Essay Sample O Illegal Immigration Crisis in the United States

Published: 2023-10-09
Essay Sample O Illegal Immigration Crisis in the United States
Essay type:  Problem solution essays
Categories:  United States Immigration Social issue Donald Trump
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 672 words
6 min read

President Trump's administration has resulted in the magnification of immigration since his assumption of the presidency in 2016. His efforts to end illegal immigration over time have been inclined toward the individuals crossing the border of South and Central American nations (Mayda et al., 2018). President Trump suggested erecting a wall separating Mexico and America with the aim of preventing immigrants’ invasion of American soil. However, his decision has been met with extreme criticism both locally and abroad. Migration is among the key issues that require more effort to address.

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Illegal immigration in America has, over the years, been synonymous with individuals who cross the Southern border into the country. The practice of illegal immigration into the United States has been attributed to two aspects. One of the reasons is due to the crisis of illegal immigration to numerous families that flee to the United States as a result of violence incidences. Contrary to other nations such as Australia and Canada, where the majority of immigration cases are attributed to economic rationale, the majority of illegal immigrants usually from their countries to join families in the US. According to Varas (2019), two-thirds of people crossing the border in 2019 comprise unaccompanied children or families. Besides, Varas (2019) adds that United States migration typically incentivizes illegal immigration. Policies on immigration have been established as challenging for individuals to migrate into the US through legal means. As a result, people are compelled to turn to unlawful ways to cross into America (Varas, 2019). The United States is identified as the country that issues the highest number of visas, especially asylum seekers and refugees, than employer-related visas. Further, green cards are, in most cases, awarded via family contexts.

Regardless of the debate on illegal immigration focused on border crossers, particularly in the Southern border regions, there are political scientists who believe the issue arises from individuals overstaying their visas. The debate on the presenting illegal immigration issue has been inclined more to the Southern border. According to Calamur (2019, the majority of illegal immigrants into the United States had chosen to overstay in the country. The immigrants into the US and overstaying there are not impacted by the set policies on immigration. The policies include restricted entry and building of walls. Such people fail to suffer from these policies since they are already in the country. Calamur (2019) notes that immigrants entering the country as students, on work, or tourist tours and decide to remain following the expiry of the visas are often not included in discussion regarding illegal immigration.

The efforts of addressing the immigration issue are best approached through the examination of both angles, as presented above. The policies set on immigration need to foster economic migration instead of entirely concentrating on refugees, families, and asylum seekers (Varas, 2019). The crisis needs to ensure that it addresses all areas to ensure that it handles both people overstaying the US and the border crossers. The discussions presented above address crucial concerns on illegal immigration, which requires immediate attention and efforts to deal with it. Therefore, it is important to address the legal issues that surround immigration practices, rather than merely addressing the Southern border concerns that have received a lot of backing from the administration.

In conclusion, the review of the current literature depicts the need to tackle the issue of illegal immigration into the US by looking at the root causes, such as legal deficiencies. The perception of illegal immigration practice as merely individuals crossing the border into the country bars the objective effort to address the issue.


Calamur, K. (2019, April 19). The real illegal immigration crisis isn’t on the southern border. The Atlantic. Retrieved July 7, 2020, from

Mayda, A. M., Peri, G., & Steingress, W. (2018). The political impact of immigration: Evidence from the United States. NBER Working Paper no. 24510.

Varas, J. (2019, September). What Every American Should Know about the Immigration Crisis. The Ripon Forum, 53(4).

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