Global Terrorism: An Urgent Need for Effective Measures - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-08-26
Global Terrorism: An Urgent Need for Effective Measures - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Terrorism
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1235 words
11 min read


With countries becoming more modernized, terrorism attacks have risen globally. This number creates an undoubted urgency for addressing such violent extremism. Different international efforts of repressing terrorism had heralded but are not effective in handling the issues. Dhillon and Mama-Rudd (2016) suggest that the main problems that resulted from this phenomenon are the failure to find coherent measures of alleviating these threats. The privation of understanding regarding the magnitude of this issue has caused governments and institutions to apply quick solutions with anecdotal proofs. These attempts have thus been bewildered by more attacks and the unsolved debates around the question.

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The institutional disorderliness significantly adds to domestic and international terrorism threats. As such, civil liberties obliged to find the best measures of countering extremism have failed to act. No system appears to be equipped to deal with this issue, but they end up providing violent solutions. This insufficient response makes terrorism less likely to end in the country of origin. The miscarried moves generate more attacks and grievances on the target country.

Political Grievances

Initially, terrorism was posited in the context of guerrilla warfare and insurgency, a type of well-organized public violence from a non-state group or army. Individuals, political groups, and private abortion bombers often choose radicalism as a way of correcting whatever they recognize as socially, historically, r politically dissolute. During such troubles, the groups can wage ongoing violent campaigns against the other side, pursuing political powers. History has confirmed that political affairs are the most potent influence of domestic and international violence. This corporation involves banding together the public into forcing a solution that does not result in the right political motives. The groups end up demanding for their civil and human rights in their national home or land, by fighting the extent of injustice enforced unto them. The grievances of the oppressed and deprived groups are unheard terrorism becomes the concept of their reactions. The public goes through brutal attacks as others seek to gain political places under the sun or even occupying their land.

Ideological Causes

Individual-centric and structuralist accounts are not conjointly exclusive. From the overall indeterminacy of terrorism, at most, public experiences of religious beliefs combine with psychological characters.

Ideology makes human beings to become sensible of the surrounding world and get armed with values or understandings in relationships. History communicates that philosophy interacts with other factors differently to produce diverse outcomes (Taufiq, 2017). In the past decades, specific explanations of some religious writings have birthed thoughts that provide meaning to people to glorify violent acts as logical activities. Some manifest through propagation, and fewer cases induce individuals to embark on personal actions or join organizations that allow doing so.

The roles ideology play adds complication to the purported relationship between terrorism and religion. The religious communities quickly distance and defend their groups from conceptual variants preaching violence. Now the most heard collective refrain is that radicalism does not have a religion.

The reaction is understandable because many believers never desire their beliefs or themselves to be linked to such heinous deeds.

However, religion, like any social and divine phenomenon, is a practice of human beings, so it has its part in all the moral successes and failings.

Following its prevalent nature, as well as the acceptability given to it from the human groups, it forms the central aspect of various created ideologies, including the violent and peaceful ones. Someone who buys into any ideology derived the individual, communal, and world sense from the interpretation. Beyond these, overlooking the central roles of thinking on violent arguments becomes paramount. Doctrines from the justifications from terrorist's selection of target by suppling the initial motives for the actions and also providing a prism for viewing the events as a justification of their violence.

The Immigrant Factor

Refugees in various countries live in the most populated and most mediocre spots. Some individuals live in war zones underemployment with continuous forms of suppression including house demolition, killings, bombing, assassination, collective punishment, as well as economic and political sanctions. Children end up being orphaned and also living in poverty due to the resulting violence. Taufiq (2017) noted that at a young age, the youths become introduced into force either by the military career. This freedom draws these young people to start participating in insurgency through unrest against terror and other states to end injustice.

The violence has its roots in the prevailing rates of poverty, hatred, humiliation, and the despondent living conditions in various refugee camps. Radical nationalist and religious leaders reinforce the poor by creating immoral causes of eradicating poverty. For example, the masses end up being mobilized into joining the popular resistance groups aiming to achieve the goals for liberation and power. Supporting these people in this struggle to find freedom produce loyalists set to secure their citizens and cause through violent means.

Figure 1 The global spread of terrorism activities.

Proposed Solutions to Domestic and International Terrorism

The right tools to engage in this long-standing violent practice come when the focus is put on encouraging 'human growth' and not only economic development in the countries with favorable economic, social, and political conditions fomenting extremism.

Establishing Terrorism Statutes

The first suggested answer to this incongruence between national crimes from radicalism and other modern forms of violence is to make terrorism statutes that increase investigative as well as prosecutorial powers. But the new laws must focus on equalizing resources and priorities between international and domestic terrorist threats. Taufiq (2017) posited that it is likely that enhancing law execution to probe political groups with interest in preventing radicalism would cause little to none problematic, civically driven prosecutions. Of course, the level of efforts granted determines the language and reach of the drafted statute. The central concept in such laws should be criminalizing any similar conducts and events, whether it exceeds national borders or not, to situations where these actions are committed concerning the intent of engaging in terrorism.

These measures must be at the core of countries efforts in tackling the issue of terrorism at large. Ideally, all states should relatively deal with such practices at the national level and also frequently attempt to do that at the international level. In both instances providing quite wide-ranging and intrusive powers to the authorities is instrumental in forestalling and pre-empting terrorist activities.

Universal Control

Even though states tend to focus on establishing new accord regimes, some sources and powers of jurisdiction are available within regular must exercise authority over all terrorist crimes committed within their territory or against its nationals (Dhillon & Mama-Rudd, 2016). However, these acts being questioned have potential equivalents making it hard to distinguish between terrorism and piracy. It is key that appropriate management practices and human right principles be implemented.

Nations must be secure, safe, and adequately resourced to ensure its citizens are treated with humane by showing respect to their human rights as per the international standards. Developing constructive relationships, regardless of the emerging differences in personal backgrounds, is crucial in complementing security measures rather than putting intervention efforts. These conditions help streamline all offenders who see any states as an enemy.


Dhillon, S., & Mama-Rudd, A. (2016). Human Rights and Counter-Terrorism. Research Process, International Journal of Social Research Foundation, 4(2), 1-13.

Taufiq, M. (2017). Ideal Condition of The Criminal Justice System In An Effort To Deradicalize The Criminal Act Of Terrorism To Achieve Substantial Justice. De'rechtsstaat, 3(2), 161-172.

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