How to Make a Small Talk - Free Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-28
How to Make a Small Talk - Free Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Social psychology Communication skills
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 463 words
4 min read


In case you are in the middle of small talk, the first thing you ought to do is reduce anxiety. The best way to lower tension is to remain positive and rational. Being purposeful when approaching a small talk is also important. When you get into small talk with a preconceived mindset that it will be dull, there is a high chance that it will be dull. Conversely, you should show genuine interest in the topic and offer a listening ear to the other party. Genuine interest invites further discussion.

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There is no apology without the words “I am sorry.” These two magic words should be the first words to offset a conversation when one asks for an apology. The words are crucial because they express the element of remorse. Through remorse, the offended party truly feels that you are sincerely sorry for your actions. Besides, timeliness is of much essence; as soon as you realize you have erred someone, you should immediately seek for an apology. The following step is to admit responsibility and later make amends by ensuring everything is back to normalcy. The final step is to promise that what transpired will not happen again. (Bridges, 2019)


When giving a compliment, your tone and body language play an essential part in how the message will be received. With specificity, directly face the person to be complimented and address them by name. You can now compliment the person in a genuine manner of their achievement or breakthrough. It is also necessary to smile since it portrays how happy you are for that person. On the other, when receiving a comment, the easy, and honest way to receive it is with sincere gratitude. If you also want to acknowledge the success of others, feel free to share but do not counter someone's compliment with another compliment. Lastly, you can give more information about the acknowledgment but do not downplay the compliments of others.


If you are an introvert, the best way to go about a small talk is by asking questions (Park, 2015). Questions often intrigue conversations and also assist one to turn attention away from themselves. Finally, you should possess a positive and welcoming tone to give room for future interactions.


Bridges, F. (2019, April 30). How To Make A Good Apology. Forbes.

Park, C. (2015, March 30). An Introvert's Guide to Small Talk: Eight Painless Tips. Forbes.

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