Free Essay Describing Mental Disorders Case Studies

Published: 2022-09-09
Free Essay Describing Mental Disorders Case Studies
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Anxiety disorder Mental disorder Bipolar disorder
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1115 words
10 min read

Clinical Issues Case Study 1

With the reference to the case study, Andre might be suffering from bipolar depression disorder. Andre has an artistic temperament. He has mood swing that results to depression. He could start something positively, but later everything changes and lacks meaning in what he was doing.

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Symptoms of Bipolar

  • Experiencing unpredictable mood swings and irritability
  • A feeling restlessness and guilt
  • Undergoing both mental and physical sluggishness
  • A feeling of hopelessness, sadness and concentration problems
  • More so, a person may experience fatigue and energy loss under this condition.
  • In the worst case, an individual might think of death or suicide.

Specific Treatment Plans

If one experiences symptoms of bipolar disorder, it would be best to consider treatment early before the condition get worse. Living with the disorder can lead to problems in everything starting with personal career and relationships. Therefore, starting diagnosis early will help prevent the related complications. Key issues to consider managing bipolar disorder include:

Engaging in exercises is believed to have a positive impact on mood swing and minimize cases of bipolar episodes. That is, getting involved in exercises that activate the legs and arms such as walking, swimming and running.

Trying to minimize stress by avoiding high-stress situations and engaging in relaxation techniques like deep breathing and yoga.

Interacting with people who can help once they have learned about the condition.

More so, since it is a chronic disorder, it is important to continue with the treatment even when feeling better to avoid relapsing illness.

Though medication can help, it is usually not enough to handle the condition, and therefore, it is advisable to consider therapy and social support.

Case Study 2

With reference to the case study, Ben might be suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder. He always worries about his future, and he over plans everything to prevent mistake and views situations as threatening even if they are not.

Symptoms Associated with the Disorder

  • Persistent worrying and anxiety about certain issues that are out of proportion to the general impact of the events
  • Always having overthinking plans and solutions to all possible challenges
  • Experiencing difficulties in managing uncertainty
  • Having trouble in letting go of a worry
  • Perceiving situations as threatening even when they do not seem like.
  • Having a problem in concentration and having a sense that the mind is running empty.
  • Fatigue, muscle ache, trembling, and having trouble sleeping are some of the associated physical signs and symptoms.

Specific Detailed Treatment Plans

There is no way to predict what will lead an individual to develop a generalized anxiety disorder. However, there are steps that can be considered to reduce the impact of the symptoms after experiencing anxiety.

Prioritizing on important issues in life. That is, trying to minimize anxiety by managing time and energy.

Teaching Ben the importance of relaxation to avoid stress and anxiety is the best way to go about the condition

Encouraging training of muscles relaxation to enable distraction from worries will be the best treatment technique.

If after exercise Ben's anxiety will not have improved he will be referred to a specialist for consultation.

Further, it is important to avoid unhealthy substance like alcohol and drug since they worsen the anxiety. However, if Ben is an addict of substances like caffeine and nicotine quitting can become anxious. Therefore, if it becomes a challenge to quit alone, it is important to seek treatment program for help.

Case Study 3

Regarding the case study, Lisa might be suffering from intermittent explosive disorder. After Jon her husband fails to take her for a picnic, she exploded with anger and entered into the house throwing pillow all over the house. She decides to do crazy things like overspending by purchasing new clothes worth a lot of money to anger her husband.

Symptoms Associated with the Intermittent Explosive Disorder

  • Explosive happens suddenly, with little or no warning.
  • Aggressive episodes may be accompanied by rage, racing thoughts, and tremor.
  • In most cases, explosive verbal may result in heated arguments, shouting; temper tantrums, property damage and even threatening people.
  • Later after the episode, one would feel a sense of relief and tiredness. Finally, a feeling of regret and embarrassment follows.

Specific Treatment Plans

If a person is suffering from the intermittent explosive disorder, prevention is mostly beyond control, and one is supposed to consider professional treatment. Some of the critical factors to consider avoiding incidences of getting out of control include:

Sticking to the designated treatment all time. Consider taking all the prescribed medication to prevent recurrence of the explosive disorder

Relaxation techniques like deep breathing would help a lot to keep the person calm during these moments

It is always wise to change the mode of thinking about frustrating situations by using reasonable expectation and rational thoughts.

Learning ways of improving personal communication. In other words, listening to what the other party has to say and taking time to respond instead of uttering the first thing that pops into the mind.

Further, it is essential to change the environment. That is, trying to avoid situations that upset is a factor to consider when fighting with these episodes.

Lastly, avoid mood-altering substances like alcohol or other recreational drugs.

Case Study 4

With reference to the case study, Vicky is suffering from depression generally identified as a prolonged grief disorder. The fact that her husband died remains a nightmare to her something she cannot believe. With the love both had, she always feels lonely and lacks value to life.

Symptoms Associated with Prolonged Grief Disorder

  • A person suffering from grief disorder might have suicidal; thoughts, depression and always having challenges completing daily tasks
  • A suspended state of disbelief that death has occurred and creating an idea that the loved person is still alive.
  • A feeling of loneliness and inability to experience the joy
  • Increased irritability, bitterness and numbness
  • Major physical symptoms associated with grief include a headache, fatigue and digestion problems
  • In most cases, prolonged grief can lead to depression, and the worst cases result in a mental issue like madness.

Specific Treatment Plans

The best method to go about such a condition is to accept what has happened and let it go no matter how hard it is. Accepting the situation helps a person to regain and continue with daily tasks.

Trying to talk with people so that it becomes easy to reduce the emotional distress

Welcoming people to assist in daily routine can give the mind time to recover from the loss

Visiting a counselor to help ease the stress will help such that one would forget and be able to live with the situation.

More so, medical treatment can help in extreme cases. Considering psychotherapy treatment would be of great importance.

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