Essay on Social Media's Transformative Impact on Businesses: From Marketing to Crisis Management

Published: 2024-01-04
Essay on Social Media's Transformative Impact on Businesses: From Marketing to Crisis Management
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Marketing Business Social media Crisis management
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 434 words
4 min read

I agree with this paper. Social media has an enormous impact on businesses. Social media platforms for example Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter are not only useful in promoting and marketing new products but also effectively offer client service and dispute resolution. Companies also use social media to convey important messages, for example, in case of a shutdown or even power outage, or generally educate the public on precautionary measures, especially during this time of Coronavirus. Social media is an excellent source of information and helps gather useful information for the departments and the general public.

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Social media platforms give people a chance to advertise. Even though not all businesses choose to buy advertisements, many have prospered in doing it (Aral, Dellarocas & Godes,2013). Organizations are significantly involved with the community therefore, in case of events; the organization posts. During the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations support the community by posting testing places and educating them on how to handle emergencies. Many other organizations have resorted to social media for fundraising for them to continue functioning as a result of the shutdown experienced during the pandemic. Social media positively impacted the departments and assisted them in funding through fundraising.

Many companies have resorted to carrying out events online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some departments; fire departments used to visit schools and communities to teach them about fire prevention, but now this is impossible as people are advised to avoid gatherings (Smits & mogo,2013). Social media platforms have greatly assisted many sectors in achieving their mission and vision even though there was a countrywide shutdown. The use of social media has proved to be very successful during the pandemic and will be used for events even after the COVID-19 crisis.

Even though many industries realize the potential of social media many companies do not perform well on the platforms. Posting too much content on social media is good, but it can negatively affect your company as the customers will feel irritated and overwhelmed (Siddiqui & Singh,2016). The information should always be useful, and you should try to be as innovative as possible. Too much reliance on social media also limits physical interactions, and this hinders the development of relationships.


Aral, S., Dellarocas, C., & Godes, D. (2013). Introduction to the special issue—social media and business transformation: a framework for research. Information Systems Research, 24(1), 3-13.

Smits, M., & Mogos, S. (2013). The impact of social media on business performance.

Siddiqui, S., & Singh, T. (2016). Social media its an impact on positive and negative aspects. International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research, 5(2), 71-75.

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Essay on Social Media's Transformative Impact on Businesses: From Marketing to Crisis Management. (2024, Jan 04). Retrieved from

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