Essay Sample on Emerging Forms of Media: Technology's Impact on My Life

Published: 2023-11-25
Essay Sample on Emerging Forms of Media: Technology's Impact on My Life
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Technology Media
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1138 words
10 min read

Currently, in the world, millions of people are exposed to various forms of media as they interact in their diverse spheres of life. Moreover, different forms of media shape who they are and what they become eventually. Media encompasses the conveyance of mass communication through; broadcasting, publishing, or the internet. The paper aims to cover the essence of studying emerging forms of media, the medium of technology that has influenced my life, and how it was accepted by society. Additionally, print media has led to changes in how others use media and technology.

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People study new and emerging forms of media for several reasons. First, through the use of media, individuals get to interpret past events which ultimately shapes us to be who we are since the media defines and elaborates our place in the world based on research and studies done over time. Also, forms of media, both old and emerging, aid us in understanding our diverse cultures as we acquire critical thinking skills necessary to decipher communication with each other. Media also enriches our zeal for entertainment, expanding our perspectives in different fields of study. Basically, through the course of media, individuals learn the forms of technology by adopting an edge of modern technology and innovation in the world. Print media; newspapers and magazines and broadcast media such as the television and the radio are some of the prominent media examples in the world today, not forgetting the internet (Humorecht et al., 2018).

The print media has immensely changed and influenced my life, not only on how I perceive and disseminate information but also played a crucial role in shaping me towards my career as a researcher and a great analyst in several fields such as sociology and politics. Through the use of newspaper and magazines, I have been able to write different research analytical viewpoints. It has been received with a sense of scrutiny and evaluation by the public ultimately, affecting and influencing how they view others and how they interpret, evaluate and synthesize issues affecting various government offices worldwide. My interest and passion for writing commenced probably before joining high school. Due to this, I was able to write in multiple newspaper agencies such as the `Times Daily` as a columnist. My writing prowess as an analyst was, therefore ignited, and I converted the use of print media to be my primary platform in analyzing events. After writing for some time, I gained recognition in the public eye, and many newspaper companies began reaching out to me incessantly to write in their papers. I gained a sense of freedom, and I became a professional columnist in most newspapers and magazine establishments.

According to (Kapoor et al., 2018), print media cannot be considered as an old form of media to be exact although the internet seems to have taken over the industry, as most people are now converting to reading information and the news through the internet. Communication with family and friends has become more diverse than ever due to the mainstream comeback of the internet, influencing the print media to greater levels. Newspapers and magazines have now been converted to be read online, reducing the amount of paperwork involved. Currently, most of the analytical feedbacks I write and research on are enabled by the use of the internet, making it fast and efficient to reach billions of people worldwide. Unlike the former means of reading information which was only accessed by the fewer number of people who managed to purchase newspapers, the internet seems to have taken over, having been discovered and embraced in the early 1990s. It has, therefore enhanced effective and exciting communication methods as messages are shared faster across the globe.

The broadcasting media such as the television and the radio have also been affected by the internet since media channels, and streaming of videos has made it more accessible and convenient for people. They have become platforms for delivery and discussion of different contents affecting people’s lives. These advances in technology and media have immensely impacted traditional forms of communication, creating a way for more digitalized technologies. However, despite all drastic changes in the world of media, the majority of people still embrace earlier forms of media. Therefore, they still value print media as a way of acquiring information. Although the numbers are dwindling as a higher percentage of the population still prefer to use the internet due to its efficiency, one thing remains certain. That, however much the internet overshadows the print media, there will always be tens of millions of people inclined and prefer to obtain their news from print media sources.

Print media has shaped my use for future media such as the internet since, and I can still print out magazines, research on various fields of approach from the internet, get feedback from people at a faster rate and be able to gauge different analyst’s approach on the same field of research before printing out the paper to the public. Due to this, I have been able to critically synthesize a broader set of information using the internet hence, providing quality researched information to my readers. Moreover, News organizations are going through the transition and adaptation process in many emerging countries. Therefore, print newspaper sales are still growing.

In the earlier days, print media was given more attention as it was considered to be a broach to technological advancement from the earliest forms of communication. Many people read the newspaper as education had just begun forming its root, and therefore, reading was a culture to be embraced. However, over time, with advanced forms of education and expertise, the emergence of the internet tended to shift people’s attention from the newspapers to the screens to acquire knowledge (Udenze, 2018).

There have been changes in the way people used media; from the verbal message and letter writing to read the newspaper and now basically, almost everyone is accessing the internet for information. Print media will always be part of us regardless of the changes in technology. Digital media has dominated how Americans receive information. There are crucial elements directed at shaping and impacting the future of the media and technology field. Innovation is the new norm, and thus, change is expected to happen daily. The only question is, how it will influence peoples` interactions as we look into future media concepts!


Humprecht, E., & Esser, F. (2018). Diversity in online news: On the importance of ownership types and media system types. Journalism Studies, 19(12), 1825-1847.

Kapoor, K. K., Tamilmani, K., Rana, N. P., Patil, P., Dwivedi, Y. K. & Nerur, S. (2018). Advances in social media research: Past, present, and future. Information Systems Frontiers, 20(3), 531-558.

Udenze, S. (2018). Print media and the challenges of social media. International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications, 2(3).

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Essay Sample on Emerging Forms of Media: Technology's Impact on My Life. (2023, Nov 25). Retrieved from

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