Essay Example on Community Intervention

Published: 2023-01-13
Essay Example on Community Intervention
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Counseling Community
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1035 words
9 min read

Community intervention is one area of expertise that requires critical thinking because it involves addressing matters that range from one individual perspective to another. It is a process that requires a clear and systematic approach because it is a process that can lead to significant health of the community and its people. Community intervention has been used for one to understand the situation at hand and consequently provide possible solutions to them. In many cases, these interventions are used to understand the situation you're dealing with before coming up with the means of solving them. The need to review the possible causes and effects of a condition is significant because it would allow for better analysis and an insight into the scenario, therefore, leading to better judgment. Community interventions are mostly applied when there is a crisis or a problem that affects a large number of people and therefore, demands the need for a solution to be sought after to calm the situation. In most cases, volunteers are mostly used in these cases to see to it that the problem is solved. The paper will study a case scenario and analyze the possible means and solutions that could have been employed in that case to ensure that the issue is addressed correctly.

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The first significant step as a counselor would be to describe the problem and state its causes. Clarifying the issue to the students and the other stakeholders will allow them to have a clear view of the vents and the reasons to why the accident happened. Since the students are said to be gifted, explaining the problem and giving the reasons to it would be a great way to start. Explaining the rationale towards the accidents would be great because it would provide the students and the other stakeholders an understanding of what happened at the time of the crash.

As a counselor, I would explain to the faculty and the students the extent of the accident and the nature of the situation at the moment. The need to explain to the faculty and the students the quality of the victim and the condition at the moment is very vital because it would give them hope that things will soon get better.

The next step would be on how to channel ways through which such scenarios will not happen again in the future. The mechanism that would help see to it that accidents don't occur again would be suggested because this would allow the students and the faculty have an understanding on the means through which they can stay safe and avoid such accidents. It is a step that prepares the community and the students to stay awake to the causes of the accidents, which will be a means of reducing such incidents from happening again. The last step would be to provide the students and the faculty with sufficient evidence and information that will enable them to analyze and understand the matter at hand critically. These steps are vital in delivering such scenarios because they are essential in ensuring mental health because breaking such new in the wrong way might result in harmful effects to the faculty and the students at large. (Bernal, J. L., Cummins, S., & Gasparrini, A. 2017).

The three resources that I would incorporate in my plan include; principles of community engagement which applies arrange of ethical and practical matters that would be very relevant to the faculty and the students. Use of community engagement principles will give the basis of the guidelines to understanding the problem at hand and also for clear structure and understanding of the case scenario. The following resources would be system concepts in action which will help in providing thinking methods and the tools for understanding and analyzing the nature of the situation. Intervention is a resource that supports the parties to understand the relationship between the events and the possible means of avoiding them. The third resource to use as the counselor will be participatory impact pathways analysis which is a system that will engage a number of the stakeholders including the students in the process of finding the path towards change and which will form the foundation to intervening in the situation. The steps are fundamental in such cases because they will allow the intervention of the students and the entire faculty in the process for finding the best approach to intervene in the scenario to the other people. (Sarriot, et al. 2015).

The intervention plan would be engaging the strategic partnerships within the hospital and also external stakeholders. The procedure above would ensure active involvement in the implementation planning process to provide a more substantial buy-in and also to increases the impact on community health. In the short-term approach, persons and departments in the hospitals will help in the implementation and development of community health by scaling the strategies across the clinics. In the long range, a larger sphere of hospitals will improve through the strategy that will see stakeholders help in ensuring their growth and that many other people benefit from the implementation of the plan. (Oakes, J., Maier, A., & Daniel, J. 2017).

The various professional roles and expectations in the field of behavioral health include the interaction between the profession and the patient, interaction between the patient and the doctor will be high because the field demands more of communication with the patients. Several assessments and methods will be needed to draw conclusions and come up with rationales behind the problems. Competency in cultural variations is the other expectation that will be demanded in this faculty because it is essential to understand the root cause of specific mental health problems and this relates to culture and the ways of life of the patients.


Bernal, J. L., Cummins, S., & Gasparrini, A. (2017). Interrupted time series regression for the evaluation of public health interventions: a tutorial. International journal of epidemiology, 46(1), 348-355.

Oakes, J., Maier, A., & Daniel, J. (2017). Community Schools: An Evidence-Based Strategy for Equitable School Improvement. National Education

Sarriot, E., Morrow, M., Langston, A., Weiss, J., Landegger, J., & Tsuma, L. (2015). A causal loop analysis of the sustainability of integrated community case management in Rwanda. Social Science & Medicine, 131, 147-155.

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Essay Example on Community Intervention. (2023, Jan 13). Retrieved from

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