Essay Sample on Politics and Governance of Nations Across the World

Published: 2023-05-14
Essay Sample on Politics and Governance of Nations Across the World
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Government
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 860 words
8 min read


Almost all nations in the world have a running government. However, these governments appear woefully outdated since they concern issues of the late 19th Century. Most governments still deal with hierarchal and structured matters such as security and justice instead of embracing the radical changes of interlinking, information sharing, and fast-moving innovations. Besides, these governments continue to deny citizens the democratic right to participate in free and fair elections. They operate on election-based political systems, which are meant to fulfill short-term mentalities of the party leaders. However, a time will come when these governments will have no alternative than to reform and function according to the demands of the societies (Nuwer, 2018). Currently, nations around the globe have changed in terms of diversity, complexness, and connectedness, coercing most of them to adjust and become more incentivized for purposes of meeting societal demands.

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Various adjustments seem useful in improving the functioning of governments today. However, every government is required to determine its capacity, experience, and knowledge before acting. The adjustments include shape up, becoming an experimentation nation, and becoming part of the world order. Shape up refers to reforming the government structure to a form that is suitable for modern life. In many countries, government structure appears as the primary obstacle to reinvention (Nuwer, 2018). An example is a limitation that was experienced in South Africa, whereby the government structure hindered the nation from becoming a "rainbow nation" as envisioned by Nelson Mandela.

On experimental nation, a nation can adopt a scientific method to govern the government instead of utilizing laws written by a few individuals and then imposed on millions across a country. An example of nations that have adopted such an approach is Slovenia, where the Vision of Slovenia program has been guiding developments, cohesion, and strategic projects in the country since 2015 (Nuwer, 2018). In this program, a nation formulates a long-term plan to achieve, then collect views from citizens, who are of high stature in the government, on how to achieve such goals.

Another suggested strategy for nations to adopt is the world order. It is a strategy that governs the mentality of citizens and allows them to have a similar creative mindset concerning their government. Besides, the policy creates a change-making attitude within the government, experts, and entrepreneurs. According to the author, one way of improving governance is shifting from a state-centric government to a polycentric government. Such change would eliminate the central control mentality and allow the formulation of universal guiding principles that promote cooperation and joint effort towards the set goals. Moreover, the model of governance unites citizens and place them under a shared vision.

Adoption of the suggested strategies can assist in changing governance in various nations around the globe. Some governments are currently doing well with these strategies since they have succeeded in changing the mentality of citizens on management. Countries such as Slovenia, Sweden, Taiwan, Spain, and Iceland have been able to reinstate the meaning of democracy and political freedom among citizens, therefore improving governance within these nations (Nuwer, 2018). However, any country desiring to improve its management should utilize the existing systems rather than starting from scratch. South Sudan is an example of a nation that attempted to form governance from scratch, but the country drowned into conflict despite being the youngest nation in the world.

The article analyzed here to provide insightful information about the politics and governance of nations across the world. An individual can understand the structural management of countries and the areas they prioritize as far as allocation of resources is concerned since the 19th Century. Moreover, the article provides changes currently experienced in the world and how nations are evolving in areas of governance to remain relevant. The explanations offered as to why South Africa failed to realize the dream of a 'rainbow nation' are concrete since they expose how inappropriate structures within a government fails a good vision. Moreover, the governance strategy adopted by Slovenia will facilitate the nation in accomplishing the set goals. However, the failure of South Sudan is disheartening since it is the citizens who suffer. I can recommend someone to read the article since it analyses governance from various dimensions and various nations across the world.


Overall, it is evident that governments around the world function in a similar manner. They are operated with a central control culture where the political elites and few high-class citizens formulate laws to govern millions of citizens. Moreover, these governments are concerned with accomplishing structured issues such as security and justice within their nations. It is the reason why countries spend a massive amount of their budget allocations to procure security equipment and training of security personnel. Moreover, nations around the world have well-structured judicially systems that are mandated with safeguarding the rights of citizens. It is also correct stating that governments operate on politically influenced decisions and structures that seem outdated. However, nations should be careful when changing governance to avoid the eruption of more challenges than what they currently experience.


Nuwer, R. (2018). Why governments are broken - and how to fix them. BBC Future. Retrieved 9 April 2020, from

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Essay Sample on Politics and Governance of Nations Across the World. (2023, May 14). Retrieved from

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