Free Paper Sample on Sexual Orientation

Published: 2023-11-26
Free Paper Sample on Sexual Orientation
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture Discrimination Human sexuality Social issue
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 554 words
5 min read


Norms refer to the various standards indicating behavior considered proper by a society or an individual. The values of an individual are the different beliefs held onto by an individual that determines that the belief is wrong or right. The language, values, and norms significantly influence the sexuality of an individual according to the functionalist perspective (Leon-Guerrero, 2019). Such is the case because of the various ways by which the societal values and norms validate and ratify homosexuality (Leon-Guerrero, 2019).

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Society approves relationships between a man and a woman. Society endorses such kind of relationships as acceptable behaviors. It is, therefore, likely that individuals conform to the form of sexuality considered and approved as expected (Leon-Guerrero, 2019). Sexual orientation is a term used in defining an individual as per their preferences considering their sexual relationships (Leon-Guerrero, 2019). According to the functionalist perspective, society is the primary determinant of the social order in existence. Therefore, the sexuality of a person is dependent on the norms and values present in that society (Leon-Guerrero, 2019).

The society typically accepts and conforms to the institutionalized heterosexuality. Such refers to the acceptance of the heterosexual family as the society’s norm. The society considers this form of sexuality as ideal as it is between a man and a woman (Leon-Guerrero, 2019). The society promotes the heterosexual privilege provided to some individuals because of their sexuality (Leon-Guerrero, 2019).


According to the sociologists, the heterosexual relationships are accepted and considered the norm. It is in contrast to the homosexuals. Such is the case because of the various legislations established whose aim was to target the homosexuals (Leon-Guerrero, 2019). These policies, such as the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), labeled homosexuals as deviant. Such legislative policies play a role in our sexuality because people tend to adhere to what is valued by society. Society labels all the different types of sexuality as problematic because they do nor conform to the idealized heterosexuality (Leon-Guerrero, 2019). The heterosexual ideas are supported by the different societal structures, for instance, the legal, social, and political structures (Leon-Guerrero, 2019).

However, over the years, a change has been witnessed regarding the view on sexuality. Such is through the efforts established by the LGBTQ and their affiliates. They target the eradication of heterosexism. Heterosexism is a privilege afforded to heterosexual individuals and not the homosexuals. It is a state that views heterosexuality as a norm and encourages the bias to the homosexuals (Leon-Guerrero, 2019).

The social welfare policy brings about a heterosexual bias. The policy impacts sexuality in three significant ways (Leon-Guerrero, 2019). First, these policies specifically target the individuals of the LGBTQ community. It also brings about bias through the presence of generalized assumptions about all individuals being heterosexual. It also increases bias by the presence of policies that don’t consider poverty and other needs experienced by LGBTQ persons (Leon-Guerrero, 2019).


The society is characterized by conflicts related to the sexual orientation of an individual. Such is through the provision of privileges to the heterosexuals. Similarly, heterosexual bias also is demonstrated by the domestic violence situations (Leon-Guerrero, 2019). Society views domestic violence in heterosexual relationships. Therefore, there is a lack of knowledge and complete comprehension regarding violence in the LGBTQ community (Leon-Guerrero, 2019).


Leon-Guerrero, A. (2019). Social problems: community, policy and social action. Sage.

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