Free Essay: Fat-soluble and Water-soluble Vitamins

Published: 2023-01-20
Free Essay: Fat-soluble and Water-soluble Vitamins
Type of paper:  Creative writing
Categories:  Biology Food Anatomy Nutrition
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 526 words
5 min read

Vitamins are defined as chief micronutrients necessary for the body, and thus body requires them in small amounts to play a range of crucial functions in the human body. Deficiency of vitamins may lead to specific diseases. They are divided into fat-soluble and water-soluble (Ravisankar et al., 2015). This paper will differentiate water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins, their deficiency occurrence, and toxicities.

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Water-soluble vitamins (WSV) are the ones that are dissolved and absorbed in tissues for immediate use. They include vitamin B and C complex. Since our bodies are wet environments, water-soluble vitamins are easily flushed out, and thus, one needs to replenish them regularly (Alma, 2018). However, too much intake of WSV such as vitamin C may be toxic, which results in gastrointestinal symptoms such as cramps, diarrhea accompanied by nausea. Less consumption of WSV like B and C leads to its deficiency. Also, a lot of intake of diuretic products such as alcohol ends up flushing out these vitamins, causing their lack. Fat-soluble vitamins (FSV) are dissolved in fats where they get absorbed through small intestines. FSVs are not easily flushed out since the excess fats are stored in liver tissues. They include vitamin A, D, E, and K. Just like WSVs, in case of its excessive intake, they can accumulate to toxic levels (Albahrani, & Greaves, 2016). Less consumption of FSVs leads to its deficiency; hence, in many cases, immunity is impaired.

The foods high in sodium that Mr. Bill ate are potato chips, cheese pizza, instant pudding, hot dog, canned soup. He indulged in too much sodium, which could have exceeded the recommended 2300 mg per day ("World Health Organization," 2012). Mr. Bill should have tried foods with less or no sodium. These foods are fresh vegetables with no added cheese or butter when eating out, and he can try incorporating fresh fruits, cereals such as foods, foods with seasonings, milk, eggs, and black coffee. He should avoid packaged and fast foods my all means ("World Health Organization," 2012).

In addition to incorporating potassium in his meals. Mr. Bill should choose foods such as oranges, bananas, avocado, sweet potatoes, watermelon, white beans, and dried apricots ("World Health Organization," 2012). To complement the proper diet, Mr. Bill should focus on reducing his massive weight and become physically fit through working out. Working out can involve simple exercises such as taking a walk every day, morning runs, and simple tasks.


Attaining good health and strong immunity against diseases requires a properly balanced diet. Incorporation of vegetables and fruits in every meal is advised. In addition to a balanced diet, a physically fit body attained through working out lowers risk of high blood pressure.


Albahrani, A. A., & Greaves, R. F. (2016). Fat-Soluble Vitamins: Clinical Indications and Current Challenges for Chromatographic Measurement. The Clinical Biochemist Reviews, 37(1), 27. Retrieved From

Alma .L (2018).Fat- Soluble Vs. Water -Soluble Vitamins. Very Well, Health. Retrieved From

Ravisankar, P., Reddy, A. A., Nagalakshmi, B., Koushik, O. S., Kumar, B. V., & Anvith, P. S. (2015). The Comprehensive Review on Fat-Soluble Vitamins. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy, 5(11), 12-28. Retrieved From

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