Essay Sample on Alternatives Beyond Physical Scientific Reasoning

Published: 2023-01-21
Essay Sample on Alternatives Beyond Physical Scientific Reasoning
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Space
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1658 words
14 min read


The universe is fabricated by metaphysics matter in different shapes and states that are apparent to human understanding. Factors different from physical scientific existence of the universe have provided new information on how the world was formed. This can be material oriented or human constructed perspective of a powerful being that created the universe. Matter forms can either be in solid or other scientifically made states. The process that explains how matter existed either as a natural feature or a mechanical built machine is what scientific reasoning entails. For instance, a river is a natural entity that comprises fluid in motion called water. This claim can be logically interrogated in many ways that any philosopher can invent one being scientific thinking. Scientifically, thoughts are initiated and shaped by facts and figures that explain the existence of matter. Various occurrences and human practices always have a perceptible result either in theory or in physical form. Other explanation can only be derived from human intelligence explanations accorded to societal codes of conduct, for instance, mountain tears create river's water used for domestic purposes.

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The scientific way of thinking can involve our logic to reason with the processes that outline and explain the formation of matter, beliefs and practices. For instance, the process of condensation that turns water into ice and the melting process that turns ice blocks into their original states of liquid matter. The seen practically processes make the universe observable is what institutes scientific ways of thinking.

Models that Build the Universe

The observable universe in a given context of existence, for instance, the creation of the world with the theoretical placement of God to be its originator is what can be used to determine and explain the coherent scientific theories. The big bang theory, in many attempts, tried to explain how the universe came to exist. The theory is believed to have fine-tuned the universe form from a disorganized to an observable organized state. Many people question the initial state of big bang theory before the expansion, and ask themselves in the absence of the model, will the universe still exist. This is the main reason for the rapture of various explanations of how the universe came to exist.

Human beings have different objections on how the universe was formed, and each tends to be a believer of their preconceived perception existing in their world. Physicist believes that the universe was formed as a result of quantum mechanics obeying the laws of nature to form the solid matter earth (Parfit, 2011). In scientific reasoning, the forces of nature exist in the universe even if we throw objects in the air, and they come down crushing reason being the effects of gravity forces that are present in the vacuum. Non-scientifically, there can be other explanations to why the objects fall instead of floating in the air. Scientists have gone a further step further to authenticate their claim by travelling to the moon where gravity forces are absent. The result is that objects in the moon float in the air without being launched. This only creates more philosophical dilemmas. Therefore, they have scientifically created their universe but still there exist other opposing explanations of how the universe come to exist like the spiritual explanation.

Human beings are religious people believing in an entity, spirits or facts and figures that can be logically manipulated to determine matter formation processes - this distinct man into two major categories of theism and atheism. Theists believe in the existence of God as the creator of the universe and all other forms of life in it. At first, we question the existence of God since there is no prevailing tangible proof of his presence apart from theoretical tales' spiritual beings and miracles from the believers. Chances are also high that God exists as the creator of the universe and is always omnipresent to his creation. Atheists who believe in facts and figures will never accept this, therefore, creating two worlds under one universe.

People have their different theories on how the universe came to exist. Some are based towards the scientific way of thinking while others are unorthodox spiritual creation of the universe. Questions have been raised on how the universe was formed and several answers have been provided. The problem is that each known answer continues to raise more question denying scholars a definite explanation of how the universe come to exist. Human is beings of free will, therefore, open to construct their explanations, beliefs and practices on how the world formed.

The different theories that explain the existence of the universe can be reasoned with scientifically. Science can associate with realism existence of the universe. Realism relates to physics that base it is evidence in mathematical calculations to explain the existence of the observable universe unlike spiritual beliefs of Godly existence of the universe which is simple illusions and other spiritual beliefs that are not practical to the naked human eye. It is difficult to relate to the physics analogy of the real physical body to an alluded one based on the theoretical construct of the universe that is created in mind (Nicholas Rescher, 2011). The big bang theory explanation of the universe existence stipulates its expansion due to extreme heat and temperature in the presence of phenomena like the cosmic course and the light constituents. Scientific thinking suggests that when the matter in a solid state is heated, they expand to a larger size. Another explanation can be tied to melting ice cubes, which are also solid matter, melt when heated. A very practical example is wood, which is a matter that can be burnt into ash by fire because of the nature of its material though trees are also found in the universe.

Various Scientific Explanations to the Models

Several scientific explanations can be generated from the outcomes that are syphoned from the big bang model of universe existence. When the universe was subjected to high temperatures, there is a possibility that it would have frenzied up and burned to ashes turning it from something to nothing. The heat can also melt the world into a fluid state; hence, the solid earth matter never existing at all. Despite all these scientific possibilities, how did the model settled on the only expansion of the universe for its existence? The former state was subject to several possible outcomes hence not scientifically justifying the model to be a convincing world-building element. Unless the model can provide some other logical scientific explanations on how factors like, how high heat was regulated to prevent the universe from destruction, the model can be rendered ineffective for scientific validation.

The religious superstitions by theist and atheist do not correlate to the scientific way of thinking. Atheist believe in facts and figures, resulting in a particular occurrence which can result from scientific thinking. The belief of reality construction of the universe differs among people. Theist believes in the sole creator of the universe and its life, which does not relate to the scientific way of thinking. The theist theory of universal existence contrast with the scientific convention of logical thinking. Spiritually, the universe exists through an illusion while scientifically real processes and matter explain the existence of the universe hence the rift.

Beyond the scientific explanation of the universe exists, there are forces established within men that explain ably create their world. Humans are beings of free will, but again, circumstances violate these freedom subjecting a person to a particular way of reasoning. Human beings are prisoners to their free will since we have to identify with a set cord that describes the life and the universe, especially how they originated and existed in our knowledge. Scientific knowledge limit and subject people to a particular way of thinking. What if the matter never existed at all, are there other humanly derived explanation that can ascertain the existence of the universe. Other explanations beyond the scientific explanation of universe formation do exist. For instance the atheist belief in material substances of reality and theist belief in creator of the universe and earth.

Incompleteness in Reasons for Universal Existence

The theory of incompleteness also offer explanations beyond the scientific existence of the universe validating all knowledge about the world to be important. The theory states that there will never be a Universal Truth Machine related to science, therefore, any information relating to the world existence should be treated with incompleteness internally and externally subject for revision (Rucker, 2011). This is propagated by the philosophical perspective of defining what the truth is all about. What if the scientific universe formation does not portray any truth at all? Parameters to determine truth cannot be fundamentally established among humans. Their claim is the truth, and also my claim is the truth, and no one is ready to yield with the query of what if the others are lying to us. Hence a chance for other explanation of universe formation to be accepted together with scientific explanations.

The significance of permitting other ways of reasoning to explain the existence of the world is that it allows for philosophical engagement of other existing knowledge raising more intrinsic queries to answer the question on how the universe come to exist. There is no concrete explanation behind universal existence as daily discoveries lead to more questions. Philosophical scholars will advantageously interact all forms of knowledge about world formation to be able to determine the realm of universal existence.


Mulgan, T. (2011). Beyond Theism and Atheism: Axiarchism and An anthropocentric purposivism. Philosophy Compass, 1-11.

Nicholas Rescher, J. S. (2011). Panpsychism as a Paradigm. In F. Mathews, The Mental as Fundamental in "Process Thought Series" (pp. 1-12). Frankfurt Heusenstamm: Michael Blamauer.

Parfit, D. S. (2011). Why Anything? Why This? In Parfit, On What Matters (pp. 634-648). OUP Oxford.

Rucker, R. V. (2011). Robots and Souls. In R. Rucker, Infinity and the Mind: The Science and Philosophy of the Infinite (pp. 157-188). Princeton University Press

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