Essay Sample on Hannah Arendt's Political Message on Revolution

Published: 2023-03-15
Essay Sample on Hannah Arendt's Political Message on Revolution
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Politics Revolution Books
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1817 words
16 min read

Hannah Arendt contributed to political growth in our society by writing a book known as on revolution. In her, she compares the two main revolutions during the 18th century, which comprised of American and French revolution. There are several political messages that Hannah spoke about in her book on revolution. The political messages include freedom and equality, Performance and self-discovery, civil republicanism, democracy, public freedom and public and private (Arendt, 2017). Hannah's work had a significant impact on the current political, social and even economic growth of our society. Therefore in this study, Hannah's political message will be discussed and analyzed concerning its relevance in our current society.

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The similarity between Freedom and Equality

Freedom and equality make an essential factor in the growth and stability of a productive society. However, Arendt also took part in the growth and establishment of public freedom and equality in her book on revolution. According to Arendt, everybody is naturally equal in our society. Her opinion, however, draws an enormous conclusion that every person is mandated in handling the office services without fear or favour in the community. The artificial political spaces was an effective system; according to Arendt, this system allows all men and women to freely participate in any political discussion and policies without fear or favour. Arendt was championing of the society "where men connect as citizens but not as a private person." (Cane, 2015). Arendt's also stated that equal opportunity gives everybody the power to advocate for his or her rights in society.

Equal political space will give the tyrant, the master and the slaves a corresponding right in advocating for their rights and democracy in society. Arendt's book on revolution highlighted how freedom and equality played out in the French and United States revolution incidents. The book heightened some of the essential factors that contributed to the emergence of democracy and equity of the social system.

Politics as self-discovery and Performance

Self-discovery and Performance in politics allow the members of the public to understand the right leader who is suitable for a given position. Arendt advocated for a change in public life on what should be done when the people can change their common selfish interests by doing what is right for others. Leaders, according to Arendt, should focus on their Performance in the society rather than involving in unnecessary activities. On the revolution, Arendt's stated that political competition is healthy, especially when it is drawn in transforming the lifestyle of the public at large. She also noted the members of the people have a mandate to judge, discuss, and analyze the management qualities of their workers in the organization setup." (Cane, 2015). According to Arendt's Performance and self-discovery gives the ordinary citizen a chance to advocate for their rights and responsibility in society. With the freedom of speech, the members of the public will be in an active position to advocate for their rights and accountability in the community without fear or favour. "Freedom needs a place where people could come together, the agora, the market place and the political space proper." (Disch, 2011).

Civil Republicanism

According to Arendt's, politics should be a source of happiness and self-discovery. All the members of the society should be happy irrespective of their race, religion, tribe, culture and gender on their own political system in the country (King, 2011). Politics is an intrinsic good on happiness, democracy and peace on the members of the public in general. In various instances, most leaders have used the political tool as a means of dictating and diminishing the lives of society. A valid government, according to Arendt, should be at the forefront in creating an effective plan in expanding and controlling the lives of the members of the public.

Arendt states that in the French and United States revolution, governments were operating for the cost affects the members of the public. Politics and governments are some of the expenses the members of the people must pay to receive their benefit. The liberalism gives the people to be aware of the roles of the government systems in the country. According to Arendt, an individual should be in a position where he or she has the liberty to state his position on whatever he likes in his life. The government has a huge mandate to control a liberal system in our community. However, Arendt sees politics as benefits, whereas the government as a space that allows politics to take place.

Everyone Should Participate

According to the civil republic system, politics was made to only serve a specific particular scenario in life. Politics was believed to possess the highest value in the social structure. Politics should be a value that should be enjoyed by all people in the society irrespective of their colour race and qualities in the social structure. Arendt also stated that those who have the taste of the public freed could not be happy without the act of civil freedom in society. When society is developed in a culture of liberty where all individuals can participate in the activities, this will boost the morale of the citizen's ability to take part in the leadership position.

Arendt stated that freedom of speech frees individuals in becoming whatever they want with their lives in society. Freedom of politics was not granted to the members of the public during the United States and French revolution. This scenario led to a public revolution among the members of the public, a factor that changed the political landscape (King, 2011). Arendt was advocates for equal political shares to all people irrespective of their position in general. In her book on revolution, he stated that individual freedom is granted when they are allowed to participate in political activities in the society.

Keeping Public Freedom Alive

Public freedom is one of the essential factors in the political structure of the country. Members of the public will be in a position to give their grievances and look for possible solutions for the challenges in society. Arendt stated that institutions should be developed by the government to change the perspective of the citizens on the freedom of the political state. The revolution system will advocates for equality among the members of the public standards. Other systems advocate for the creation of an equality system in the organization. Stated that other domains were created to advocates for peaceful coexistence among the members of the public. Keeping public freedom alive was compromised by most of the leaders who were advocating for equality and love in society.

Private and Public

Arendt is a true defender for the republican transformation in the public system structure. On the other hand, he advocates for a total renovation of democratic and liberal society structure. In some instances, Arendt opposes the rule that sidelines the members of the public from one another in society. The book on revolution was a book that was written in advocating for the rights of the members of the public in the society (King, 2011). The private domain should not affect operations in the public sector in our community system. On the other hand, Arendt stated that public and private places should both advocate for equality in the social structure.

Hannah Arendt Opinion Impact Current Society

According to Arendt's opinion, he advocated for freedom and equality for all irrespective of an individual race, gender, ethnic and economic background. After the reading of the American and French revolution, there are certain factors that can be related to our current society. Arendt's opinion was a very significant factor in the transformation of the political system in our community currently. Some of the impacts of Arendt's statement include the change of freedom and equality, Performance and self-discovery, civic republicanism, should everyone participate, keeping the freedom alive and private and public comment.

Freedom and Equality

Hannah Arendt's book on revolution advocated for the freedom and equality of all people in society. In her statement, she stated that liberty and justice is an effective factor in our community. However, Arendt's opinion on freedom and equality plays an essential role in the development of the current social system. Most of the countries deployed the freedom and equality policy through the introduction of amendments that represents the rights of every person in the country. All members of the society were, however, treated with the respect that they deserve irrespective of their race, colour, ethnicity and gender. The members of the community also embraced the Arendt system and created trade unions that are currently advocating for their freedom of speech and equality.

According to Arendt, everybody is naturally equal in our society. Her opinion, however, draws an enormous conclusion that every person is mandated in handling the office services without fear or favour in the community. The artificial political spaces was an effective system; according to Arendt, this system allows all men and women to freely participate in any political discussion and policies without fear or favour. Arendt was championing of the society "where men connect as citizens but not as a private person." (Cane, 2015). Arendt's also stated that equal opportunity gives everybody the power to advocate for his or her rights in society.

However, the survey that was done indicated that many countries had deployed the Arendt system through the introduction of a democratic system of governance. In today's society, there emerged a humanity based institution that advocates for equality and freedom for all the employees in the organization. The members of the public have been enlightened to advocate for their rights in society. The political leaders in the current community practice Arendt policy by preaching love, freedom and equality for all. Hannah's plans also transformed the political stability of most countries since people cold live in love, unity and freedom. The justice sector has deployed the Arendt policy, a factor that has made the judiciary arm to transform its services to all the members of the public.

Performance and Self-discovery

Politics, according to Arendt, was to be viewed as a form of self-discovery and Performance. However, Arendt opinion has transformed the political landscape in the current society. The members of the public are today aware of their rights and the best leaders who should represent their interests in the community. For instance, during the election period, the members of the public focus on the Performance of the leaders based on particular positions they are elected in. Secondly, politicians who were awarded any views should ensure that they give their best shot in leadership positions. Politic, according to Arendt, should develop a self-discovery face to the eyes of the public citizens. In today's society, citizens have self-discovered their potentials in the community. As a leader, self-discovery plays a critical role in transforming the vision of the leader in an organization. A leader who has rediscovered themselves will be in a position to understand the right thing to be done in the political landscape of a given country.

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