Free Paper Sample: Psychology Perception Discussion Board

Published: 2023-12-06
Free Paper Sample: Psychology Perception Discussion Board
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 559 words
5 min read


Sight is an acute sense that helps facilitate vision, which may be considered one of the most critical reasons as our perception and view of the world are heavily influenced by sight. The sense of sight works through natural means, which combined enable us to see things interpret, and understand our surroundings. Accommodation refers to how the vertebrate eye changes optical power to maintain a clear image or focus on an object as its distance varies (Toates, 2019). The eye adjusts the focusing of light through accommodation by dilation and contraction of the pupil, which determines the amount of light that reaches the iris. In a dark setting, the pupil dilates more to accommodate more light to enhance vision. In a bright environment, the pupil contracts allow in lesser light, which helps make vision clear. These optical adjustments by the eye are the fundamental operational principles of the accommodation process.

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Various conditions of the eye may arise, resulting in focusing problems. Some of these conditions include:

Presbyopia - is a condition that causes a gradual decrease in near vision. Presbyopia is a psychologically induced focusing insufficiency occurring due to age-related differences in the in-eye lens and varying ciliary muscle power. This may be either due to reduced elasticity or increased hardness of the ciliary muscles.

Myopia is also referred to as short-sightedness or nearsightedness. Myopia is a focusing condition in which the affected individual's eye focuses light in front of the retina rather than on the retina. This, therefore, results in nearby objects appearing transparent while items that are further away appear blurry. In cases of extreme myopia, it may result in cataracts, retinal detachment, or glaucoma. Symptoms of myopia may include eye strain and headaches.

Hyperopia - this is the opposite of myopia. The condition is also referred to as farsightedness or long-sightedness. Under this condition, light is focused behind, rather than on the retina. As a result, this accommodation problem makes nearby objects appear blurry while items that are further away appear more transparent. Hyperopia often occurs due to reduced axial length of the eyeball or flattening of the cornea above the normal state. Other causes may be as a result of alteration in the refractive index of the lens or changes in the position of the lens.

Luckily, I don’t suffer from any of the above conditions. The only challenges that I have experienced in terms of sight and vision are seen in the dark. I occasionally struggle to see in dark settings, but it is not a severe condition. For instance, with car headlights, I can drive effectively through the night. The above-focusing problems are treatable when detected early enough. Therefore, it is advisable for parents to promptly address any vision problems that they may see in their children. Some procedures may include surgery of the eye. In contrast, others may be corrected through focusing glasses, which the optician provides upon correct assessment of the underlying condition that a patient may be suffering from.

Vision is a psychological perception aspect that should be maintained and improved to ensure that the development of any visionary-related complications gets alleviated. The fragility of the optical organs is another reason that implies the importance of maintaining and providing the best care for our eyes.


Toates, F. M. (2019). Accommodation function of the human eye. Physiological Reviews, 52(4), 828-863.

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