Free Essay: How to Succeed in College and Life

Published: 2022-11-29
Free Essay: How to Succeed in College and Life
Essay type:  Creative essays
Categories:  Creative writing Literature review
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 598 words
5 min read

This paper helps to give my reflection of the form of advice I could give myself if I happened to go back to the beginning of the semester. In this case, I feel that up to a point I have come in this semester there are some things which I should have done differently for me to be more confident about my success in this semester. Although I have done quite a lot in this semester to facilitate my academic achievement at the end of the semester I am not sure about what I have carried out is the best.

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About Jeanette (2017) article on how to succeed in life and college, it was shown that "some of the key features to succeed is to do what one is passionate about, eat healthy foods, be involved in exercises, get enough sleep and be supportive to friends." Upon reflecting on this statement in the article, I have realized that, did I have time to exercise and most of the time I was not able to get enough sleep. Thus, in most of the afternoon lessons, I struggled to keep attentive, and I did not get much from the evening classes since most of the time I felt dizzy. As a result, I made poor notes which I struggled to understand later on as I tried to revise. This forced me to spend more time trying to compare my friend's notes with what I had to learn the concept.

Reasonably, although I make efforts to write all the notes that I miss and read them I still feel that is not the best I could do. If in any case being given a chance to begin the semester again at this point, time management will be the key thing which I will observe. The reason I do not show up for exercise activities is that I always utilize that time to finish my assignments since in the evening am still busy carrying out extracurricular activities. Then, because it is my passion to watch series I utilize my free time to wait for at least one episode before I sleep. Therefore, in most cases I find myself exceeding and watch up to three episodes something that causes me not to have enough time to relax.

I believe that if I happen to start the semester again, I would carefully choose my priorities. I would create enough time for sleeping to be able to refresh and relax at the same time. Additionally, I would actively engage myself in exercising activities. According to Yarrow et al., (2014) "lack of carrying out exercises causes one to gain extra weight, and this makes an individual feel more reluctant even to simple carry out tasks." About this, I noted that my level of concentration was low since from time to time I found myself absent minded during learning sessions. It has come to my attention that I am struggling to realize my academic excellence while it just requires me to be more organized and choose my priorities wisely. In conclusion, I would advise myself concerning my weaknesses if I happen to start the semester again. Through that I believe that by the time the semester will be approaching a time like now, I will be well positioned to and fully prepared to sit for, my final exam successfully.

Works Cited

Jeanette. How to Succeed in College and Life, (2017).

Yarrow, Noah, et al. "Learning from Local Practices: Improving Student Performance in West Bank and Gaza." (2014).

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