Free Paper Sample on Undocumented Immigration

Published: 2023-11-06
Free Paper Sample on Undocumented Immigration
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Immigration
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 615 words
6 min read


There is an argument concerning immigration into the U.S.A, with some anti-immigration groups claiming undocumented immigrants have increased in recent years. Estimates, however, indicate that illegal immigrants have decreased significantly. The issue of illegal immigration has featured American politics since the 2016 election, and it will probably repeat in future elections (Stenglein, 2019). Illegal immigrants are deemed to limit jobs in the United States. On the plus side, undocumented immigrants have been essential in providing cheap labor as their job-seeking is limited to such levels. With the level of unemployment increasing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more stringent measures should be installed to protect and preserve Americans' job opportunities.

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Problem Statement

The number of immigrants into the United States have decreased because job opportunities have reduced significantly in the country.

Objective & Scope

Recent studies conducted in the U.S concerning illegal immigration indicate fewer cases in the past decade, despite some Americans claiming the issue has increased. Some arguments concerning the issue suggest that the militarization of the border, reduced job opportunities, and coyote's failure to reduce fees at the U.S-Mexico border are the most influential factors (Krogstand, 2019). Insofar as the research herein is concerned, only reduced job opportunities will be covered.


Data concerning undocumented immigration in the United States will be sourced from legit government websites. Information about unemployment in the U.S will also be sourced from a government-controlled platform. After the two types of data mentioned above are organized and summarized, correlation derivations will illuminate the effect of an increased rate of unemployment in the past on the frequency of immigration.

Research Implementation

After collecting data ranging in the past decade concerning undocumented immigration and rates of unemployment, this information will be typed in an excel spreadsheet and a correlation computed. Projections on unemployment in the U.S will also be made when compared with those presented by other credible sources. Computed results will be used to project levels of undocumented immigrations after the coronavirus pandemic. Information from other sources will also be utilized to check consistency and expound on the issue. Microsoft Excel spreadsheets will be utilized to process data because it is readily available and easy to use.

Results & Analysis

Visual data will be created in the form of graphs and other statistical representations. Results will also include elaborate explanations of data presented in word files. Results will include a comparison of unemployment to the rate of immigration and projections of future scenarios. Data analysis will entail explanations detailing why changes in unemployment are linked to undocumented immigration. The analysis will also detail future expectations concerning the issue, considering that the current pandemic could inflict more unemployment in the U.S.A.


In the past decade or so, the United States has experienced a reduction in undocumented immigration. The above scenario could be linked to various factors, but increasing levels of unemployment in the country have significantly influenced it. More people are reluctant to move in the U.S because despite paying coyotes fees, they are not assured of landing a job. Most data will be derived from the internet, but credibility will be key. Only credible sources such as government publications and sites will be utilized in the research. The excel software will also be utilized in the research because of its availability and easy to use analytical tools.


Krogstand, M.J & Ana, G.B. (2019, June 28). What we know about illegal immigration from Mexico. Pew Research Center.

Stenglein, C. & Elaine, K. (2019, November 12). How many undocumented immigrants are in the United States, and who are they? The Vitals.

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