Global Enrichment Consultancy on International Level, Essay Example

Published: 2021-03-15
Global Enrichment Consultancy on International Level, Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Management Business
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1112 words
10 min read

If you happen to come across the name Global Enrichment Consultancy, do not just pass by because this could be your life changing moment. Take a minute to know more about it. Sometimes great things just pass us by because of ignorance or how we pretend to be always busy headed somewhere but in the real sense, we are headed nowhere. I have always wondered why people are always in a hurry in the streets. We even pass our longtime friends because our minds are so focused somewhere else. But where is that elsewhere? How many youths have been out there jobless. Do not even try to imagine, maybe you are one of them. Do you ever stop in traffic to look at the advertisements or billboards on the side of the road? Few of us do that. As I said earlier, when you come across Global Enrichment Consultancy take a minute and look. I will be telling you why a minute is worth your lifetime.

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I am delighted as I watch this fine institution. This has been our vision since college. My partner is so busy showing people around in this big space that she does not realize that the CEO of Institution of Human Resource Management has arrived. The name is of the company is written in bold on a silver shining medal, highlighted with a shade of sky blue and indigo. As I look at the building, my mind was taken back fifteen years ago. Jenny, my best friend and now my partner had just cleared college. Life was very tough and confusing as we did not have any job but we were both lucky to have families that could manage to pay our upkeep even after months of being out of college. Getting a job was becoming such a hustle. I love to be independent; the feeling of being a pest, yet you are human kills, I never want to rely on people. I tend to be aggressive when I do not get what I want. As for Jenny, she is the most quite ever.

With no luck finding real jobs, jobs that could define us, we decided to become self-employed. As we both had pursued Human Resource Management and had a passion for it, why not come up with a venture to do with HR? We thought. We had many names for our new firm that was in existence only in our minds, a friend suggested of Global Enrichment and we loved it. It was up to each one of us to convince friends and family to help in the startup capital. Needless to say of the struggles before we could settle, but here we are. From years of opening up the office each morning with no clients coming into consult, we were losing it. It was a sad and exciting phase in our career as we had reached the verge of closing it down. Rent was becoming so hard to pay as we had no clients.

As I watch this building that we just bought to be our office, I just recall how I was dreaming of getting such an office. The office floor is wooden but heated with a traditional taste in it. Lights are indirect with nothing cluttered. The walls have traditional paintings, one incorporating a shade of blurred colors neither white nor cream. The painting has deep meaning as the color represents pain and deep emotions that cannot be explained. With this we can always remember the pain we have been to be here. Not only did I want an office, but I also wanted an office filled with clients booking days to consult us. Gone are the days when our office was a cubicle, surrounded by white walls a white fluorescent light. It is even hard to believe that we could ever have such a cool office space reflecting our companys culture. For us, this is a dream come true. From two poor college students who had a vision, to the youngest executives in the Consultancy industry. Did you buy a new dress? I remember asking Jenny. Things had been so tough to the extent that I questioned Jenny on her new dress yet we could not afford $ 23 for rent. We were so focused and determined for this company to grow that we did not spend much on ourselves.

We have been fully certified as a firm, this means everything to us. As we open our new offices, we are expecting senior executives to be arriving as this occasion goes on. I feel very confident walking around the room and greeting people. I am anything but simple in this sexy satin dress with loose top detail, spaghetti straps, open back and gold chain detail. My heels are in line with the billboard of our company; blue making me feel as confident as ever. I love how people are commending us for our efforts. There is a group of happy people seated at the balcony and from afar I can tell they are enjoying the view of Manhattan. They take me back to when we only had one employee who ended up leaving us as we could not pay him on time. Now, we have more than fifty employees who enjoy and would not want to part with us after today.

As I watch everybody happy, I see how far we have come from and how much we have accomplished. Global enrichment Consultancy is here to consult you on the issues related to your business and how to increase it. We are here to train your employees on anything related to HR and auditing. As the big moments waits to open our offices officially, I can only feel so overwhelmed because of what I am seeing. After so many years of trying to rise and falling, we finally made it. As I said earlier, if you come across the name Global Enrichment Consultancy, do not just ignore. Take the contacts available and reach us. Here we offer quality services, friendly environment and we have the best team to assist you. Lastly, I would like to challenge all people and Organizations represented here by telling them, if you are not with us, you are nowhere. To attain your vision, you must be artistic (Hayes, 1995).


HAYES, B. H. (1955). The Naked Truth and Personal Vision. A discussion about the length of the artistic road. [With illustrations.]. Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy: Andover, Mass.

Onne, E., & Israel. (1983). Personal Vision: Works by contemporary Israeli photographers, Zamir, Frydlender, Maestro ... [et al.]. Jerusalem: Cultural and Scientific Relations Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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