Essay Example on Emotional and Social Development in Early Adulthood

Published: 2023-01-05
Essay Example on Emotional and Social Development in Early Adulthood
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Child development Emotional intelligence
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1505 words
13 min read

Emotional growth is a long-life procedure that encompasses beyond adolescence and juvenile into primary middle age and old age. Young adulthood is a crucial stage of growth in which different people come to understand who they truly are. A vital characteristic of the growth stage is the relationship development with the opposite gender, love experiences and confidence. The mate selection experiences and love are important essentials of emotional growth in young maturity. Early adulthood development is one of the inclusive philosophies of emotional growth. The sixth stage of psycho-social growth is young adulthood and then the adulthood and old-age stages follow. Different persons start to experience violation vs desire for intimacy at the age of mid-20s when young adulthood starts to occur. In this stage of growth, intimacy is described as being related to someone close, which includes a sense of vow, and these relationships might be non-sexual or sexual in nature. According to Erikson, he alleged that persons who are capable of experiencing real intimacy have a strong sense of identity. Self-absorption can make an individual be unable to create another intimate relationship if he or she has withdrawn from another relationship. When a person is an early adulthood, he becomes less dependent on his or her family as they begin to start their careers and also intimate relationships.

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Young adulthood is a period that is often alleged as the major stage of life when a person is free from the adolescence chain and the stigmas that come due to old age. In order to go to the next stage of development, a person needs to efficiently deal with present conflicts and troubles that are in the current growth stage. Hence, middle age adults need to solve out their issues of violation vs intimacy in order to graduate to adulthood and efficaciously leave young adulthood behind. According to studies, an important factor for a capacity for closeness is the accomplishment of an identity that is strong and it has been discovered that it varies between women and women. The existence of strong individualities was identified to be predictable whether if men are going to marry or not. The prediction of women stated that the marriage of women would last longer or forever.

According to research, there are two different facets of isolation. These are emotional isolation and social isolation (Steptoe, Shankar, Demakakos, & Wardle,2013). Social isolation is whereby an individual fails to integrate into society successfully. Social isolation is commonly referred to as loneliness. Emotional loneliness has a tendency to forage upon itself as the lonely persons do not talk much to other people, they are less open to the individuals who talk with them and they have no interest with what other people offer to them. This makes them be difficult to be understood. During the early adulthood stage, emotional and social growth entwines with that of career, identity and moral in active ways that foreshadow the future lifestyle and attitudes of an individual.

In industrialized countries with many middle age people, the development to early childhood is a period of an extended exploration of values, attitudes and life potentials. According to Haiti, he said that the development to young adulthood interfered with education to volunteer pranksters without limits, an association that will make the children who are living in the skirmish zones and refugee campsites to be joyful (Berk,2010). When thinking about gradual conversion to adulthood, an individual has to think about his or her own development. You have to consider if have truly reached maturity. According to Haiti, he said that only subsequently reaching the age of late twenties and early thirties, that is the period when most people feel that they have really become adults (Berk,2010). Some of the young adulthoods have left adolescence but they are not yet ready to take up adult responsibilities. A survey was conducted and it was revealed that most parents who graduates and undergraduates mostly view their children as undergraduates.

According to Erikson's theory, it defines intimacy and isolation as the feelings and thoughts of a young person on making an everlasting obligation to an intimate companion (Beyers, & Seiffge-Krenke,2010). Intimacy needs a young person to redefine their distinctiveness so that he or she can include the interests and values of his partner. An individuality that is secure nurtures fulfillment of intimacy. This is when a person is fully committed to goals and values that are meaningful that prepares a middle age adult for relational commitments. When intimacy and identity are more complex for women and when resolution isolation versus intimacy is successful, it concocts an individual for development to the stage of young adulthood.

The relationship nature changes as middle age adult persons antagonize interpersonal dissimilarities and at period trials, that branch on new intuition concerning other people and also them. It is imperative to understand that the theory of development is not an astringently rectilinear model and people can transform through the phases out of order and concurrently. For example, identity growth during the fifth phase can still occur at the sixth phase of intimacy vs isolation. In this stage, it answers the question can one discover love and relationships as the self-identified individual he or she is becoming. The positive individuality in growth in the late teenage years becomes an arbitrator for being able to deal with obstacles and situations that are stressful that take place during the young adulthood stage.

When individuals make a successful resolution about their intimacy, they are able to concentrate on generativity were they able to care for the next generation and also to improve humanity. According to Levinson's theory about the season of life, he defines growth as an arrangement of qualitatively different ages. The cycle of life escalates the stages in which every person will pass when he or she is developing too early adulthood. According to the story of Ivan, the psychological growth during young adulthood, he said during his time when he was in the university, he found it hard in discovering fit and stability within his relationships. His understanding as a futuristic had changed perceptions and thus starting a skirmish with his old affairs. According to Erikson, he said that an individual develops an identity crisis when he or she is struggling to discover their niche (Berk,2010). When individuals have an identity crisis, they abandon the optimistic characteristics of their individuality so that they can acquire relationships despite how superficial they are. For example, many adults during college struggle with the challenge of circumnavigating relational differences that can substitute development when they are exposed to a new sense of independence and they want to sightsee their own welfares.

The social-emotional matters in early adulthood grow due to isolation. Loneliness is multidimensional and it can portray itself as a series of symptoms. For example, an individual can get afraid to engage in an intimate relationship because he or she is fearing to get rejected by because of their race, sexual orientation, and ethnicity. Also, if a person lacks the aptitude to share the benefit of others in place of self-fulfillment can make a person become isolated while growing socially and emotionally too young adulthood. According to Levinson's theory, it states the structure of life is the underlying design of the life of an individual that consist of significant relationships with other people (Steptoe, Shankar, Demakakos, & Wardle,2013). In emerging adulthood, friendship is a series of phases that characterizes the growth of many families in the world.

When an individual starts a relationship whereby, he or she favors herself only rather than starting a relationship that is intimate, it can lead to distantiation. This is because an individual loses interest to participate in relationships that are involved with people who have different beliefs, experiences, and values because they are alleged to be perilous to the identity of the other person. Distantiation leads to the growth of prejudgment that is left unchallenged and it can disseminate interactive relationships that are biased. Distantiation also discourages intimacy, mutual growth and the growth of positive individuality. Loneliness can also cause anxiety and depression when young adults scuffle to discover fit as they grow a new sense of distinctiveness and expression. Even though the theory of Erikson (intimacy vs isolation) was broadminded during its period, still it remained closely affiliated with his background that was psychoanalytic that stressed the distinctiveness of an individual from relational uniqueness.


Steptoe, A., Shankar, A., Demakakos, P., & Wardle, J. (2013). Social isolation, loneliness, and all-cause mortality in older men and women. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(15), 5797-5801.

Berk, L. E. (2010). Exploring lifespan development.

Beyers, W., & Seiffge-Krenke, I. (2010). Does identity precede intimacy? Testing Erikson's theory on romantic development in emerging adults of the 21st century. Journal of Adolescent Research, 25(3), 387-415.

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