Free Essay on Puma Company and Social Media Marketing

Published: 2022-04-19
Free Essay on Puma Company and Social Media Marketing
Type of paper:  Report
Categories:  Company Social media marketing
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 635 words
6 min read

Puma is among the world's leading companies in the sports industry that designs and sells an assortment of sports apparel and footwear. It has established a robust multi-social network strategy of engagement (Edwards, 2017). The firm maintains a continuous interaction with both active and potential customers through various social media networks including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+ and YouTube. This real-time interactions and sharing of content have resulted in substantial customer loyalty and an ever-expanding market base. The company uses social media to build the brand and drive awareness around the big product and campaign launches. For example, it launched the Puma Yard campaign during the 2010 London Olympics, which led to increased brand awareness. The Puma Yard campaign is a social-powered online and offline platform for the company to maintain steady communication with their target market. Such initiatives have promoted the social activity of the firm resulting in improved sales.

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Puma provides a multi-media mix of social content with photography and video of Puma products, local offline events, sponsored athlete footage among others putting into consideration the fact that different regional brand and sub-brand audiences respond to different types of content. The content is tailored to communicate to the many Puma customers distributed globally; other content resonates with specific markets. The company relies on messaging tools to post social messages multiple times a day, pushing out relevant content to various regional pages to reach all segments of its global audience efficiently, Puma. The ability of the tool to geo-target and future schedule posts for the times of day when users are most likely to respond has also proven useful for marketing. In essence, Puma has developed a base of loyal customers and followers who have seen the company's corporate image and reputation ranked higher (Edwards, 2017).

Customer engagement is one of the sure ways of fostering positive relationship and management of company issues for a better brand. The real-time response provision on the social platforms is very critical (Hunter, 2012). As a fundamental element of customer engagement and reputation management, Puma Company through post text and messaging can respond and quickly look into customers' complaints and queries. Puma over the recent past maximized the motoring provision, and apart from just monitoring mention of the company's brand, they use social media to monitoring to gauge and measure the competitive advantage and overall sentiments about the progress of the firm.

In addition to the marketing mix the firm has maintained, Puma has also relied and invested on the rare opportunity of public relation and sharing of ideas that social media as a platform provides. Through the relentless discussion that the firm has maintained about the company's progress, plans and strategies through publication and audio-visual have to accolade them a broad market base. The step has not only impressed the audience but also enabled to contribute to upholding the firm image through their substantial comments and recommendations. Moreover, via the proficient SEOs, their Google search ranking has been increased as they get to raise each time different clients share the content on social media

In conclusion, social networks have risen to best platform for not only product promotion and advertisement but also maintaining company's reputation and image in the corporate world. Social media platforms are also best avenues and target areas used by marketers to engage users. The different methods or different sites of social networking have differences and similarities in their ways of communication. Nonetheless, the underpinning factor in all the social networking sites is that they are essential tools for advertisement and improvement of company reputation and image.


Hunter, N. (2012). Social Networking. Milwaukee: Gareth Stevens Publishing. Milwaukee: Gareth Stevens Publishing

Edwards, R. O. G. E. R. (2017). The investigation into The Use of Social Networking Sites by Young People and the Perceived Benefits. S.L.: Anchor Academic Publishing.

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