Fictional Characters: Exploring World Perspectives in Crime Films, TV & Video Games - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-13
Fictional Characters: Exploring World Perspectives in Crime Films, TV & Video Games - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Video games Literature Criminal law Movie
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1265 words
11 min read

Fictional characters in literature and other forms of theatre arts mimic the real world and present it to the audience. Artistic work in the forms of crime films, TV shows, as well as the graphics in video games plays a central role in communicating different themes. Through them, people get to learn the different perspectives and reasoning of people in different parts of the world. Some of the common areas of focus of the crime films TV shows and video games include violent crimes, drugs and substance abuse, racism and racial discrimination, changes in human health and climate, terrorism, and world’s politics, among others. Because of the sensitivity and importance of the topics that these works of art address in society, various reasons and approaches for studying crime films, TV shows, and video games are available, making it worth analysis.

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Crime films, TV shows, and video games reflect the structural inequalities that affect not only the United States but also the whole world. Racial discrimination, which is one of the significant structural inequality in the United States, is visible, clear, and understandable when these films and video games illuminate them and address their impact in the community. An excellent example is the gangster lifestyle, and the criminal gang groups portrayed in the TV shows such as The SWAT. Through such crime films and TV shows, people get to learn the relationship that exists between structural inequalities and the increase in crime rates in the country. The films address the blocked economic and educational opportunity that most black communities experience, which forces the youths and young adults into unlawful behaviors (Doyle 2006: 66). Therefore, through crime films, TV series, and video games, society becomes aware and more informed of the different forms of social and structural inequalities. The understanding is critically important as it forms the basis for research and advocating for change in the community.

The crime films, the TV shows, and video games have psychological importance as they explore areas such as mental disorders, juvenile delinquent behaviors, and political and social injustices, among others. The dramatized crimes in the media and films help in shaping the ideas and conceptualization of different practices in society. Contemporary film-makers focus on the themes of crime, paying close attention to mental disorder issues, child abuse, and juvenile delinquent behaviors. One of such portrayal in the TV shows is the case of Dexter Morgan in the popular show, Dexter. Through the crime film, one gets to learn the psychosocial effects of traumatizing experience in childhood. The controversial fictional crime films and TV shows illustrate the twisted nature of the lives of Americans, thereby attracting the attention of scientific studies. Many research on cognitive behaviors and child development have their foundations on crime films, TV series, and video games. Thus, studying these fictional creations helps in enhancing research and development, which helps in making essential changes in society.

Films are a form of social constructionist literature. Studying TV shows, crime films, and video games impact essential and necessary knowledge on the criminal justice system to learners. The construction of justice in crime films and the TV shows enhances viewers’ understanding of the legal system. Chicago Justice is one of the popular TV show that combines the themes of crime and justice. Studying such films impart a knowledge of the restoration of justice. Through the movie, people view crime as a wrong to the community, and seeking justice becomes their ultimate aim. People are more aware of their rights and the most appropriate way of seeking justice in the legal system, thanks to the study of crime films and TV shows. Certain movies and shows offer detailed information on the criminal investigation procedure. Studying such film is critically vital for activities like crime scene preservation, which is essential in forensic investigations in real life. Apart from TV shows and crime films, video games help in educating members of the public. Studying the simulated events in the games gives people an insight into the different experiences that are rather expensive or impossible in a real-world setting. Therefore, the study of crime films, TV shows, and video games, particularly those covering the themes of criminal justice impact essential knowledge and offers an avenue to mimic or simulate the real-life events in a safe and less risky environment.

Film-makers and game developers create crime films, TV shows, and video games focusing on financial gaining. At times, they may fail to critically examine the content that they share and the impact of that media to the community at large. Thus, studying the material is critically essential to establish the divide between right and wrong in the content. Wesh et al., in their article, categorically states that the construction of crime settings in most of the films, for instance, Dead Man Walking (1995) are usually unrealistic. The ambiguous nature of the portrayal of these crimes makes studying the films, TV series, and video games critically essential (Welsh et al. 2011: 458). By studying these fictional creations, people can get the inner meaning of the themes, reflect on the content, and absorb the essential lessons in a way that makes sense. Being able to discern the evil in the film and align a person’s judgment with the noble expectations of society is what makes the study of the films essential. Thus, developing an independent mindset and reasoning is the ultimate reason for studying crime films, TV series, or video games.

Several approaches are available for studying crime films, TV series, or video games. Firstly, content examination and analysis is one of the ways of exploring the media content in the fictional creation. It involves a critical analysis of the theme, the characters’ depiction, and the language employed by the directors and the film-makers. The perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs on the communication made by the film-maker emerge as a result of the viewers’ interaction with the media. Therefore, content analysis in the study helps in developing the independent judgment and prevent negativities such as radicalization or brainwash that can arise as a result of consuming the fictional creations (Welsh et al. 2011: 460). Secondly, obtaining scientific and psychological expertise in the film is another approach for studying the film. Professional support through the criminological study of the crime films helps in breaking down the film and understanding controversial topics or themes. Thirdly, researching on the twisted aspects of the films to determine the reviews of other viewers or expert opinions is another approach for studying films (Welsh et al. 2011: 460).

In a nutshell, crime films, TV series, or video games are part and parcel of human development. Numerous reasons are available for their study, including reflecting on the structural inequality in society, understanding the psychological significance of the films, obtaining the inner meaning of a film-maker, and understanding different life environments or areas. A coherent study of the film is based on the different approaches to studying the film. The most notable approaches of the study may include content analysis, expert opinion and analysis, and the research on reviews from experts and other viewers. Such a study helps in eliminating the negative perception and expectations from films, TV shows, or video games. These kinds of research are critically essential for films and show that deal with vengeance and retribution, which are sensitive themes.


Doyle, A. 2006. How not to think about crime in the media. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 48(6), 867-885.

Welsh, A., Fleming, T., & Dowler, K. 2011. Constructing crime and justice on film: Meaning and message in cinema. Contemporary Justice Review, 14(4), 457-476.

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Fictional Characters: Exploring World Perspectives in Crime Films, TV & Video Games - Essay Sample. (2023, Oct 13). Retrieved from

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