Essay Sample on Chinese Hot Pot

Published: 2023-03-02
Essay Sample on Chinese Hot Pot
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture Cuisine
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1506 words
13 min read


The hot pot party is one of the things Chinese looks forward to in the winter other than the Chinese New Year festivities. Similar to a mid-year grill, a Chinese hot pot party is as significant as a get-together since their loved ones accumulate and cook around a typical pot while visiting and tasting lager (La Jolla Mom). The incredible part of a hot pot party is, it is anything but difficult to plan and truly moderate. Besides, a gathering of individuals to feast on such a large number of fixings, so everyone has a chance to evaluate an assortment of things, just as make the most of their top choices. The hot pot is a process of preparing a meal. A huge pot is put at the focal point of the table where the bubbling hot soup is, with a warming component underneath (SHAO). Various accompaniments are served together with the pot, for example, meagerly cut meat, fish, vegetables, tofu, dumplings, and noodles. The visitors cook the accompaniments in the soup meant to be eaten with a plunging sauce.

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There are numerous kinds of winter pot-based delicacies crosswise over Asia. where numerous constituents are put into the huge pot and prepared at the focal point of the table (La Jolla Mom). Be that as it may, the Chinese hot pot has a distinctive trademark just a limited quantity of fixings is put in the pot by the people at the table and cooked sufficiently long. At that point, the nourishment is taken out and eaten without adding more fixings. The ease of preparing the hot pot is what makes it extremely simple to get ready when hosting people. The host is only required to clean and slice the fixings with no compelling reason to prepare anything heretofore (SHAO). Additionally, the way that the feast is prepared at the fine dining makes the eating procedure a great deal more fun. Since everybody will have the option to choose their preferred fixings, cook them as they like, and join fixings to make their sauces.

Ingredients of the Hot Pot

The rundown of nourishments that can be prepared in a hot pot is a long one. The assortment is vital having that you need to have a tad of everything (La Jolla Mom). Meat and fish are two of the most mainstream nourishments to boil in a hot pot. However, one will have to adjust those all the more filling things with light ones, similar to greens and different vegetables (OmnivoresCookBook). For instance, for a four- people serving hot pot, the ingredients ought to have a few green vegetables, non-meat accompaniments, similar to tofu, mushrooms, and daikon. Additionally, a variety of meat, for example, fish, hamburgers, beef, and pork. It should also include different types of fish, for example, shrimp, fish balls, salmon, and some sort of noodle, for example, rice, noodles, spaghetti or yam noodles.

Although met is the key component when preparing a hot pot the meal is never complete without green vegetables (OmnivoresCookBook). Vegetables balance out the strong taste and add flavor to the soup. Any vegetable can be added to the broth but the preferred one is those that retain texture after cooking.

Significance of the Hot Pot

The hotpot has been a Chinese cuisine for over a thousand years. It used to be served uniquely during winter. However, as of late hotpot has been showing up on tables throughout the entire year (SHAO). Adjacent to the delectable flavor, there are additional significant explanations behind Chinese loving hotpot (SHAO). To begin with, it is an extraordinary method to mingle. Individuals assemble around the pot, talking, eating, sipping, and having a great time. The other is that hotpot is a "solid supper". Bowling is superior to browning, and bone supplements are discharged into the soup. Eating hotpot helps warm the body and improve flow during winter, and increment sweat to help cool the body in summer. A few seasonings utilized in hotpots can help lighten some minor diseases like chills, congested sinuses, and migraines.

Etiquette of Cooking the Hot Pot

When cooking the Chinese broth one has to be patient and wait till the soup boils before adding anything. Waiting till the broth boils speeds up cooking and helps the food retain the juices from the broth. Secondly, only add bits of foods when cooking each time (OmnivoresCookBook). Chinese hotpot is not a recipe for cooking soup hence one should only add the food they intend to eat and finish within their eating period. Adding a lot of food reduces the temperature of the broth thus making the food cook slowly and in some instances, the food will not be done properly.

It is important to remember while doing the Chinese hotpot food should not overcook. Therefore, one must be keen on cooking and ensure they remove the immediately it is done well for it not to overcook. Always remember that food in a Chinese pot has to juicy and soft. Most importantly, one should cook the food they intend to eat. Even if one has invited people to their home the guest should be allowed to cook their preferred food. Not unless individual requests to be cooked for it is always good for everyone to choose and measure the food they can finish to eliminate wasting of food.

Sanitation is also important when hosting a broth. The host should sanitize the chopsticks to prevent food poisoning illness. In most Chinese hotpot settings chopsticks are used to pick up raw meat and for serving cooked food (La Jolla Mom). Therefore, after picking the raw meat one should leave the chopsticks in brought for a while before using it to serve the food.

Interview with Chef Han Li

In an interview with Chef Han Li, he stated that when starting his career, he vowed to break borders foods. He says his greatest motivation is when he sees people from different cultures enjoying the Chinese hot pot and it becoming their favorite food too. Below are some of the questions Lee answered during the interview.

How did your restaurant evolve?

I believe I am a balance between the old and the new generation and although I may be old fashioned because of my background I try balancing. Back when I started I remember tasting out the Chinese Hotpot from various restaurants and feeling like they were all the same. It irritated me that although people tried to keep the authenticity of the Chinese cuisine they did nothing to improve it. As a result, I worked on maintaining its authenticity while bringing in a new flavor to it.

Do you have a favorite food or cuisine you prefer?

Indeed, my favorite goes to meal whether preparing or having is the hot pot. The outstanding factor about this meal is that it is easy to share and nice to have with family and friends. Additionally, it gives one the freedom to have what they want and also choose a diet of one's liking. Hot pot is a pot boiling with stock like beef or seafood with the type of infusion one chooses to serve with other accompaniments and raw ingredients. I do not need a group of friend to eat with as I enjoy the meal even when am alone all I need is some quiet and a book at hand.

At home do you cook what you serve in the restaurant?

At home, I cook hot pot mostly because I like it. I did not have a normal childhood. Growing up we had fine dining which later on transformed into my life and career. Therefore, at home, I prefer keeping it simple because to me bring fine dining at home will reflect work. At home, I like relaxing that's why I go for easy to make cuisines.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to venture into a restaurant?

The choice of menu decides the type of restaurant you run hence it is important to carefully choose the menu. Different restaurants are good at different things. Therefore, during the selection of the menu, it is important to involve the chef and staff as they alone know what they are good at.

Personal Opinion

Personally, the Chinese hot pot is one of my favorite cuisines from the Chinese people. I am a picky eater and for me the hot pot allows me to choose food that I prefer having. Additionally, during winter it is my go-to as it keeps me warm. The nutritional value of the hot pot is also amazing and I also like how it plays with my taste buds.

Works Cited

La Jolla Mom. Everything You Need To Know About Chinese Hot Pot. May 2019. November 2019.

OmnivoresCookBook. Chinese Hot Pot Guide & How to Throw a Hot Pot Party at Home. 2018. 19 November 2019.

SHAO, Z. "Everything You Need to Know to Make Chinese Hot Pot at Home." 10 October 2019. Serious Eats. 19 November 2019.

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