Human Integrity: Its Value in Nursing and Biblical Perspective - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-14
Human Integrity: Its Value in Nursing and Biblical Perspective - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing Buddhism Christianity Bible
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1811 words
16 min read


The concept of human integrity consists of a final and consequent value that is highly regarded compared to other values, particularly in the nursing field. This perspective about integrity is constant with religious perspectives through which the specific value is perceived as the natural or the final value of every person. In the Bible, human integrity is perceived as an emphasized issue-based belief as seen especially in the book of Genesis 2: 7 and 3: 24. Despite the expected difficulty in upholding the principle of human integrity because of the impact of external factors, the leadership of the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics guarantees that the value is maintained and actualized in hospitals under all conditions. Suffices to say, it is apparent that the ANA Code of Ethics has a direct connection to the book of Genesis chapters 2: 7 and 3: 24 based on the roles of nurses as far as providing care and enhancing the idea of patient integrity is concerned.

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Brief Overview of the Biblical Story of Adam and Eve

As seen in the Bible, the story of Adam and Eve principally trails the causes of sin. From the story, God initially created the earth, and everything in it before He embarked on creating the first man on earth, Adam. After gaining satisfaction with His creation, God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden and directed him to eat from the various trees in it except the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life. God noticed that Adam was lonely and decided to create a partner out of his rib. God then created Eve, a woman. Food was plenty and free at the time in the garden where the two now lived and they ate everything in it as instructed by God. Furthermore, the Bible describes God’s work on the Garden of Eden as considerably beautiful. Everything in it, both plants and animals lived in harmony with one another independent of their disparities until the day the devil accessed it. Satan entered the garden as a serpent and persuaded Eve to go against God’s will and eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. The devil lied to Eve that by doing so, she would be like God and become immortal.

Convinced by the lie, Eve took the fruit, ate it, and took some to Adam who also ate it in total disregard of God’s wish. The Bible states that they indeed became knowledgeable thereafter as both of their eyes became open. This suggests that before that, they were unaware of the aspects of good and evil, consequently becoming aware that they were naked and ashamed of it. Given that both were now aware of the particular perspectives, they immediately understood that they had committed an act of sin against God. Hence when God came out looking for them, they went into hiding to try and conceal the truth from Him. Be that as it may, after finding them, the shame expressed in their faces was proof that they had disobeyed and sinned against God. God eventually cursed and exiled both Adam and Eve, as well as the serpent out of the Garden of Eden.

Description of the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics

The ANA Code of Ethics is a conclusive structure specifically designed for registered nurses in the U.S. to aid them in making decisions and ethical assessments while working at all levels applicable. The Code consists of nine exclusive sections. According to the American Nurses Association (2015), the code is involved in the provision of a compact articulation of the moral obligations, values, and roles of each individual that aspires to be a nurse. Thusly, as per Chitty Kittrell (2004), the Code likewise acts as the constant ethical standard for the whole nursing field by expressing the profession’s remarkable comprehension and cognizance of its devotion to the society. Regarding the referenced points, the ANA Code of Ethics is explicitly helpful in today’s healthcare setting because it puts weight on the crucial roles and values of the registered nurses as witnessed in the first, second, and third provisions. What's more, the individual structure distinguishes the fringes of commitment and unwaveringness (as recognized in the fourth, fifth, and 6th arrangement). Moreover, the ANA Code of Ethics offers an appropriate depiction of a nurse’s obligations and commitments, particularly those that move past patient experiences (American Nurses Association, 2015).

The ANA Code of Ethics is a certifiable proclamation that prevails with regards to showing the endeavors that medical caretakers consistently experience as far as giving care to their patients is concerned while fulfilling their expert and ethical commitments. According to the American Nurses Association (2015), provisions 1, 2 and 3 highlight the proof of empathy and nobility that medical attendants maintain for each individual, their commitment to care, and the role they accept in upholding for the patient's privacy, rights, and wellbeing Moreover, provisions 4, 5 and 6 spotlights on the attendant's duty and authority while giving care, the replications of her obligations to other people, and the foundation of the working environment's moral setting and working conditions (American Nurses Association, 2015). Finally, provisions 7, 8 and 9 emphasizes the medical caretaker's support towards the progression of the profession in research and development, a joint effort with other driving experts in the provision of medicinal services, protection of patients’ rights, articulation of nursing values and principles, upholding professional integrity, and the blend of social equity in health and nursing policies (American Nurses Association, 2015).

The link between the ANA Code of Ethics to Genesis 2: 7 and 3: 24

The ANA Code of Ethics and the Bible verses of Genesis 2: 7 and 3: 24 share a common connection. The first verse, Genesis 2: 7 links to the idea of nurse maintaining patient dignity grounded on its stress on God’s provision of life to human beings. The verse states, "And the LORD God first created man from dust, and breathed in life to him through the nostrils” (Gen 2: 7). From the verse, it is obvious that every single individual possesses life, which merits protection and safety as stated in the first provision of the ANA Code (American Nurses Association, 2015). According to O’Mathuna (2011), the provision of care consists of an ethical disposition that shows the degree to which individuals can acknowledge each other's ends to embrace or support them. Hence, as argued by Miller (2012), a nurse capable of contemplating and knowing a patient’s position can complete underwriting of the person's dignity in his or her specific setting.

Genesis 3: 24, generally focuses again on the creation of Adam and Eve and the punishment bestowed on them after eating the forbidden fruit. The verse states that “God placed cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth on the east side of the Garden of Eden to guard the way to the tree of life after He drove Adam and Eve out of the garden” (Gen 3: 24). According to O’Mathuna (2011), this verse promptly recognizes that despite being sinful, humans have innate nobility since they establish God's creation. The idea of dignity, as expressed in the verse, highlights the first provision of the ANA Code. As per the American Nurses Association (2015), the provision expresses that medical caretakers are expected to partake in their obligations and commitments with empathy just as inborn respect, worth, and select characteristics of each person. In this regard, medical caretakers are required to maintain the dignity of their patient at all costs by ensuring that they do their best to preserve life and provide care equitably with no type of preference, predisposition, carelessness, or inadequacy as shown in the fifth provision of the ANA Code of Ethics (American Nurses Association, 2015).

Christians have faith in the heavenly motivation, uprightness, and final authority of the Bible as God’s Word (Chitty Kittrell, 2004). In essence, the Bible should be the reference point of all Christian medical ethics. We follow the command and example of Jesus by asserting the power of the Word. Moreover, we accept that in His Word, God has benevolently furnished us with the standards important to influence our ethical decision choices. Ethical issues such as the sensitiveness of Jehovah’s Witnesses to blood transfusion treatment can be derived from principles found in the Bible since they are not taught.

Also, our moral viewpoints are guided by the Holy Spirit and enhanced by the lessons of Christian convention, ethical thinking, and clinical experience. As explained earlier, the conditions of each case must be considered to find the ethical issues raised, yet we do not acknowledge such ways of thinking as moral relativism, situational morals, utilitarianism, or mindless legalism. God expressed that the weightier matters of the law are equity, leniency, and confidence in Him.

Finally, the respectability of good choices lays on the reasonable utilization of biblical principles. We recognize, be that as it may, that earnest Christians may vary in their translation and use of these standards. Patients or their supporters, families, and clinicians are ethically liable for their activities. On the other hand, we, as nurses, are answerable to God since we care for our fellow ailing human beings.


The Biblical tale of Adam and Eve explains the occasions that prompted the first man and woman to get into sin based on their act disobedience against God. However, God still embraced and cared for them regardless of their sin and evicting them from the Garden of Eden. The verses of Genesis 2: 7 and 3: 24 outline the degree to which God allowed respect to people by 'breathing life' into them and building up to them in His image. Furthermore, the stress on human life in the respective verses reflects the ANA Code of Ethics, particularly regarding the first provision. Provision 1 of the ANA Code of Ethics emphasizes the recognition of human dignity and the value of every patient by a nurse.


American Nurses Association. (2001). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Nursesbooks. org. Retrieved from,+D.+C.:+American+Nurses+Publishing.+&ots=ezdzgJ9ysN&sig=ktJbTQpQZF5Q9G7PNLFGrCCJb4U

Chitty Kittrell, K. (2004). Professional Nursing: Concepts and Challenges.

Miller, S. C. (2012). The ethics of need: Agency, dignity, and obligation. New York, NY: Routledge. Retrieved from,+S.+C.+(2012).+The+ethics+of+need:+Agency,+dignity,+and+obligation.+New+York,+NY:+Routledge.+&ots=S0Nrlylb7O&sig=lZauLXllvcT_VGqd7B3xpHQAcKg

O’Mathuna, D. P. (2011). The place of dignity in everyday ethics. Journal of Christian Nursing, 28(1), 12-18. Retrieved from

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