schools Need to Focus on Unlearning. Forbes Magazine.

Kyna Leski, J. M. (2015). The Storm of Creativity. The MIT Press.

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