Free Essay on Remembering the Forgotten War: The War Between United States and Mexico

Published: 2023-01-26
Free Essay on Remembering the Forgotten War: The War Between United States and Mexico
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States War Historical literature
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 661 words
6 min read

The author of the book provides comprehensive information on the possible causes of the war between United States and Mexico. The book is also a record of the important events that shaped the history of the North American region. The book focuses on the consequences of the war on Mexican and U.S. citizens. Wagenen also presented insightful information on how the fighting strategies and approaches applied by the soldiers in the war. The main reason for the emergence of the war was the conflict over territorial boundaries and possession of Texas (Van Wagenen, 2012). The author tries to inform the reader of the sufferings undergone by Mexicans during the war because the war was fought in Mexico after the invasion of the American soldiers. The war resulted from the aggressive nature of the American military that was motivated by the imperialistic interests and desire of the government to expand its territories.

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The book provides comprehensive information about the United States-Mexican War. The evidence contained in the book describes why most people remember the war. Many people lost their lives during the war. More than fourteen thousand American soldiers lost their lives during the two years of the war. On the other hand, more than twenty-five thousand Mexican soldiers lost their lives during the war because the U.S. military was more powerful with sophisticated weapons as compared to the weak Mexican forces with crude weapons (Van Wagenen, 2012). The first chapter of the book describes the possible causes of the war. Remarkable opinions from greatest and influential leaders like Abraham Lincoln enables the book to be accepted as one of the memory-books. Many leaders and historian mentioned that the war was unjust because it was waged by the strongest nation against the weakest. Michael Van Wagenen explores also explores how religious and ethnic differences resulted in the war and the shade of blood on the American soil. The larger number of people who lost their lives in the war makes the Mexicans remember it. The book also documents the possible consequences that arise from two competing countries for dominance and control.

The book has various strengths because the information presented by Wagenen is not biased. First, the book contains direct quotes from the influential leaders like Abraham Lincoln who supported the claims made by the Mexican government over the possession of Texas. Secondly, Wagenen explains the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that contributed to the end of the war. Lastly, the book provides a different trajectory on what the Americans perceived to be the cause of the war. Despite the identified strengths, the book also portrays some weakness. One of the weaknesses includes the failure to succinctly describe the reasons why United States opposed the claims made by the Mexican government during the signing of the treaty.

The book provides insightful information on important events that shaped the history of United States of America and Mexico. This book investigates historical events and issues based on the comparative and transnational analysis of how the utilization of various components contained in the memory-books, museums, commemorations, and historical sites. The book also contains succinct data on how the war shaped the relationship between Mexico and United States. The book also relates to popular culture, historic sites, heritage groups, historic sites, and museums (Van Wagenen, 2012). The book is also an important literature material for the lecture because it describes how religious, cultural, and political differences determine the history of a country. The book also provides an overview of how the multifaceted was affected the economic development in Mexico and United States.


Van Wagenen, M. (2012). Remembering the Forgotten War: The Enduring Legacies of the US/Mexican War. University of Massachusetts Press. Retrieved from:

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