Essay Sample on Dependence Between Residents and Registered Voters in California

Published: 2022-06-10
Essay Sample on Dependence Between Residents and Registered Voters in California
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Sociology Civil rights
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 655 words
6 min read

Part I: California Demographics

California is home to one of the most diverse population in the world. According to the current estimation (2018), California has a total population of 39.25 million (World Population Review 1). The population rose from 37.25 million, which was the last official figure for the 2010 census. The number makes the state to be the most populous. On the other hand, Texas comes second with 28 million. Looking at the gender make-up, the population of males is equal to that of females, that is, 50 percent males and 50 percent females.

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Increased immigration has made California to have a diverse set of ethnic groups. 73.2 percent of the population is composed of whites, 38.5 percent are non-Hispanic whites, 14.4 percent are Asians, and 6.5 percent are blacks (see fig. 1). Compared to the 2010 census figures, the percentage of some ethnic groups have increased while others have reduced.

Fig. 1. Ethnic Groups: World Population Review. "California Population 2018." 2018, Accessed 31 May 2018.

The median age of the California residents is 36.4. The median age is a bit less compared to the entire country's figure (37.9). Moreover, the age group with many people is 20-29 year, while the age group of 80 years and above has the least number of people. (see fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Population by Age Range: U.S. Census Bureau. "American Community Survey 1-year estimates." 2016, Accessed 31 May 2018.

Part II: California Registered Voters

The number of eligible voters in California stands at 24.8 million. Out of this number, 17.9 million are registered voters. This is equivalent to a registration rate of 72.3 percent. This rate is a bit higher compared to that of 2008 presidential primaries, where the figure stood at 8.5 percent. Similarly, the number of registered voters is likely to increase because of the many eligible adults.

Due to the increased diversity in the area, the ethnic make-up of voters varies. 60 percent of the whites are registered voters, while the figures for the other groups are 18 percent for Latinos, 12 percent for Asian Americans, and 6 percent for Blacks. When it comes to gender makeup of the California voters, many registered voters are women. The percentage of women voters is 52 percent, while male voters is 48 percent. 18 percent of the voters fall within the age group of 18 to 34 years, while 35 to 54 years has 35 percent voters, and 55 years and older has 47 percent voters (Public Policy Institute of California, par 3). With regards to political party affiliation, most voters are Democrats. The Democrats have always been the many voters in the area (see fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Registration by Political Party: Public Policy Institute of California. "California Likely Voters." 2016, Accessed 30 May 2018.

Part III: My Analysis

The number/percentage of various ethnic groups determine the number/percentage of the registered voters. A comparison between the ethnic makeup of California residents and ethnic make-up of California registered voters shows that the group with many residents also has many voters. For instance, 73.2 percent of the population in California is composed of whites and, at the same time, the population has 60 percent white registered voters.

In the November 2016 election, 75.27 percent of California registered voters voted. About 14.6 million Californians voted. In essence, this number of voters was higher compared to that of November 2008, which was 13.7 million.

The decision makers in California are the whites, especially those aged between 55 years and above. This is because many of voters are comprised of this group. Basically, it is important to vote. This is because, by voting, people make their voices heard (Hyink 152). Also, it makes it possible to register one's opinion regarding how the government should operate.

Works Cited

Hyink, Bernard, and David Provost. Politics and Government in California. Routledge, 2016.

Public Policy Institute of California. "California Likely Voters." 2016, Accessed 30 May 2018.

U.S. Census Bureau. "American Community Survey 1-year estimates." 2016, Accessed 31 May 2018.

World Population Review. "California Population 2018." 2018, Accessed 31 May 2018.

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