Free Essay Describing the Conflict and Negotiations Example

Published: 2022-08-05
Free Essay Describing the Conflict and Negotiations Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business communication Conflict management
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1220 words
11 min read

A disagreement may come into existence when an indifference exists among two or more parties involved. This is the case in the fictional case study of a merger between Synergon and Beauchamp companies. The two companies have substantial cultural differences in how they operate, and this threatens the success of the merger. Nick Cunningham, who is the Synergon's executive director tasked with the responsibility of ensuring smooth integration of the two companies, faces a functional conflict where he is caught between a rock and a hard place (Cliffe, 1999). A functional crisis can be termed as a positive conflict that occurs in a workplace environment. In this case, the functional crisis is healthy and constructive as the two managers have an opportunity to exchange ideas and improve performance.

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As indicated in the case study, the manager at the Beauchamp, Mr. Julian Mansfield, has already expressed his discomforts at the bureaucratic system already introduced by the Synergon's team and how these complex systems are derailing the functionality of business and the loyal customers are already complaining a thing which was unheard of at Beauchamp (Cliffe, 1999). Mr. Julian Mansfield also explains his discomfort at the Synergon's interference in the Beauchamp internal affairs a situation that the top management of Synergon had said they would not do. Such intervention includes, closure of the cafeteria that offered free meals to the Beauchamp employees, and the multiple credit approvals introduced by Synergon before loans for Beauchamp's clients went through. All these discussions present a platform for Nick Cunningham to address the challenges highlighted by Mr. Julian Mansfield to improve the relationship between the two business mergers. Successful conflict resolution, in this case, will enhance the quality of the decision, boost cooperation, encourage innovation and interest and stimulate creativity.

The primary sources of conflict, in this case, can be identified as interpersonal conflicts brought about by the integration of the two companies. Based on the case study, it is clear that Synergon Company is very good at assimilating new companies but has a weakness in integrating them, and such interference in Beauchamp's cultural organization seems to disrupt the capability of the company to achieve its goals (Youssef-Morgan, Siewert, & Luthans, 2015). In the case of Beauchamp, assimilation is not necessary as this is a strategic acquisition which is aimed at broadening the market scope of Synergon by introducing its products into the European market. What is needed is an integration strategy where the acquired company, Beauchamp, is allowed to keep some of its operating practices while transferring some of its practices to the purchasers. However, by Synergon failing to acknowledge this fact that Beauchamp's culture is critical, the management risks jeopardizing the operations of the new acquisition making the merger a failure (Cliffe, 1999). Therefore, to avoid paralyzation of the purchase, the purchasers need to let the Beauchamp retain most of their organization independent while letting them know of their goals and objectives. However, the decision of how these objectives and goals will be met should be left to the Beauchamp managers to come up with a strategic and a more elaborate plan.

On the other hand, Synergon is interference in the Beauchamp operation is causing more harm than good and as the purchasers had promised to "leave Beauchamp alone" should be the case. However, it is important to note that it is not possible to completely give Beauchamp independency as it is part and parcel of Synergon and this will entail occasional monitoring. Nonetheless, the management has to find a balance where Synergon has a responsibility of understanding the Beauchamp's numbers, credit risks and financial reporting while Beauchamp retains the role of purchasing, and deciding on its employee's benefits (Cliffe, 1999).

Based on the case study, Nick Cunningham and Julian Mansfield need to employ the collaboration style in resolving the conflicts between the two entities. This strategy entails a win/win situation where both sides are satisfied, and it is best suited in this case where both companies are potent entities with the different cultural organization. The style will require the two managers to sit down together and discuss comprehensively on all the issues and concerns and therefore come up with the best solutions to handle the challenges that have emanated from the merger of these two companies (Youssef-Morgan, Siewert, & Luthans, 2015). Nick Cunningham being tasked with the responsibility of ensuring a smooth integration and realization of the goals and objectives set by his bosses must persuade both sides to think of new ways to achieve these objectives. These entail convincing people at Synergon that the acquisition will not succeed unless some previous rules are broken, and new strategies essential for the Beauchamp's future success are embraced (Bauer & Erdogan, 2011). He also should ensure better working relationships between Synergon and Beauchamp are established by reducing bureaucratic irritations that are being experienced at the newly acquired company. On the other hand, Nick Cunningham should convince Mansfield to embrace the goals and objectives set by the new employers and ensure that the employees working for Beauchamp do not view Synergon as a threat but as a partner working to achieve the same goals and objectives. All this will bring about cooperation and a better working relationship between the two companies, and the results will be positive growth and higher profit margin. The collaborative style is the ideal as it is highly assertive and includes detailed integration solutions, learning opportunities, establishing commitment and helps improve the working relationship.

The advice that I would give to Nick Cunningham would be to embrace a crisis- management mindset and stabilize the conflicts arising from the merger of the two business entities. The first thing that Nick Cunningham need to do is make Mr. Mansfield part of the solution to his problems rather than a problem. He needs to convince Mansfield to commit more to the company and ensure a peaceful transition and stability of the company before he can consider retirement (Bauer & Erdogan, 2011). On the other hand, Nick Cunningham needs to recognize and acknowledge the numerous achievement made by Mansfield and the Beauchamp Company at large. He also should demonstrate in a compelling way how the company and the workers stand to benefit from the new merger and the importance of Beauchamp being Synergon's flagship European operation.

In conclusion, Mr. Cunningham should embrace more of the leadership roles by working with the Beauchamp senior managers to create a shared vision and shared values for the growth of the companies and realization of the goals and objectives. He should spend more time on the ground with these people other than relaying instructions from the headquarters. Being constantly together with the new management teams will ensure that the common problems experienced in communications and the harassment of the new employees by the old once at Synergon are a thing of the past. Building leadership prospects within Beauchamp Company should be Mr. Cunningham immediate priorities, and this will ensure better business ties and secure the company's future.


Bauer, T. N., & Erdogan, B. (2011). Organizational socialization: The effective onboarding of new employees. APA handbook of industrial and organizational psychology, Vol 3: Maintaining, expanding, and contracting the organization, 51-64. doi:10.1037/12171-002

Cliffe, S. (1999). Merger of Charges. Harvard Law Review, 12(4), 274. doi:10.2307/1322113

Youssef-Morgan, C., Siewert, C., & Luthans, F. (2015). Positive Psychological Capital (PsyCap). Oxford Bibliographies Online Datasets. doi:10.1093/obo/9780199828340-0220

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