Essay Sample on Critical Thinking

Published: 2023-12-25
Essay Sample on Critical Thinking
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Intelligence
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1126 words
10 min read


Successive reading and writing involve critical thinking which involves analysis, interpreting, and come down to make inferences regarding the content being presented. However, for a reader to arrive at the final inference of the writings, various elements such as the purpose, tone, fact, opinions, claim, objectives, and subjective must be analyzed and interpreted based on the written content in order to make a fair judgment (Lipman, 2003). Thus, to make this idea of critical thinking more understandable, the discussion will adopt one editorial writing from Denton Record-Chronicle Editorial Oct 31, 2019, entitled, “We sleep soundly, while officers patrol the dark”.

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Distinguishing Ideas

The following three paragraphs have directly been obtained from the editorial to help in distinguishing my ideas from the original source. “The inherent risk of their patrols was brought home Tuesday morning with an exchange of gunfire following a routine traffic stop, leaving a Denton Police Department officer critically injured and two suspects jailed, one on a charge of attempted capital murder. The officer, a five-year veteran of the department named Urbano Rodriguez Jr., remains hospitalized in critical but stable condition after being shot in the head and the femur.

We are a community that takes comfort in our small-town origins, where neighbors still can be found congregating on front porches, and Sundays are incomplete without a stroll to the Square for ice cream. Yes, we are a blossoming community — in the midst of record growth, along with the accompanying growing pains — but we are a safe community, thanks to the courage, compassion, and commitment of officers like Urbano Rodriguez.

It has been nearly three decades since another Denton officer was shot in the line of duty, further proof of the relative safety we sometimes take for granted. But though the probability of an incident like Tuesday’s remains unlikely, the possibility is always there. So tonight, when the patrols begin anew, we pray for calm shifts but will sleep tight knowing the Officers Rodriguez of the world are keeping the watch. And for that, we are ever thankful. ” (DRCE, 2019)

Editorial Purpose

The editorial purpose was specifically aimed at informing the public on the dangers facing the security officers who have fully dedicated their lives in serving the people yet most individuals take it normal when they sleep and wake up safely. The factual claim from the editor on the inherited risk by the security officer was evidenced when the scenario happened right at the usual traffic stop. The real dangers experienced by the officers were openly established when an exchange of gunfire occurred at the scene which left one of the officers hospitalized in critical condition.

By reading the second paragraph of the editorial, the editor tone exhibits the degree of positive attitude towards the dangerous commitment, courage, and passion demonstrated by the security officers who have always made sure the rest of the community remains secure. Further, the editor subjectively unveils the community to be safe and blossoming in happiness due to the effort made by the security officers.

The editorial also makes another factual claim regarding similar incidences that have previously occurred to the officers. For instance, the editorial identifies the shooting of another officer in the line of duty that had occurred three decades back an incident that he subjectively considers being taken for granted by people. According to the editor's opinion, some occurrences that occur seem to be so unlikely until they happen as in the case of that fateful morning. However, the subject part is that they are very possible. Thus as per the editorial, it is people's opinion to pray for the security officers when they are in patrol ensuring the community security is intact.]

By reflecting on my annotation regarding the editorial purpose, the editor has critically expressed the need for people to give the security officers maximum respect they need. Based on the annotation from the editorial, most people sleep day in day out with confidence and hope to see the next day and go on with their duties. They do this knowing their protection is guaranteed by the law enforcement officers whom they are not aware of the threatening situations they encounter during their night patrols. The purpose of writing the editorial was influenced by an occurrence that took place on that fateful morning of Tuesday which involved gunfire and left injuries to one of the officers. This Tuesday experience served as a good example of the challenges faced by officers when they are in the line of duty, a challenge that many people seem to take as none of their responsibility.


Reflecting on my annotation regarding the editorial, the attitude exhibited by the editor shows the feeling he has for how people take their life as obvious without realizing that someone somewhere is risking his life. Based on the tone description by the editorial regarding the challenges faced by the police officers, it should be a responsibility of everybody to mind the life of the security officers by even putting them in their prayers. Through prayers, the editor believes that various security threats faced by the security officer when executing their mandate would be calmed.

From the editorial, I have really been touched by the challenges experienced by law enforcement officers that are not realized by many. From the article, I have come to learn that every human being despite his/her status, they are all equal. The idea of perceiving some people such as the security officers as harder people who should never fear anything has come to my attention. Moreover, I have also been biased by the unbothered behavior by the community regarding the effort by law enforcement officers to make sure they live in comfort and happiness. From the editorial expression, I have realized such perceptions need to be changed and mind the life of who protects us.


To conclude, from the editorial set informing purpose, I fully agree with the article. The article has eloquently expounded my knowledge and thinking method of not only seeing things from one perspective but also expand my knowledge by thinking about what surrounds the doer. As indicated in the editorial, the strongest element involves the life-threatening challenges facing the law enforcement officers which are not recognized by the community members. Thus, for this to change, it is the responsibility of everyone to give recognition to the security officers through different methods such as putting them in prayers.


Denton Record-Chronicle Editorial DRCE. (2019). We sleep soundly, while officers patrol the dark. Retrieved from

Lipman, M. (2003). Thinking in education. Cambridge University Press.

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