Free Paper on APA's General Principles of Ethics and Ethical Dilemmas

Published: 2022-07-12
Free Paper on APA's General Principles of Ethics and Ethical Dilemmas
Type of paper:  Critical thinking
Categories:  Counseling Ethical dilemma
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 558 words
5 min read

Case 1-1: Ethical dilemma posed by example

Instead of the therapist working to help the client recover from depression and alcohol dependence, he further torments the clients by sexual assault. The dilemma is that instead of solving the problem, the therapist is worsening the situation.

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The APA guideline breached by the example

The example illustrates the breaching of the principle of integrity by practicing bribery to conceal his actions from receiving attention from the relevant authorities. Also, the case demonstrates the lack of respect for people`s rights and dignity by assaulting the client sexually.

What should be done in the future to avoid this ethical dilemma?

In future, to avoid the dilemma, the therapist ought to embrace the code of conduct such as integrity and respect people`s rights and dignity. The therapist should not take advantage of the situation facing the clients to exploit the clients.

Case 1-2: Ethical dilemma posed by example

Dark Planner is I dilemma how to cover up the story of overbilling his client without taking the blame.

The APA guideline breached by the example

The example violates the principle of Beneficence and Nonmaleficence. The policy stipulates how workers are supposed to treat their fellows with fairness and no biases or malignant hidden agenda ("APA's Five General Principles of Ethics: How Do They Matter to an Aspiring Scientist," 2013).

What should be done in the future to avoid this ethical dilemma?

In future, Dark planner should find the amicable way to prove his legitimacy and loyalty rather than fabricating events to blindfold people that he is a genuine person.

Case 1-3: Ethical dilemma posed by example

The client was in a dilemma about the appropriate action to take against Dr. Mal Evolent.

The APA guideline breached by the example

There was disrespect for human rights.

What should be done in the future to avoid this ethical dilemma?

Everyone should be a friend`s keeper. When some people pose to solicit someone, do bizarre actions they should be reported to the police with immediate effect.

Case 1-4: Ethical dilemma posed by example

Whether to report Buck Scam to the licensing board or make a formal agreement to refund the money.

The APA guideline breached by the example

Exploiting clients for self-interest or financial gain.

What should be done in the future to avoid this ethical dilemma?

Buck Scam should behave professionally by behaving ethically and competently, and show the competence within the realm of their practice (Koocher & Keith-Spiegel, 2008).

Case 1-5: Ethical dilemma posed by example

The Professor painted her car with a racist and anti-Semitic slur but was steady fast to report to the police over hate discrimination.

The APA guideline breached by the example

Participating in fraud by submitting a false police report when the fact is that the car was painted with racist and anti-Semitic slur.

What should be done in the future to avoid this ethical dilemma?

Adequate investigation should be done before a decisive verdict is given. The consequences of rushing to a conclusion and making assumptions can affect the quality of decisions made.


APA's Five General Principles of Ethics: How Do They Matter to an Aspiring Scientist. (2013, December 26). Retrieved from

Koocher, G. P., & Keith-Spiegel, P. (2008). Ethics in psychology and the mental health professions: Standards and cases. Oxford University Press.

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Free Paper on APA's General Principles of Ethics and Ethical Dilemmas. (2022, Jul 12). Retrieved from

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