Free Paper Sample Containing the Framework to Apply the Effective WBDL

Published: 2017-12-04
Free Paper Sample Containing the Framework to Apply the Effective WBDL
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1170 words
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Figure 3: The framework to apply the effective WBDL to the organization’s Human Resource Development Plan.

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Table 1 highlights how WBT such as WBDL analyzes the learning imperatives essential for the Human Resource. The first learning imperative is the diversification of the learning portfolio. The imperative assert that Human Resource in various organizations must maintain the high level of talent so as to meet the present competitive challenges (Tannenbaum, 2002). The expanded learning alternatives are essential because traditional classroom training can meet all of the organization’s requirements. The learning alternatives provide individual customization and personalized training so as to examine the diverse issues Human Resource and organizations face. The WBDL is the valuable flexible addition to the organization’s learning portfolio that can offer a customized training experience so as to meet the diverse learning requirements of the employees. For instance, the organization may have the complete portfolio of the WBDL courses. The employees may take and accomplish the course that meets a particular learning requirement.

In developing the training strategy, an American Red Cross (ARC) realized employees have varying learning styles and requirements. For instance, the ARC has various employees who are self-driven learners ready to take a suitable learning resource and make the most of their learning from the media. The American Red Cross adopted the WBDL design to meet the strategic learning requirements while permitting learners to participate and determine in training courses that are suitable to their requirements. The employees can download career assessment and other planning tools so as they can read and understand the learning and training opportunities required to meet the organizational goals (Rogers & Becker, 2001). Accelerating the pace of learning is an essential benefit derived from the WBDL. The present work environment needs an accelerated pace of worker learning. Learning requirements occur quickly and often (Tannenbaum, 2002). The Web-Based Distance Learning application can be applied quickly and fairly, and once developed, the application can reach workers immediately. The flexibility of the WBDL can assist Human Resource meet their learning requirements under seemingly impossible issues. Provision of the opportunities to grow and learn is another essential strategy for the Human Resource. Competition creates the requirement to maintain and attract talent from various workers. An essential action of creating competition is to make certain that employees believe they have various opportunities to grow and learn continuously (Tannenbaum, 2002). The part of offering the environment so as to support continuous learning and training is to make certain that employees at all levels of the organization can actively pursue development and training activities (Noe et al. 1997). The WBDL can offer access to learning and training opportunities al all the workers that can access the computer that is connected to the Internet. The Human Resource can provide workers that do not perform in offices with shared terminals to learn and train via the Web applications.

Table 1: Benefits of adopting WBL such as WBDL in meeting the organizational learning requirements

Effective WBT

Human Resource designing the WBT are required to consider the leaner traits that requirements in developing the WBT courses that facilitate and individualize rather than hinder training and learning. By analyzing the Human Resource applications, some essential guidelines for the effective WBT design materialize. Human Resource issues in the WBT development and implementation is the first guideline for the effective WBT. The rapid growth of the technology such as the WBDL in different workplaces has caused various changes in the worker communication. The implementation of the electronic communication reduces face-to-face communication. Also, the implantation of the electronic communication has reduced the overall communication in various organizations. The loss of the casual interaction can do harm to an organization because innovative information is often as a result of the interaction. The face-to-face communication is absent in the WBT. Te option of the learner control is another unique aspect of the WBT design. As discussed earlier, traditional classroom training barely offers control for the instructor. The Web learners can move freely through training and earn and even interact with the Websites outside of the learning course through the use of the hypertext.

Collaborative learning is another effectiveness of WBT for the Human Resource. The absence of the human interaction in the WBT creates the concern with the effectiveness of learning and training. Collaborative learning is useful in building the Human Resource knowledge concerning the learning materials. Learner control is another effectiveness of the WBT, and the learner control can be observed from different perspectives. The learner control can be observed through the sequence of training, content they choose, and the course they explore during the learning process. WBT can be evaluated through Human Resource satisfaction in performing their skills.


WBT should be tied to particular business objectives since several examples of the applications designed to solve particular issues such as admittance of remote employee populations. Also, the Human Resource should consider the requirement and the opportunity for the collaborative learning when designing WBT. Human Resource should cautiously evaluate the design and level of learner control within the WBT. Lastly, the Human Resource should evaluate their WBT efforts, whether through formative evaluation or traditional evaluation efforts. The WBT should be analyzed to identify if it is meeting the goals specified in the planning levels of the training.


The WBT has the capability to have the significant impact on the future of learning, training, and development of skills. However, to make certain that WBT is the worthwhile investment for the organization, it is essential to have the implementation plan that is purposely tied to the organization’s business approach. With careful evaluation and planning, WBT has the capability to solve various Human Resource challenges in different organizations. For the effective use of the WBT, Human Resource must understand how to make use of the WBT in the training of their employees.


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