Essay Sample on Transferable Skills in Nursing: Technical, Communication, and Beyond

Published: 2023-06-29
Essay Sample on Transferable Skills in Nursing: Technical, Communication, and Beyond
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 587 words
5 min read


From my study, I found out there are several skills that apply in all general nursing fields. These skills apply from one nursing area to another. They include technical competence, communication, critical thinking and multitasking skills, teamwork, and leadership, among others. This paper examines the transferable skills I noted from alternative nursing fields and how I would use these skills in adult nursing.

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Technical Skills

Technical skill is essential in every nursing are. It is of importance as it helps professional nursing stay connected with the current crucial methodological and technological capabilities (Rouleau et al., 2017). These skills are necessary for effective work coordination of work. Adult nursing would require such skills to help in establishing effective patient care as it enhances the coordination of any information about a patient from one service department to another.

Communication Skills

Communication is a critical component in every branch of nursing. It is also a skill that is transferable across several nursing areas. Most importantly, communication skills are a promoter of professional success. Poor communication skills in the nursing profession can heighten medical errors and hence cause ineffective medication of patients (Kourkouta & Papathanasiou, 2014). Communication also includes verbal skills, listening skills, writing skills, and technological communication skills. I would take in the importance of communication skills in adult nursing and ensure my patients understand their medical condition and which treatment would make them better.

Critical Thinking Skills

Nurses must be good analytical problem solvers as well as critical thinkers. As this is a transferable skill across many nursing fields, it helps nurses make quick and very critical decisions regarding a patient's care and the procedures the treatment should follow. In adult nursing, I would use this skill to assess a patient's health condition, evaluate possible and alternative care methods, and make informed decisions on which plans to use and which to disregard.

Teamwork Skills

Nurses' teamwork relationship is an unavoidable element in the nursing profession. This world revolves around several complex challenges that require teamwork in providing reliable and ongoing solutions. When working with other adult nursing therapeutics, I would engage the teamwork element to make sure I deliver my responsibilities with an utmost commitment to the team's success.

Creativity Skills

Creativity refers to the ability to develop ideas with the strategic and tactical know-how that brings them to practicality (Wilhelm, 2015). In nursing, it grows from one's way of critical thinking, communication, and teamwork. Creativity also encompasses incorporating other transferable skills to bring planned ideas to life. This skill would help me understand and create possible improvement to the existing adult nursing solutions.

Leadership Skills

Leadership, an essential element in nursing, is the most complex of all transferable nursing skills. I would use leadership skills in my field as it would encourage me to study and thus remain up to date with the management course. It would also shape me for management positions as I see myself in the future.


The nursing profession is one of the most involving careers. Therefore, nurses should grow solid healthcare skills to help them provide the best possible patient care.


Kourkouta, L., & Papathanasiou, I. (2014). Communication in Nursing Practice. Materia Socio Medica, 26(1), 65.

Rouleau, G., Gagnon, M., Cote, J., Payne-Gagnon, J., Hudson, E., & Dubois, C. (2017). Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Nursing Care: Results of an Overview of Systematic Reviews. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(4), e122.

Wilhelm, D. (2015). Nursing Practice: The Importance of Creativity. Retrieved 2 May 2020, from

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