Free Essay Sample on "The Early Days of World War I" by Kyle Gibson

Published: 2023-10-06
Free Essay Sample on "The Early Days of World War I" by Kyle Gibson
Essay type:  Reflective essays
Categories:  History War World War 1
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 669 words
6 min read

“The Early Days of World War 1”, by Kyle Gibson, talks of the application of raffle dazzles by the British to camouflage their ships against the destructive German submarines (Licursi, 2018). We take a deep dive at a significant historical occurrence that changed the course of World War 1. The analysis is how the British cunningly engineered the razzle-dazzle to counter the Germans' devastating submarine attacks. Kyle Gibson uses specific to history writing to communicate the use of the razzle-dazzle effectively. We analyze how historical books are employed in this article. We get to see the features used while writing the article, the tone, and style, the purpose, and the organization of the essay. We want to understand how this feature is conclusively used to bring out the article's flow.

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The author uses purpose to tell how the events unfolded. He uses cause and effect to tell us what happened to the British military to engineer the razzle-dazzle plot. He tells us what happened and even gives visual aid to help show what happened. In the passage, the cause and effect are seen when the writer tells us that because of the Germans' devastating bombing, the British came up with the camouflage effect to counter the excessive bombing. He also tells us what happened when he gives us details of the dazzling effect's engineering.

There is the use of tone and style in the passage. The writer exclusively avoids narrating the story in the 1st and 2nd person context. He narrates the event in the third person context, all thorough. The word choice used is formal all through the passage as maintained by the writer. The third person applies when the author says, 'But then the British had a startling idea.' The passage is written formally as even the non-English words are written in Latin, 'razzle dazzle.'

The passage is organized systematically in chronological order. The writer tells of how everything happened, what led to the other and how it all started and ended. There is a precise arrangement of the events, causes, and effects. In the passage, the writer talks about how the devastating bombing by the Germans made the British engineer the razzle-dazzle. He shares how the research of the patterns was done, how they were experimented, and how they were applied in the field. All this was organized chronologically by the writer.

The author uses historical writing in narrating events. I do think that the writer has achieved the goal of using history to explain how the events of the World War 1 occurred. He has complied with all the historical guidelines and achieved his objective. The author aims to tell the beginning of World War 1. He has carefully chosen the correct writing method {historical}, and has calculatedly followed the features to the latter to bring up a harmonious article that is not just easy to read but also understand. He has also made it possible to remember the events and live in that war moment for just a second and experience what happened through the vivid descriptions and visual aids of the pictures that he ha provided. The author gets the point right and ensures it has been driven home and nailed to our memories, a goal that every writer seeks to fulfill but which has been delivered with ease by Kyle Gibson. It is critically important that articles be written in a specific feature, be it scientific, historical, or pop culture, to connect to the article and learn from it. If the article and reading materials do not fall into such a category manner, it will be risking a lot in what the students understand, and we may end up driving the wrong message home. Such a method will inspire the readers with the flow that it has and the natural understanding to get more, and as they say, if knowledge is power, then reading is your superpower.


Licursi, K. J. L. (2018). Remembering World War I in America. U of Nebraska Press.

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