Free Essay - Funding Types and Option

Published: 2023-02-23
Free Essay - Funding Types and Option
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Categories:  Tax system Tourism Hospitality Customer service
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1227 words
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Revenue generation refers to the process via which organizations plan to market as well as sell their products or services to produce income. In recreation and culture, the primary funding source comprises of mainly property taxes. Other miscellaneous operating revenues facilitates open, fair as well as free usage of the public funds. Via direct programming, there is no involvement of the outside agency in the aspects of delivery and include grants, sponsors, and partnerships. Third-party services are involved in the case of indirect programming delivery (Andersen, Duffie & Song, 2019). This paper discusses the appropriate funding sources required in three case scenarios.

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Scenario 1

Recreation plays a critical role in the welfare of older adults, along with enhancing their quality of life. The truth of the matter is that for seniors taking part in recreation activities satisfies a variety of needs. Some of the essential benefits of recreation for senior citizens include increased health fitness and opportunities for socialization by the use of talents and skills developed over their life besides learning new skills. Recreation activities are beneficial to the adult-aged population as they spend their leisure time enjoying and carrying out exciting tasks. It is worth noting that the senior community stands quite varied, having a diversity of interests, strengths as well as abilities (Schloss, Smith & Kiehl, 1986). Some seniors tend to have enjoyed the positive use of their lifetime leisure besides finding suitable activities that suit their interests and skills. It is challenging that there are still other seniors who may not be aware of the potential beneficial values of taking part in recreation activities.

When it comes to the aspect of funding these recreation activities for the old adults, different programs provide the necessary resource appropriate for keeping the senior citizens comfortable. A case in point is a multipurpose senior center (MSC), which refers to a community resource that organizes social activities. It also provides useful information services paramount in assisting senior citizens. Grants concerning construction as well as running costs concerning MSC remain available from diverse sources that include federal as well as state community development programs (Urano, 2019). At first, it may be challenging to get access to these available grants fund recreation activities and equipment. It may take time before the club becomes eligible for funding because of the many procedures and complex registrations requirements before being approved.

It is prudent to liaise with appropriate people in authority, and expertise that can be of help is speeding up the process for grant funding. Title 111 of the OAA (Older Americans Act), enacted in 1965, and operates as the funding source regarding community-based services for U.S. elderly citizens. National governments, therefore, allot funding to each state every year whereby the area agencies on aging disburses resources. The agencies also provide information to the individual service providers at the local. Alternatively, community development funds can service, which was established in 1975 to facilitate localities with funding that caters to community development (Urano, 2019). From these perspectives, grants are availed via various schemes that include Small Cities CDBG programs administered at the municipal level.

Scenario 2

As noted by Urano (2019), there are different ways of funding youths' Community programs, and in this setup, fundraising can be considered as the main one. It is worth to note that the funding structure of any given program relates directly to the institution that administers it. The nature of the funding influences the design and stability of the program that, in turn, affects the extent to which application can promote the developmental outcome. Some of the questions that arise in this scenario include whether the given program is private, public, or quasi-public? What is the appropriate source of the fund? What is the annual budgeted plan? What is the primary source of money? Concerning the public sources, what extent are federal, state, and local funds? And what is the funding sector? In case the suitable funding stands to be privately funded, it is worth considering if Philanthropies can be the primary funding, including foundations, local business, or service organization. Membership fees can also be a suitable source of financing, depending on the situation at hand. It is also worth putting into consideration whether the funding is stable over a period or it's temporarily for a short period, which needs to be raised periodically from new sources.

In this scenario, the mentioned programs face challenges concerning various funding. According to Urano (2019), young people must be involved in the leadership of some of these programs and be trained adequately on the aspect of management. Thus considering that funds tend to fluctuate drastically, it is advisable that the local fundraising initiated and membership dues managed effectively. This is to increase the sustainability of all the proposed local programs. It is also equally important to foster a partnership with local organizations and foundations through corporate social responsibilities in that way, promoting the clean, hazard-free environment, and so on.

It is imperative that leaders at the grassroots level advocate for promoting the development policy of the youth in that way, taking into account the various programs made by the child shown in this scenario. Each state must aim at enhancing the relationships between local and state governments in developing and implementing policies and programs relating to youth. It is equally imperative for the state to build on the existing youth programs, collaborations as well as organizations. Teenagers should be involved in planning, and their results evaluated. Development and implementation of the statewide training programs grounded on the best practices and practical principles should be encouraged as much as possible (Urano, 2019).

Scenario 3

In this scenario, as noted by Casey, Payne, and Eime (2009), entails the aspects of supporting an event, activity, organization, or person financially or via the provision of the product along with services. Sponsorship stand to as the most appropriate source of funding. The challenge involved in this setup attribute to the urgency of the matter and the capability of getting the sponsor within a limited period. However, since the arrangement will not be 100% sponsorship, it will be achievable within the stipulated time of the team involved is up to the task. As suggested by the group included, it is right to consider that assets, including the stage together with the onsite activation, remain the significant ways upon which extra revenue generated.


Funding is critical in dealing with the limitations, along with the structural problems facing community recreation programs. Functional supports are needed since money alone cannot solve the existing problem. More money is useful for providing higher wages besides reducing turnover. However, institutional mechanisms are required for the attainment of stability. For instance, credentialing staff besides continuing their training as they carry out their tasks, develop career ladders, and agree on the youth's desired outcome. Networking with peer organizations, promoting research and evaluation as well as increasing advocacy regarding the field programs is paramount.


Andersen, L., Duffie, D., & Song, Y. (2019). Funding value adjustments. The Journal of Finance, 74(1), 145-192.

Casey, M. M., Payne, W. R., & Eime, R. M. (2009). Partnership and capacity-building strategies in community sports and recreation programs. Managing Leisure, 14(3), 167-176.

Schloss, P. J., Smith, M. A., & Kiehl, W. S. (1986). Rec Club: A community-centered approach to recreational development for adults with mild to moderate retardation. Education & Training of the Mentally Retarded.

Urano, S. C. (2019). The Community Table: Effective Fundraising through Events. Ohio University Press.

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