Free Essay with a Personal Development Plan

Published: 2022-07-20
Free Essay with a Personal Development Plan
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Planning Career Personal development
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1407 words
12 min read

Consider how the Access to Higher Education Diploma should improve your future employment

The access to higher diploma will provide an opportunity for exposure to new skills of running and managing a business. The skills may involve learning the most appropriate ways of starting and running business activities such as conducting the feasibility study on market or demand for the products. Besides, the access to Higher Education Diploma will give the opportunity for self-development in such areas as the creation of own business opportunities, boosting confidence, enhanced skills of business planning, the continued personal evaluation, as well as striking life balance. In addition to that, the higher education diploma enhances learning the new information needed for the proper running of business such as efficient and effective business methodologies, business ethics, market research, and adequate management of resources such as the human resources. Moreover, it will improve the existing skills and knowledge such as the leadership skills, accounting practices, time management, business administration, as well as problem-solving tactics and strategies.

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Personal development plan

Personal development will be enhanced through a systematic and strategic approach as follows. First, obtaining the advanced learner loan to fund the advanced higher education diploma business, securing level three business qualification through enrolling in higher education diploma business. Then proceed to get fundamental skills for English Level 2 to open up more opportunities for the business knowledge and skills. The work experiences in a busy and customer-oriented business environment will provide more viable opportunities for enhancing hands-on skills and experiences in business management and administration. Afterward, the access to the higher education diploma business will help ensure the opportunity to pursue the level 4 business course which will not only enrich personal skills and experience in the business industry but also open up multiple practical business opportunities.

Personal analysis for further learning

To successfully excel in the business career, the skills in English is very crucial. Besides having the Level 1 Functional Skills, there is a need to proceed to the next level to create more opportunities for adapting to the competitive business environment. Having considered all the possible learning avenues, Learndirect is the most suitable way of undertaking The Level 2 Functional Skills qualification since it provides a much flexible opportunity for the efficient self-learning. Besides, it allows for proper management of time for study and provides better balance for the academic studies and practical business performance.

Review and revise your development planning

Personal growth and development in terms skills and experience are very crucial for competency in the business industry. To ensure the achievement for continual development of the required skills and experience, the Level 3 Business qualification will be an ideal kick start. Followed by the acquisition of the key skills English level 2 enhanced by the continuing work experience in a competent customer-oriented business environment. After that, the level 4 business course will further provide more viable opportunities for strengthening hands-on skills and experiences in business management and administration. Moreover, more practical engagements in the business industry will improve hands-on skills and experience thereby, enriching the competency to the business career,

Evaluate personal qualities, skills, and experience against chosen career path

The career of a businessman entails a lot of effort especially to ensure the business is running well and also keeping the customers and employees satisfied. To achieve this, proper personal skills, qualities, and experience play a lot in enhancing success in the business career. Computer proficiency is a very significant quality necessary for successful running and managing a business because the business industry is technologically oriented. The skills in Microsoft office suite and sage instant accounts are helpful in keeping business records on inventory management. Besides, the skills in written communication play principal roles in ensuring the success of a business. Such experiences include the management of the archive systems, diary management as well as management of the administrative tasks. The vast organisational skills such as time consciousness and experience in the event management are significant will help in controlling, organising, and directing and coordinating the various operations in a business environment.

Moreover, the skills in verbal communication enhance the establishment of proper and healthy relationships between the business employees and the customers. Appropriate skills of communication foster the customer care services and are also a key factor towards enhancing proper persuasive marketing for the business products. The ability to deliver efficient and effective customer services is also essential as it ensures achievement of the business standards.

Create an action plan demonstrating time management and organizational skills

Time management and organisational skills are critical determinants of success for every course of action. Without managing the available time, several problems may arise thereby, causing a lot of unnecessary inconveniences which may lead to failure. There are numerous time management and organisational skills which can significantly improve the quality of performance as well as set the path for achieving success in the future business career. The following are some of the time management and organisational skills which will be used to assist in attaining proficiency and competency in the future business career.

Time management skill Description

Eliminate distractions

Involves the elimination of everything that may lead to procrastination while writing or studying. The everyday disturbances include the phone ringtones or vibrations which drifts apart the attention from the studies to the texts or calls, especially during the study. The social media is also another way of wasting the precious time which would, however, been spent doing the more significant work.

The social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or the LinkedIn are areas to be avoided to enhance success. Such activities are most suitable to be carried out during leisure time. Teamwork Working together in a team to achieve one specific goal. Working as a team provides better opportunities for improved success

Be focused

Involves staying determined to the core activity which is supposed to be done. Being focused helps in enhancing the achievement of goals and objectives at the right time. Whenever the focus is shifted, there would be the embarrassing loss of direction and the sense of self-motivation.

Getting enough sleep

Having enough sleep ensures that the brain, mind and the body get enough time to rest and replenished with new energy. Proper sleeping enhances proper concentration to details. The enhanced concentration also leads to improved productivity and the appropriate results.

Use a study calendar

The use of calendar better controls time management. The calendar is a very significant way of planning the work to be done every day so that not even one task is left out.

Scheduled leisure time

Everyone requires time for self-reflection to ensure the brain relaxes to achieve the new levels of concentration while handling the other duties. Leisure time attracts the leisure activities such as doing a person's interests. The time for these activities should be allocated properly.

Avoid procrastination

Procrastination is the act of postponing activities to conduct them at a future date. Creating and keeping deadlines Activities are better when finished early enough to give room for the performance of other activities.

Organizational skill Description

Decision-making skills

Decision making is very crucial in the organisational development. Making wise decisions determines the level of success which would be achieved.

Team leadership skills

The ability to coordinate, direct, and control the activities in an organisation is very crucial to enhancing the success of the organisation in achieving the goals and objectives.

Getting organised

Being organised saves a lot of time. To enhance proper management on time, the calendar and checklist should be constructed and adhered to every moment activity is performed. Proper scheduling The arrangement of what to do gives ease of performing them with little or no delay.

Setting and meeting goals

The primary goal of studying is to excel in the coursework and gain hands-on skills and experience for adequate productivity in the real business industry. Meeting that goal means success. It is the most important skill for every student or prospective business persons.

Use a checklist

A checklist ensures that the progressive tasks are done as per the plan. Making and adhering to the checklist ensures that everything goes on well and there is no any delay or absence of any activity. A checklist incorporates all the tasks that are expected to be carried out. It limits the occurrences of procrastination activities.

Implementing decisions

Decisions become effective only if they are accomplished. The skills in implementation of decisions are very crucial to success.

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