Essay Sample on Gender Non-Conformity in Children

Published: 2023-10-15
Essay Sample on Gender Non-Conformity in Children
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Gender Child development
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1163 words
10 min read


Gender provides a reference to the psychological, cultural, and behavioral traits, particularly those that are associated with male and female. The definition may, however, not hold considering that people can get viewed from numerous dimensions. For example, transgender, male, genderqueer, female, and gender non-conforming. It is, therefore, concurrent that there exist different forms of gender even as the society conforms itself to the male and female gender identification. Gender discovery is, however, a continuous process that does not end at birth but continues as people undergo the journey of self-discovery based on the exploration of their identity, body, and expression. Gender non-conformity, therefore, gives reference to people who are non-adherence to societal orders that may define the gender identity of a person.

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For example, the dress code order and the activities or actions performed by people of particular gender identity. As such, the discussion about gender non-conformity in children is one that is both interesting because it gives a different view of societal expectations and also educating considering that it rarely features in gender debates due to its associated criticisms. It can, therefore, get connoted as the scenario where prepubescent children fail to adhere to the conventional gender-related psychological and sociological identity and patterns with people of the opposite sex. The dominant character among the people that showcase the phenomenon considers the propensity to cross-dressing, the specific decision of play-mates particularly those of the opposite sex, and laxity or total refusal to engage in activities that are conventionally known for a specific gender.

Notably, it is significant to have an in-depth discourse on this topic because it sheds light on the reality that people have received criticisms about and, at times, made those whose gender does not conform to the societal order get discriminated against and even going into depression. The paper, therefore, seeks to explore the issue of gender non-conformity in children with the exploration of views from different scholars as well as a consideration of a personal feeling and relationship to the topic.

Discussion on Gender Non-Conformity in Children

Scholarly discussion about gender non-conformity in children places children that fail to conform with the conventional gender identities and roles as those that resulted from troubling psychological diagnosis with the bid of realizing their gender expression as per the social norms. Pyne (2014), suggest for an application of corrective treatment to ensure conformity with the conventions of the society. In a separate scholarly work, Pyne (2016), connotes parenting as a relationship and not a job. Parents are the most affected with the issue of gender non-conformity, especially if the child is resentful and in their negotiation of the different placement of the child within the societal ranks.

Even though pathological services continue to advocate for correctional services, Pyne (2016), also suggest the idea of parent’s adoption of affirmation towards their children. The approach of affirmation is the best solution in understanding and providing proper childhood to those children who are non-conforming. First, it is non-aggressive and entails justice-based parenting, where every child is treated equally. It does not subject children towards transition but rather ensures that they are provided with enough space that guarantees the exploration of their gender identities.

Personal Feeling about the Topic Gender Non-Conformity in Children

For a long time, society has narrowed to only two gender identities; that is male and female. As such, the discussion about gender non-conformity in children is a timely discussion that traces the development of a person in the identification of their sexuality from an early age. The society must adjust and accept the different sexual identities in a bid of building a better community and not one that suppresses and criticizes members whose natural order goes against its (society) conventions.

The early understanding of the children, for example, that plays with toys are known for the opposite gender or those that value the dress code of the opposite sex, will advance the understanding and comprehension of their needs and facilitate their nurturing into responsible persons. The children may at times not understand their transformation; therefore, the parents and the society at large must be able to encourage them to freely discuss their gender non-conformity and show them love as well as permitting them to make choices about their gender. Their acceptance will also reduce resentments and aid in building and a better society.

Relationship to the Topic Gender Non-Conformity in Children

My cousin is bisexual and had a rough upbringing because she could not understand why people only preferred one dress code for a specific gender. For her, she believed that regardless of a person’s gender, one should be able to put on clothes designed for either gender. Her parents also found it difficult to raise her like other children because of their little knowledge of bisexuality.

However, based on a joint effort from family and friends, they were able to adjust and give her the best education as well as setting limitless boundaries for her free gender expression. She is currently involved in LGBTQ activism, something that the society must join hands in addressing from a positive dimension in the bid of supporting inclusivity for all and allowing the American Dream to prevail upon every human being.

Reflection on the Topic Gender Non-conformity in Children

Gender non-conformity in children pertains to the gender identities that go contrary to the conventions of society. It is particularly concerned with children that identify themselves as either bisexual, those that have an attraction to toys and clothing meant for the opposite gender. It is an essential topic of discussion because it reflects on some of the constraints and struggles that the society subjects itself to in a bid of not accepting the reality about the existence of children that do not conform to the conventional gender identities assigned at birth and the associated societal expectations.

As such, the children end up facing criticisms, neglect, and in most cases, discrimination. The society must, therefore, adjust and nurture the children to freely engage in their non-conformity and express their gender. The free engagement and expression will aid their parents and society at large in understanding their needs and caring for them promptly.


In summary, the discussion about gender non-conformity in children enlightens on how the society is strict to its adherence to conventional gender identities hence cultivating an unsustainable environment to children who do not conform to its expectations. The paper has, however, depicted the affirmation approach as the best option in ensuring that children who do not conform to societal gender identities fit and are protected from associated vices. It has also presented my view and relationship with the topic, as noted herein.


Pyne, J. (2014). The Governance of Gender Non-conforming Children: A Dangerous Enclosure. Annual Review of Critical Psychology, 11, 79-96.

Pyne, J. (2016). “Parenting Is Not a Job. It’s a Relationship.” Recognition and Relational Knowledge Among Parents of Gender Non-conforming Children. Journal of Progressive Human Services, 27(1), 21-48.

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Essay Sample on Gender Non-Conformity in Children. (2023, Oct 15). Retrieved from

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