Essay Example - Email Message Template

Published: 2023-08-17
Essay Example - Email Message Template
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Internet Healthcare Communication skills
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 655 words
6 min read

Directions: Fill in the bracketed text below with your response. The email message template will expand as you type. Be sure to include sufficient information to address the importance of a manager’s role in the body text. Include in-text citations.

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Hello Team,

In preparation for this year’s budget planning meetings, I would like to share information regarding your role as a manager as it relates to the budget planning and quality-improvement process. Please see the email attachment for more information on the internal and external financial factors that relate to quality improvement.

<As the manager, you are at the center of the organization’s core operations and objectives of providing quality service. Therefore, for the hospital to survive as a business, you should be ready and capable of handling different administrative tasks, like budgeting, human resources as well as maintaining supplies (Locsin, 2018). Besides, you have a primary role in fostering a working environment that can offer essential and quality health care for a maximum profit.

You thus have a role of determining financial budgets, ordering and receiving supplies, administering payroll and benefits, together with distributing regular communications. Additionally, as a way of enhancing quality improvement within healthcare, you are expected to keep up with pertinent health care laws, technology, and the set standards, as well as representing the organization at external meetings, like the community forums and any gatherings of capital investment (Locsin, 2018). Planning for the future in line of budgeting is also your role as a manager.

As you are aware, health care needs, together with the medical decisions, are capable of affecting various procedures and finances of the facilities. Therefore, as managers, you have a role of conducting regular meetings with doctors, vendors as well as the patients to address different ways of enhancing organization operations effectively and to make financial decisions (Locsin, 2018).

Managers also have a role in the revenue cycle and current accounts management. Your role is specifically to ensure the functions and these accounts are managed properly to make sure there is operational effectiveness and also to reduce costs (Gapenski & Reiter, 2005).

Being a manager in this healthcare facility, in many cases, you will be called upon in determining salaries, assigning work schedules as well as in training staff, and making sure that there is a collaboration between the new staff and the existing staff (Locsin, 2018). You still have the mandate of promoting employees to supervisory or department head positions to help the hospital in achieving its quality objective. Your excellent leadership skills and interpersonal abilities will be of great use in motivating our employees so that they may attain the working standards already set.

As per your department, you are expected to be in charge of admissions, staff, and upkeep of medical centers (Locsin, 2018). In that, the primary aim you have, which is the same for the entire organization, is ensuring that our patients are receiving the best and required services. You should be setting goals and other procedures for the specific area of your responsibility, and you need to continuously and responsibly consult other clinical managers as well as the chief administrator.

Being a manager, you have another crucial role in contract management, where you are supposed to effectively negotiate, sign, and then monitor contracts with third party payers as well as with the healthcare organizations. As for the risk management, you also have a role of controlling it by applying relevant strategies to thwart any possible loss (Gapenski & Reiter, 2005).>

Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to working together!


<your name>

Healthcare Administrator

Healthcare Facility

1010 Healthcare Drive

[email protected]


Gapenski, K. L., & Reiter, K. (2005). Healthcare finance: An introduction to accounting and financial management. Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives.

Locsin, A. (2018). The Role of Managers in Health Care.

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